上篇咱們介紹了distributed pub/sub消息傳遞機制。這是在同一個集羣內的消息共享機制:發佈者(publisher)和訂閱者(subscriber)都在同一個集羣的節點上,全部節點上的DistributedPubSubMediator經過集羣內部的溝通機制在底層構建了消息流通渠道。在actor pub/sub層面能夠實現對象位置透明化。在現實裏不少前端都會做爲某個集羣的客戶端但又與集羣分離,又或者兩個獨立的集羣之間可能會發生交互關係,這是也會出現客戶端與服務端不在同一集羣內的狀況,ClusterClient就是爲集羣外部actor與集羣內部actor進行溝通的解決方案。html
咱們能夠把集羣客戶端模式分紅集羣客戶端ClusterClient和集羣服務端ClusterClientReceptionist,從字面理解這就是個接待員這麼個角色,負責接待集羣外客戶端發起的服務請求。在集羣全部節點上(或者選定角色role)都部署ClusterClientReceptionist,它們都與本節點的DistributedPubSubMediator對接組成更上一層的消息訂閱方,ClusterClient與ClusterClientReceptionist的對接又組成了一種統一集羣環境能夠實現上集所討論的distributed pub/sub機制。java
ClusterClient就是消息發佈方,它是在目標集羣以外機器上的某個actor。這個機器上的actor若是須要向集羣內部actor發送消息能夠經過這個機器上的ClusterClient actor與集羣內的ClusterClientReceptionist搭建的通道向集羣內某個ClusterClientReceptionist鏈接的DistributedPubSubMediator所登記的actor進行消息發送。因此使用集羣客戶端的機器必須在本機啓動ClusterClient服務(運行這個actor),這是通信橋樑的一端。node
ClusterClient在啓動時用預先配置的地址(contact points)與ClusterClientReceptionist鏈接,而後經過ClusterClientReceptionist發佈的聯絡點清單來維護內部的對接點清單,能夠進行持久化,在發生系統重啓時用這個名單來與集羣鏈接。一旦鏈接,ClusterClient會監控對方運行狀況,自動進行具體ClusterClientReceiptionist的替換。ClusterClient發佈消息是包嵌在三種結構裏的:mongodb
//註冊服務A val serviceA = system.actorOf(Props[Service], "serviceA") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(serviceA) //註冊服務B val serviceB = system.actorOf(Props[Service], "serviceB") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(serviceB)
val client = system.actorOf(ClusterClient.props( ClusterClientSettings(system).withInitialContacts(initialContacts)), "client") client ! ClusterClient.Send("/user/serviceA", DoThis, localAffinity = true) client ! ClusterClient.SendToAll("/user/serviceB", DoThat)
下面咱們就經過一個簡單的例子來進行示範。先設計兩個服務actor:Cat,Dog 。假設它們會提供不一樣的叫聲做爲服務吧:
class Cat extends Actor with ActorLogging { //使用pub/sub方式設置 val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator override def preStart() = { mediator ! Subscribe("Shout", self) super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case "Shout" => log.info("*******I am a cat, MIAOM ...******") } } class Dog extends Actor with ActorLogging { //使用pub/sub方式設置 val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator override def preStart() = { mediator ! Subscribe("Shout", self) super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case "Shout" => log.info("*****I am a dog, WANG WANG...*****") } }
object Cat { def props = Props[Cat] def create(port: Int): ActorSystem = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem",config) val catSound = system.actorOf(props,"CatSound") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(catSound) system } } object Dog { def props = Props(new Dog) def create(port: Int): ActorSystem = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem",config) val dogSound = system.actorOf(props,"DogSound") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(dogSound) system } }
akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off akka.log-dead-letters = off akka { loglevel = INFO extensions = ["akka.cluster.client.ClusterClientReceptionist"] actor { provider = "cluster" serializers { java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer" proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer" } serialization-bindings { "java.lang.String" = java "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" = proto } } remote { log-remote-lifecycle-events = off netty.tcp { hostname = "" port = 0 } } cluster { seed-nodes = [ "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@"] log-info = off } }
object PetHouse extends App { val sysCat = Cat.create(2551) val sysDog = Dog.create(2552) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() sysCat.terminate() sysDog.terminate() }
完成了在2551,2552節點上的Cat,Dog actor構建及ClusterClientReceptionist.registerService服務登記。如今看看客戶端:
object PetClient extends App { val conf = ConfigFactory.load("client") val clientSystem = ActorSystem("ClientSystem",conf) /* 從 conf 文件裏讀取 contact-points 地址 val initialContacts = immutableSeq(conf.getStringList("contact-points")).map { case AddressFromURIString(addr) ⇒ RootActorPath(addr) / "system" / "receptionist" }.toSet */ //先放一個contact-point, 系統會自動增長其它的點 val initialContacts = Set( ActorPaths.fromString("akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@") ) val clusterClient = clientSystem.actorOf( ClusterClient.props( ClusterClientSettings(clientSystem) .withInitialContacts(initialContacts)), "petClient") clusterClient ! Send("/user/CatSound","Shout",localAffinity = true) clusterClient ! Send("/user/DogSound","Shout",localAffinity = true) println(s"sent shout messages ...") scala.io.StdIn.readLine() clusterClient ! Publish("Shout","Shout") println(s"publish shout messages ...") scala.io.StdIn.readLine() clientSystem.terminate(); }
akka { actor.provider = remote remote.netty.tcp.port= 2553 remote.netty.tcp.hostname= } contact-points = [ "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@", "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@"]
[12/08/2018 09:32:51.432] [ClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-17] [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] *******I am a cat, MIAOM ...****** [INFO] [12/08/2018 09:32:51.435] [ClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-19] [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] *****I am a dog, WANG WANG...***** [INFO] [12/08/2018 09:33:44.113] [ClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] *******I am a cat, MIAOM ...****** [INFO] [12/08/2018 09:33:44.113] [ClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-23] [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] *****I am a dog, WANG WANG...*****
