像 Awesome-Go 同樣提高企業 Go 項目代碼質量

原文發佈於個人我的網站: GitDiG.com, 原文連接: 像 Awesome-Go 同樣提高企業 Go 項目代碼質量.

1. Awesome-Go 項目


Make sure that you've checked the boxes below before you submit PR:git

  • [ ] I have added my package in alphabetical order.
  • [ ] I have an appropriate description with correct grammar.
  • [ ] I know that this package was not listed before.
  • [ ] I have added godoc link to the repo and to my pull request.
  • [ ] I have added coverage service link to the repo and to my pull request.
  • [ ] I have added goreportcard link to the repo and to my pull request.
  • [ ] I have read Contribution guidelines, maintainers note and Quality standard.




代碼審查 Code Review,程序員本能就是抵制的。我也不列外,可是不少事即便開始抵制,一旦嘗試過,就再也停不下來。代碼審查Code Review屬此類。web

經過參與awesome-go項目和實際的Code Review實踐,能夠得出:一個 Go 項目的優劣至少在編譯期就能夠做出初步判斷,而判斷標準就是如下兩項:bash

  • 靜態代碼審查的經過率
  • 單元測試的代碼覆蓋率

2. 企業Go項目代碼審查

一樣在企業內部也遇到相同的問題,面對開發人員能力水平的良莠不齊以及各類Freestyle的代碼風格, 大大增長了企業 Go 項目的維護難度。指定一套標準規範,同時將其固化到 CI 過程,是很是必要的。app


2.1 代碼審查神器: golangci-lint

經過收集篩選,靜態代碼審查工具選擇golangci-lint項目。該項目的使用者包括了衆多國際大廠: google、facebook、 IBM 等等。其可用性已經被充分的驗證過了。dom

2.1.1 審查分類



$: golangci-lint help linters
Linters presets:
bugs: bodyclose, errcheck, gosec, govet, scopelint, staticcheck, typecheck
complexity: gocyclo, nakedret
format: gofmt, goimports
performance: bodyclose, maligned, prealloc
style: depguard, dupl, gochecknoglobals, gochecknoinits, goconst, gocritic, golint, gosimple, interfacer, lll, misspell, stylecheck, unconvert
unused: deadcode, ineffassign, structcheck, unparam, unused, varcheck


  • bodyclose - checks whether HTTP response body is closed successfully
  • errcheck - Errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in go programs. These unchecked errors can be critical bugs in some cases
  • gosec - Inspects source code for security problems
  • govet - Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string
  • scopelint - Scopelint checks for unpinned variables in go programs
  • staticcheck - Staticcheck is a go vet on steroids, applying a ton of static analysis checks
  • typecheck - Like the front-end of a Go compiler, parses and type-checks Go code
  • gocyclo - Computes and checks the cyclomatic complexity of functions
  • nakedret - Finds naked returns in functions greater than a specified function length
  • gofmt - Gofmt checks whether code was gofmt-ed. By default this tool runs with -s option to check for code simplification
  • goimports - Goimports does everything that gofmt does. Additionally it checks unused imports
  • bodyclose - checks whether HTTP response body is closed successfully
  • maligned - Tool to detect Go structs that would take less memory if their fields were sorted
  • prealloc - Finds slice declarations that could potentially be preallocated
  • golint - Golint differs from gofmt. Gofmt reformats Go source code, whereas golint prints out style mistakes
  • stylecheck - Stylecheck is a replacement for golint
  • interfacer - Linter that suggests narrower interface types
  • unconvert - Remove unnecessary type conversions
  • dupl - Tool for code clone detection
  • goconst - Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant
  • depguard - Go linter that checks if package imports are in a list of acceptable packages
  • misspell - Finds commonly misspelled English words in comments
  • lll - Reports long lines
  • gosimple - Linter for Go source code that specializes in simplifying a code
  • gocritic - The most opinionated Go source code linter
  • gochecknoinits - Checks that no init functions are present in Go code
  • gochecknoglobals - Checks that no globals are present in Go code
  • deadcode - Finds unused code
  • ineffassign - Detects when assignments to existing variables are not used
  • structcheck - Finds unused struct fields
  • unparam - Reports unused function parameters
  • unused - Checks Go code for unused constants, variables, functions and types
  • varcheck - Finds unused global variables and constants

2.1.2 推薦配置

linter具體功能分類,在進行ci的過程當中, 配置以下:

  • [x] 代碼BUG
  • [x] 代碼複雜度
  • [x] 代碼格式化
  • [x] 代碼性能
  • [ ] 代碼風格
  • [ ] 無用代碼

勾選是必選項,非勾選按實際狀況進行配置。具體如何配置,能夠參考 .golangci.example.yml


# 項目目錄下查詢具體啓用的linters設置
$: golangci-lint linters


2.1.3 CI集成

集成到企業 Go 項目的 CI 中就很簡單,在每一個項目的構建過程當中,增長如下命令便可:

# 項目目錄下
$: golangci-lint run

2.2 測試覆蓋率審查


2.2.1 測試覆蓋率

Go 1.2 版本就已經提供了代碼測試覆蓋率的工具。具體操做以下:

# 項目總體測試覆蓋率, 以 github.com/x-mod/routine 項目爲例
$: go test -cover github.com/x-mod/routine | awk '{print $4 " " $5}'
coverage: 83.0%


# 測試覆蓋率詳情
cover () {
  go test $COVERFLAGS -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -func=$t && unlink $t

# 測試覆蓋率詳情 web方式查看
cover-web() {
  go test $COVERFLAGS -coverprofile=$t $@ && go tool cover -html=$t && unlink $t

具體測試覆蓋率詳情cover-web github.com/x-mod/routine, 效果如圖:


命令行效果,讀者能夠本身測試一下 cover github.com/x-mod/routine

2.2.3 CI集成

如何集成到 CI 流程,也很簡單了,只須要作一件事: 設置好測試覆蓋率的經過值,比對項目的測試覆蓋率的值。簡單提供一下取值比較的腳本函數:

  cover $@ | grep ^total | awk '{print $3}' | awk -F. '{print $1}'

  val=$(cover-val $@)
  if [ $cmp -gt  $num ]; then
    echo "coverage insufficient."
    return 1
  return 0


# 覆蓋率 > 60%
$: cover-cmp 60 github.com/x-mod/routine ; echo $?

# 覆蓋率 > 90%
$: cover-cmp 90 github.com/x-mod/routine ; echo $?
coverage insuffient.

# Go 項目路徑 
$: cover-cmp 60 ./...

具體腳本可參考: liujianping/oh-my-zsh/plugins/alias.
更多文章能夠關注個人我的BLOG: GitDiG.com.

3 參考連接