package petsound import akka.actor._ import akka.cluster.client._ class ClientListener(clusterClient: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { override def preStart(): Unit = { clusterClient ! SubscribeContactPoints super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case ContactPoints(cps) => cps.map {ap => log.info(s"*******ContactPoints:${ap.address.toString}******")} case ContactPointAdded(cp) => log.info(s"*******ContactPointAdded: ${cp.address.toString}*******") case ContactPointRemoved(cp) => log.info(s"*******ContactPointRemoved: ${cp.address.toString}*******") } } class ReceptionistListener(receptionist: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { override def preStart(): Unit = { receptionist ! SubscribeClusterClients super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case ClusterClients(cs) => cs.map{aref => println(s"*******ClusterClients: ${aref.path.address.toString}*******")} case ClusterClientUp(cc) => log.info(s"*******ClusterClientUp: ${cc.path.address.toString}*******") case ClusterClientUnreachable(cc) => log.info(s"*******ClusterClientUnreachable: ${cc.path.address.toString}*******") } }
val receptionist = ClusterClientReceptionist(system).underlying system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReceptionistListener],receptionist),"cat-event-listner") val receptionist = ClusterClientReceptionist(system).underlying system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReceptionistListener],receptionist),"dog-event-listner") val clusterClient = clientSystem.actorOf( ClusterClient.props( ClusterClientSettings(clientSystem) .withInitialContacts(initialContacts)), "petClient") clientSystem.actorOf(Props(classOf[ClientListener],clusterClient),"client-event-listner")
[INFO] [12/09/2018 09:42:40.838] [ClientSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [akka.tcp://ClientSystem@] *******ContactPoints:akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@****** [INFO] [12/09/2018 09:42:40.947] [ClientSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] [akka.tcp://ClientSystem@] *******ContactPointAdded: akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@******* [INFO] [12/09/2018 09:42:40.967] [ClientSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-15] [akka.tcp://ClientSystem@] Connected to [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] [INFO] [12/09/2018 09:42:40.979] [ClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] *******ClusterClientUp: akka.tcp://ClientSystem@******* [INFO] [12/09/2018 09:54:34.363] [ClusterSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-19] [akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@] *******ClusterClientUnreachable: akka.tcp://ClientSystem@*******
package petsound import akka.actor._ import com.typesafe.config._ import akka.actor.ActorSystem import org.mongodb.scala._ import sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext import sdp.mongo.engine.MGOClasses._ import sdp.mongo.engine.MGOEngine._ import sdp.result.DBOResult._ import akka.cluster.client._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.util._ class MongoAdder extends Actor with ActorLogging { import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global implicit val mgosys = context.system implicit val ec = mgosys.dispatcher val clientSettings: MongoClientSettings = MongoClientSettings.builder() .applyToClusterSettings {b => b.hosts(List(new ServerAddress("localhost:27017")).asJava) }.build() implicit val client: MongoClient = MongoClient(clientSettings) val ctx = MGOContext("testdb","friends") override def receive: Receive = { case someProto @ Some(proto:ProtoMGOContext) => val ctx = MGOContext.fromProto(proto) log.info(s"****** received MGOContext: $someProto *********") val task = mgoUpdate[Completed](ctx).toTask task.runOnComplete { case Success(s) => println("operations completed successfully.") case Failure(exception) => println(s"error: ${exception.getMessage}") } } } object MongoAdder { def create(port: Int): ActorSystem = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem", config) val mongoAdder = system.actorOf(Props[MongoAdder],"MongoAdder") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(mongoAdder) val receptionist = ClusterClientReceptionist(system).underlying system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReceptionistListener],receptionist),"mongo-event-listner") system } }
//MongoDB 操做示範 import org.mongodb.scala._ import sdp.mongo.engine.MGOClasses._ val ctx = MGOContext("testdb","friends") val chen = Document("姓" -> "陳", "名" -> "大文","age" -> 28) val zhang = Document("姓" -> "張", "名" -> "小海","age" -> 7) val lee = Document("姓" -> "李", "名" -> "四","age" -> 45) val ouyang = Document("姓" -> "歐陽", "名" -> "鋒","age" -> 120) val c = ctx.setCommand(MGOCommands.Insert(Seq(chen,zhang,lee,ouyang))) clusterClient ! Send("/user/MongoAdder",c.toSomeProto,localAffinity = true)
akka { actor { provider = remote serializers { java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer" proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer" } serialization-bindings { "java.lang.String" = java "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" = proto } } remote.netty.tcp.port= 2553 remote.netty.tcp.hostname= } contact-points = [ "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@", "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@"]
import scalapb.compiler.Version.scalapbVersion import scalapb.compiler.Version.grpcJavaVersion name := "akka-cluster-client" version := "0.1" scalaVersion := "2.12.7" scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification" libraryDependencies := Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.5.17", "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % "2.5.17", "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime" % scalapbVersion % "protobuf", // "io.grpc" % "grpc-netty" % grpcJavaVersion, "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "scalapb-runtime-grpc" % scalapbVersion, "io.monix" %% "monix" % "2.3.0", //for mongodb 4.0 "org.mongodb.scala" %% "mongo-scala-driver" % "2.4.0", "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-mongodb" % "0.20", //other dependencies "co.fs2" %% "fs2-core" % "0.9.7", "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.2.3", "org.typelevel" %% "cats-core" % "0.9.0", "io.monix" %% "monix-execution" % "3.0.0-RC1", "io.monix" %% "monix-eval" % "3.0.0-RC1" ) PB.targets in Compile := Seq( scalapb.gen() -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value )
addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "0.99.18") libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % "0.7.4" )
akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off akka.log-dead-letters = off akka { loglevel = INFO extensions = ["akka.cluster.client.ClusterClientReceptionist"] actor { provider = "cluster" serializers { java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer" proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer" } serialization-bindings { "java.lang.String" = java "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" = proto } } remote { log-remote-lifecycle-events = off netty.tcp { hostname = "" port = 0 } } cluster { seed-nodes = [ "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@"] log-info = off } }
akka { actor { provider = remote serializers { java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer" proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer" } serialization-bindings { "java.lang.String" = java "scalapb.GeneratedMessage" = proto } } remote.netty.tcp.port= 2553 remote.netty.tcp.hostname= } contact-points = [ "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@", "akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@"]
syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "scalapb/scalapb.proto"; option (scalapb.options) = { // use a custom Scala package name // package_name: "io.ontherocks.introgrpc.demo" // don't append file name to package flat_package: true // generate one Scala file for all messages (services still get their own file) single_file: true // add imports to generated file // useful when extending traits or using custom types // import: "io.ontherocks.hellogrpc.RockingMessage" // code to put at the top of generated file // works only with `single_file: true` //preamble: "sealed trait SomeSealedTrait" }; package sdp.grpc.services; message ProtoDate { int32 yyyy = 1; int32 mm = 2; int32 dd = 3; } message ProtoTime { int32 hh = 1; int32 mm = 2; int32 ss = 3; int32 nnn = 4; } message ProtoDateTime { ProtoDate date = 1; ProtoTime time = 2; } message ProtoAny { bytes value = 1; }
syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; import "scalapb/scalapb.proto"; option (scalapb.options) = { // use a custom Scala package name // package_name: "io.ontherocks.introgrpc.demo" // don't append file name to package flat_package: true // generate one Scala file for all messages (services still get their own file) single_file: true // add imports to generated file // useful when extending traits or using custom types // import: "io.ontherocks.hellogrpc.RockingMessage" // code to put at the top of generated file // works only with `single_file: true` //preamble: "sealed trait SomeSealedTrait" }; /* * Demoes various customization options provided by ScalaPBs. */ package sdp.grpc.services; import "sdp.proto"; message ProtoMGOBson { bytes bson = 1; } message ProtoMGODocument { bytes document = 1; } message ProtoMGOResultOption { //FindObservable int32 optType = 1; ProtoMGOBson bsonParam = 2; int32 valueParam = 3; } message ProtoMGOAdmin{ string tarName = 1; repeated ProtoMGOBson bsonParam = 2; ProtoAny options = 3; string objName = 4; } message ProtoMGOContext { //MGOContext string dbName = 1; string collName = 2; int32 commandType = 3; repeated ProtoMGOBson bsonParam = 4; repeated ProtoMGOResultOption resultOptions = 5; repeated string targets = 6; ProtoAny options = 7; repeated ProtoMGODocument documents = 8; google.protobuf.BoolValue only = 9; ProtoMGOAdmin adminOptions = 10; }
package protobuf.bytes import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream,ByteArrayOutputStream,ObjectInputStream,ObjectOutputStream} import com.google.protobuf.ByteString object Converter { def marshal(value: Any): ByteString = { val stream: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(stream) oos.writeObject(value) oos.close() ByteString.copyFrom(stream.toByteArray()) } def unmarshal[A](bytes: ByteString): A = { val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes.toByteArray)) val value = ois.readObject() ois.close() value.asInstanceOf[A] } }
package sdp.result import cats._ import cats.data.EitherT import cats.data.OptionT import monix.eval.Task import cats.implicits._ import scala.concurrent._ import scala.collection.TraversableOnce object DBOResult { type DBOError[A] = EitherT[Task,Throwable,A] type DBOResult[A] = OptionT[DBOError,A] implicit def valueToDBOResult[A](a: A): DBOResult[A] = Applicative[DBOResult].pure(a) implicit def optionToDBOResult[A](o: Option[A]): DBOResult[A] = OptionT((o: Option[A]).pure[DBOError]) implicit def eitherToDBOResult[A](e: Either[Throwable,A]): DBOResult[A] = { // val error: DBOError[A] = EitherT[Task,Throwable, A](Task.eval(e)) OptionT.liftF(EitherT.fromEither[Task](e)) } implicit def futureToDBOResult[A](fut: Future[A]): DBOResult[A] = { val task = Task.fromFuture[A](fut) val et = EitherT.liftF[Task,Throwable,A](task) OptionT.liftF(et) } implicit class DBOResultToTask[A](r: DBOResult[A]) { def toTask = r.value.value } implicit class DBOResultToOption[A](r:Either[Throwable,Option[A]]) { def someValue: Option[A] = r match { case Left(err) => (None: Option[A]) case Right(oa) => oa } } def wrapCollectionInOption[A, C[_] <: TraversableOnce[_]](coll: C[A]): DBOResult[C[A]] = if (coll.isEmpty) optionToDBOResult(None: Option[C[A]]) else optionToDBOResult(Some(coll): Option[C[A]]) }
package sdp.file import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, InputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.file.Paths import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.scaladsl.{FileIO, StreamConverters} import akka.util._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ object Streaming { def FileToByteBuffer(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration = 60 seconds)( implicit mat: Materializer):ByteBuffer = { val fut = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(fileName)).runFold(ByteString()) { case (hd, bs) => hd ++ bs } (Await.result(fut, timeOut)).toByteBuffer } def FileToByteArray(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration = 60 seconds)( implicit mat: Materializer): Array[Byte] = { val fut = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(fileName)).runFold(ByteString()) { case (hd, bs) => hd ++ bs } (Await.result(fut, timeOut)).toArray } def FileToInputStream(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration = 60 seconds)( implicit mat: Materializer): InputStream = { val fut = FileIO.fromPath(Paths.get(fileName)).runFold(ByteString()) { case (hd, bs) => hd ++ bs } val buf = (Await.result(fut, timeOut)).toArray new ByteArrayInputStream(buf) } def ByteBufferToFile(byteBuf: ByteBuffer, fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = { val ba = new Array[Byte](byteBuf.remaining()) byteBuf.get(ba,0,ba.length) val baInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba) val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => baInput) //ByteBufferInputStream(bytes)) source.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(fileName))) } def ByteArrayToFile(bytes: Array[Byte], fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = { val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes) val baInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => baInput) //ByteBufferInputStream(bytes)) source.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(fileName))) } def InputStreamToFile(is: InputStream, fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = { val source = StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => is) source.runWith(FileIO.toPath(Paths.get(fileName))) } }
package sdp.logging import org.slf4j.Logger /** * Logger which just wraps org.slf4j.Logger internally. * * @param logger logger */ class Log(logger: Logger) { // use var consciously to enable squeezing later var isDebugEnabled: Boolean = logger.isDebugEnabled var isInfoEnabled: Boolean = logger.isInfoEnabled var isWarnEnabled: Boolean = logger.isWarnEnabled var isErrorEnabled: Boolean = logger.isErrorEnabled def withLevel(level: Symbol)(msg: => String, e: Throwable = null): Unit = { level match { case 'debug | 'DEBUG => debug(msg) case 'info | 'INFO => info(msg) case 'warn | 'WARN => warn(msg) case 'error | 'ERROR => error(msg) case _ => // nothing to do } } def debug(msg: => String): Unit = { if (isDebugEnabled && logger.isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug(msg) } } def debug(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = { if (isDebugEnabled && logger.isDebugEnabled) { logger.debug(msg, e) } } def info(msg: => String): Unit = { if (isInfoEnabled && logger.isInfoEnabled) { logger.info(msg) } } def info(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = { if (isInfoEnabled && logger.isInfoEnabled) { logger.info(msg, e) } } def warn(msg: => String): Unit = { if (isWarnEnabled && logger.isWarnEnabled) { logger.warn(msg) } } def warn(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = { if (isWarnEnabled && logger.isWarnEnabled) { logger.warn(msg, e) } } def error(msg: => String): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled && logger.isErrorEnabled) { logger.error(msg) } } def error(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled && logger.isErrorEnabled) { logger.error(msg, e) } } }
package sdp.logging import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory trait LogSupport { /** * Logger */ protected val log = new Log(LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)) }
package sdp.mongo.engine import org.mongodb.scala.bson.collection.immutable.Document import org.bson.conversions.Bson import sdp.grpc.services._ import protobuf.bytes.Converter._ import MGOClasses._ import MGOAdmins._ import MGOCommands._ import org.bson.BsonDocument import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry import org.mongodb.scala.bson.codecs.DEFAULT_CODEC_REGISTRY import org.mongodb.scala.FindObservable object MGOProtoConversion { type MGO_COMMAND_TYPE = Int val MGO_COMMAND_FIND = 0 val MGO_COMMAND_COUNT = 20 val MGO_COMMAND_DISTICT = 21 val MGO_COMMAND_DOCUMENTSTREAM = 1 val MGO_COMMAND_AGGREGATE = 2 val MGO_COMMAND_INSERT = 3 val MGO_COMMAND_DELETE = 4 val MGO_COMMAND_REPLACE = 5 val MGO_COMMAND_UPDATE = 6 val MGO_ADMIN_DROPCOLLECTION = 8 val MGO_ADMIN_CREATECOLLECTION = 9 val MGO_ADMIN_LISTCOLLECTION = 10 val MGO_ADMIN_CREATEVIEW = 11 val MGO_ADMIN_CREATEINDEX = 12 val MGO_ADMIN_DROPINDEXBYNAME = 13 val MGO_ADMIN_DROPINDEXBYKEY = 14 val MGO_ADMIN_DROPALLINDEXES = 15 case class AdminContext( tarName: String = "", bsonParam: Seq[Bson] = Nil, options: Option[Any] = None, objName: String = "" ){ def toProto = sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOAdmin( tarName = this.tarName, bsonParam = this.bsonParam.map {b => sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOBson(marshal(b))}, objName = this.objName, options = this.options.map(b => ProtoAny(marshal(b))) ) } object AdminContext { def fromProto(msg: sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOAdmin) = new AdminContext( tarName = msg.tarName, bsonParam = msg.bsonParam.map(b => unmarshal[Bson](b.bson)), objName = msg.objName, options = msg.options.map(b => unmarshal[Any](b.value)) ) } case class Context( dbName: String = "", collName: String = "", commandType: MGO_COMMAND_TYPE, bsonParam: Seq[Bson] = Nil, resultOptions: Seq[ResultOptions] = Nil, options: Option[Any] = None, documents: Seq[Document] = Nil, targets: Seq[String] = Nil, only: Boolean = false, adminOptions: Option[AdminContext] = None ){ def toProto = new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = this.dbName, collName = this.collName, commandType = this.commandType, bsonParam = this.bsonParam.map(bsonToProto), resultOptions = this.resultOptions.map(_.toProto), options = { if(this.options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(this.options.get))) }, documents = this.documents.map(d => sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGODocument(marshal(d))), targets = this.targets, only = Some(this.only), adminOptions = this.adminOptions.map(_.toProto) ) } object MGODocument { def fromProto(msg: sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGODocument): Document = unmarshal[Document](msg.document) def toProto(doc: Document): sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGODocument = new ProtoMGODocument(marshal(doc)) } object MGOProtoMsg { def fromProto(msg: sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext) = new Context( dbName = msg.dbName, collName = msg.collName, commandType = msg.commandType, bsonParam = msg.bsonParam.map(protoToBson), resultOptions = msg.resultOptions.map(r => ResultOptions.fromProto(r)), options = msg.options.map(a => unmarshal[Any](a.value)), documents = msg.documents.map(doc => unmarshal[Document](doc.document)), targets = msg.targets, adminOptions = msg.adminOptions.map(ado => AdminContext.fromProto(ado)) ) } def bsonToProto(bson: Bson) = ProtoMGOBson(marshal(bson.toBsonDocument( classOf[org.mongodb.scala.bson.collection.immutable.Document],DEFAULT_CODEC_REGISTRY))) def protoToBson(proto: ProtoMGOBson): Bson = new Bson { val bsdoc = unmarshal[BsonDocument](proto.bson) override def toBsonDocument[TDocument](documentClass: Class[TDocument], codecRegistry: CodecRegistry): BsonDocument = bsdoc } def ctxFromProto(proto: ProtoMGOContext): MGOContext = proto.commandType match { case MGO_COMMAND_FIND => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_QUERY, action = Some(Find()) ) def toResultOption(rts: Seq[ProtoMGOResultOption]): FindObservable[Document] => FindObservable[Document] = findObj => rts.foldRight(findObj)((a,b) => ResultOptions.fromProto(a).toFindObservable(b)) (proto.bsonParam, proto.resultOptions, proto.only) match { case (Nil, Nil, None) => ctx case (Nil, Nil, Some(b)) => ctx.setCommand(Find(firstOnly = b)) case (bp,Nil,None) => ctx.setCommand( Find(filter = Some(protoToBson(bp.head)))) case (bp,Nil,Some(b)) => ctx.setCommand( Find(filter = Some(protoToBson(bp.head)), firstOnly = b)) case (bp,fo,None) => { ctx.setCommand( Find(filter = Some(protoToBson(bp.head)), andThen = fo.map(ResultOptions.fromProto) )) } case (bp,fo,Some(b)) => { ctx.setCommand( Find(filter = Some(protoToBson(bp.head)), andThen = fo.map(ResultOptions.fromProto), firstOnly = b)) } case _ => ctx } } case MGO_COMMAND_COUNT => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_QUERY, action = Some(Count()) ) (proto.bsonParam, proto.options) match { case (Nil, None) => ctx case (bp, None) => ctx.setCommand( Count(filter = Some(protoToBson(bp.head))) ) case (Nil,Some(o)) => ctx.setCommand( Count(options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) case _ => ctx } } case MGO_COMMAND_DISTICT => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_QUERY, action = Some(Distict(fieldName = proto.targets.head)) ) (proto.bsonParam) match { case Nil => ctx case bp: Seq[ProtoMGOBson] => ctx.setCommand( Distict(fieldName = proto.targets.head,filter = Some(protoToBson(bp.head))) ) case _ => ctx } } case MGO_COMMAND_AGGREGATE => { new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_QUERY, action = Some(Aggregate(proto.bsonParam.map(p => protoToBson(p)))) ) } case MGO_ADMIN_LISTCOLLECTION => { new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_QUERY, action = Some(ListCollection(proto.dbName))) } case MGO_COMMAND_INSERT => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_UPDATE, action = Some(Insert( newdocs = proto.documents.map(doc => unmarshal[Document](doc.document)))) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(Insert( newdocs = proto.documents.map(doc => unmarshal[Document](doc.document)), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_COMMAND_DELETE => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_UPDATE, action = Some(Delete( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head))) ) (proto.options, proto.only) match { case (None,None) => ctx case (None,Some(b)) => ctx.setCommand(Delete( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), onlyOne = b)) case (Some(o),None) => ctx.setCommand(Delete( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) case (Some(o),Some(b)) => ctx.setCommand(Delete( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value)), onlyOne = b) ) } } case MGO_COMMAND_REPLACE => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_UPDATE, action = Some(Replace( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), replacement = unmarshal[Document](proto.documents.head.document))) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(Replace( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), replacement = unmarshal[Document](proto.documents.head.document), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_COMMAND_UPDATE => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_UPDATE, action = Some(Update( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), update = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.tail.head))) ) (proto.options, proto.only) match { case (None,None) => ctx case (None,Some(b)) => ctx.setCommand(Update( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), update = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.tail.head), onlyOne = b)) case (Some(o),None) => ctx.setCommand(Update( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), update = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.tail.head), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) case (Some(o),Some(b)) => ctx.setCommand(Update( filter = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), update = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.tail.head), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value)), onlyOne = b) ) } } case MGO_ADMIN_DROPCOLLECTION => new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(DropCollection(proto.collName)) ) case MGO_ADMIN_CREATECOLLECTION => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(CreateCollection(proto.collName)) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(CreateCollection(proto.collName, options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_ADMIN_CREATEVIEW => { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(CreateView(viewName = proto.targets.head, viewOn = proto.targets.tail.head, pipeline = proto.bsonParam.map(p => protoToBson(p)))) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(CreateView(viewName = proto.targets.head, viewOn = proto.targets.tail.head, pipeline = proto.bsonParam.map(p => protoToBson(p)), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_ADMIN_CREATEINDEX=> { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(CreateIndex(key = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head))) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(CreateIndex(key = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_ADMIN_DROPINDEXBYNAME=> { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(DropIndexByName(indexName = proto.targets.head)) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(DropIndexByName(indexName = proto.targets.head, options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_ADMIN_DROPINDEXBYKEY=> { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(DropIndexByKey(key = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head))) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(DropIndexByKey(key = protoToBson(proto.bsonParam.head), options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } case MGO_ADMIN_DROPALLINDEXES=> { var ctx = new MGOContext( dbName = proto.dbName, collName = proto.collName, actionType = MGO_ADMIN, action = Some(DropAllIndexes()) ) proto.options match { case None => ctx case Some(o) => ctx.setCommand(DropAllIndexes( options = Some(unmarshal[Any](o.value))) ) } } } def ctxToProto(ctx: MGOContext): Option[sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext] = ctx.action match { case None => None case Some(act) => act match { case Count(filter, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_COUNT, bsonParam = { if (filter == None) Seq.empty[ProtoMGOBson] else Seq(bsonToProto(filter.get))}, options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) case Distict(fieldName, filter) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_DISTICT, bsonParam = { if (filter == None) Seq.empty[ProtoMGOBson] else Seq(bsonToProto(filter.get))}, targets = Seq(fieldName) )) case Find(filter, andThen, firstOnly) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_FIND, bsonParam = { if (filter == None) Seq.empty[ProtoMGOBson] else Seq(bsonToProto(filter.get))}, resultOptions = andThen.map(_.toProto) )) case Aggregate(pipeLine) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_AGGREGATE, bsonParam = pipeLine.map(bsonToProto) )) case Insert(newdocs, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_INSERT, documents = newdocs.map(d => ProtoMGODocument(marshal(d))), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) case Delete(filter, options, onlyOne) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_DELETE, bsonParam = Seq(bsonToProto(filter)), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) }, only = Some(onlyOne) )) case Replace(filter, replacement, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_REPLACE, bsonParam = Seq(bsonToProto(filter)), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) }, documents = Seq(ProtoMGODocument(marshal(replacement))) )) case Update(filter, update, options, onlyOne) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_COMMAND_UPDATE, bsonParam = Seq(bsonToProto(filter),bsonToProto(update)), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) }, only = Some(onlyOne) )) case DropCollection(coll) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = coll, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_DROPCOLLECTION )) case CreateCollection(coll, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = coll, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_CREATECOLLECTION, options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) case ListCollection(dbName) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_LISTCOLLECTION )) case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pipeline, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_CREATEVIEW, bsonParam = pipeline.map(bsonToProto), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) }, targets = Seq(viewName,viewOn) )) case CreateIndex(key, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_CREATEINDEX, bsonParam = Seq(bsonToProto(key)), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) case DropIndexByName(indexName, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_DROPINDEXBYNAME, targets = Seq(indexName), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) case DropIndexByKey(key, options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_DROPINDEXBYKEY, bsonParam = Seq(bsonToProto(key)), options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) case DropAllIndexes(options) => Some(new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext( dbName = ctx.dbName, collName = ctx.collName, commandType = MGO_ADMIN_DROPALLINDEXES, options = { if(options == None) None //Some(ProtoAny(com.google.protobuf.ByteString.EMPTY)) else Some(ProtoAny(marshal(options.get))) } )) } } }
package sdp.mongo.engine import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import akka.NotUsed import akka.stream.Materializer import akka.stream.alpakka.mongodb.scaladsl._ import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Source} import org.bson.conversions.Bson import org.mongodb.scala.bson.collection.immutable.Document import org.mongodb.scala.bson.{BsonArray, BsonBinary} import org.mongodb.scala.model._ import org.mongodb.scala.{MongoClient, _} import protobuf.bytes.Converter._ import sdp.file.Streaming._ import sdp.logging.LogSupport import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ object MGOClasses { type MGO_ACTION_TYPE = Int val MGO_QUERY = 0 val MGO_UPDATE = 1 val MGO_ADMIN = 2 /* org.mongodb.scala.FindObservable import com.mongodb.async.client.FindIterable val resultDocType = FindIterable[Document] val resultOption = FindObservable(resultDocType) .maxScan(...) .limit(...) .sort(...) .project(...) */ type FOD_TYPE = Int val FOD_FIRST = 0 //def first(): SingleObservable[TResult], return the first item val FOD_FILTER = 1 //def filter(filter: Bson): FindObservable[TResult] val FOD_LIMIT = 2 //def limit(limit: Int): FindObservable[TResult] val FOD_SKIP = 3 //def skip(skip: Int): FindObservable[TResult] val FOD_PROJECTION = 4 //def projection(projection: Bson): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents val FOD_SORT = 5 //def sort(sort: Bson): FindObservable[TResult] val FOD_PARTIAL = 6 //def partial(partial: Boolean): FindObservable[TResult] //Get partial results from a sharded cluster if one or more shards are unreachable (instead of throwing an error) val FOD_CURSORTYPE = 7 //def cursorType(cursorType: CursorType): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets the cursor type val FOD_HINT = 8 //def hint(hint: Bson): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets the hint for which index to use. A null value means no hint is set val FOD_MAX = 9 //def max(max: Bson): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets the exclusive upper bound for a specific index. A null value means no max is set val FOD_MIN = 10 //def min(min: Bson): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets the minimum inclusive lower bound for a specific index. A null value means no max is set val FOD_RETURNKEY = 11 //def returnKey(returnKey: Boolean): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets the returnKey. If true the find operation will return only the index keys in the resulting documents val FOD_SHOWRECORDID=12 //def showRecordId(showRecordId: Boolean): FindObservable[TResult] //Sets the showRecordId. Set to true to add a field `\$recordId` to the returned documents case class ResultOptions( optType: FOD_TYPE, bson: Option[Bson] = None, value: Int = 0 ){ def toProto = new sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOResultOption( optType = this.optType, bsonParam = this.bson.map {b => sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOBson(marshal(b))}, valueParam = this.value ) def toFindObservable: FindObservable[Document] => FindObservable[Document] = find => { optType match { case FOD_FIRST => find case FOD_FILTER => find.filter(bson.get) case FOD_LIMIT => find.limit(value) case FOD_SKIP => find.skip(value) case FOD_PROJECTION => find.projection(bson.get) case FOD_SORT => find.sort(bson.get) case FOD_PARTIAL => find.partial(value != 0) case FOD_CURSORTYPE => find case FOD_HINT => find.hint(bson.get) case FOD_MAX => find.max(bson.get) case FOD_MIN => find.min(bson.get) case FOD_RETURNKEY => find.returnKey(value != 0) case FOD_SHOWRECORDID => find.showRecordId(value != 0) } } } object ResultOptions { def fromProto(msg: sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOResultOption) = new ResultOptions( optType = msg.optType, bson = msg.bsonParam.map(b => unmarshal[Bson](b.bson)), value = msg.valueParam ) } trait MGOCommands object MGOCommands { case class Count(filter: Option[Bson] = None, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class Distict(fieldName: String, filter: Option[Bson] = None) extends MGOCommands /* org.mongodb.scala.FindObservable import com.mongodb.async.client.FindIterable val resultDocType = FindIterable[Document] val resultOption = FindObservable(resultDocType) .maxScan(...) .limit(...) .sort(...) .project(...) */ case class Find(filter: Option[Bson] = None, andThen: Seq[ResultOptions] = Seq.empty[ResultOptions], firstOnly: Boolean = false) extends MGOCommands case class Aggregate(pipeLine: Seq[Bson]) extends MGOCommands case class MapReduce(mapFunction: String, reduceFunction: String) extends MGOCommands case class Insert(newdocs: Seq[Document], options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class Delete(filter: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None, onlyOne: Boolean = false) extends MGOCommands case class Replace(filter: Bson, replacement: Document, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class Update(filter: Bson, update: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None, onlyOne: Boolean = false) extends MGOCommands case class BulkWrite(commands: List[WriteModel[Document]], options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands } object MGOAdmins { case class DropCollection(collName: String) extends MGOCommands case class CreateCollection(collName: String, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class ListCollection(dbName: String) extends MGOCommands case class CreateView(viewName: String, viewOn: String, pipeline: Seq[Bson], options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class CreateIndex(key: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class DropIndexByName(indexName: String, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class DropIndexByKey(key: Bson, options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands case class DropAllIndexes(options: Option[Any] = None) extends MGOCommands } case class MGOContext( dbName: String, collName: String, actionType: MGO_ACTION_TYPE = MGO_QUERY, action: Option[MGOCommands] = None, actionOptions: Option[Any] = None, actionTargets: Seq[String] = Nil ) { ctx => def setDbName(name: String): MGOContext = ctx.copy(dbName = name) def setCollName(name: String): MGOContext = ctx.copy(collName = name) def setActionType(at: MGO_ACTION_TYPE): MGOContext = ctx.copy(actionType = at) def setCommand(cmd: MGOCommands): MGOContext = ctx.copy(action = Some(cmd)) def toSomeProto = MGOProtoConversion.ctxToProto(this) } object MGOContext { def apply(db: String, coll: String) = new MGOContext(db, coll) def fromProto(proto: sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext): MGOContext = MGOProtoConversion.ctxFromProto(proto) } case class MGOBatContext(contexts: Seq[MGOContext], tx: Boolean = false) { ctxs => def setTx(txopt: Boolean): MGOBatContext = ctxs.copy(tx = txopt) def appendContext(ctx: MGOContext): MGOBatContext = ctxs.copy(contexts = contexts :+ ctx) } object MGOBatContext { def apply(ctxs: Seq[MGOContext], tx: Boolean = false) = new MGOBatContext(ctxs,tx) } type MGODate = java.util.Date def mgoDate(yyyy: Int, mm: Int, dd: Int): MGODate = { val ca = Calendar.getInstance() ca.set(yyyy,mm,dd) ca.getTime() } def mgoDateTime(yyyy: Int, mm: Int, dd: Int, hr: Int, min: Int, sec: Int): MGODate = { val ca = Calendar.getInstance() ca.set(yyyy,mm,dd,hr,min,sec) ca.getTime() } def mgoDateTimeNow: MGODate = { val ca = Calendar.getInstance() ca.getTime } def mgoDateToString(dt: MGODate, formatString: String): String = { val fmt= new SimpleDateFormat(formatString) fmt.format(dt) } type MGOBlob = BsonBinary type MGOArray = BsonArray def fileToMGOBlob(fileName: String, timeOut: FiniteDuration = 60 seconds)( implicit mat: Materializer) = FileToByteArray(fileName,timeOut) def mgoBlobToFile(blob: MGOBlob, fileName: String)( implicit mat: Materializer) = ByteArrayToFile(blob.getData,fileName) def mgoGetStringOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) Some(doc.getString(fieldName)) else None } def mgoGetIntOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) Some(doc.getInteger(fieldName)) else None } def mgoGetLonggOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) Some(doc.getLong(fieldName)) else None } def mgoGetDoubleOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) Some(doc.getDouble(fieldName)) else None } def mgoGetBoolOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) Some(doc.getBoolean(fieldName)) else None } def mgoGetDateOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) Some(doc.getDate(fieldName)) else None } def mgoGetBlobOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) doc.get(fieldName).asInstanceOf[Option[MGOBlob]] else None } def mgoGetArrayOrNone(doc: Document, fieldName: String) = { if (doc.keySet.contains(fieldName)) doc.get(fieldName).asInstanceOf[Option[MGOArray]] else None } def mgoArrayToDocumentList(arr: MGOArray): scala.collection.immutable.List[org.bson.BsonDocument] = { (arr.getValues.asScala.toList) .asInstanceOf[scala.collection.immutable.List[org.bson.BsonDocument]] } type MGOFilterResult = FindObservable[Document] => FindObservable[Document] } object MGOEngine extends LogSupport { import MGOClasses._ import MGOAdmins._ import MGOCommands._ import sdp.result.DBOResult._ object TxUpdateMode { private def mgoTxUpdate(ctxs: MGOBatContext, observable: SingleObservable[ClientSession])( implicit client: MongoClient, ec: ExecutionContext): SingleObservable[ClientSession] = { log.info(s"mgoTxUpdate> calling ...") observable.map(clientSession => { val transactionOptions = TransactionOptions.builder() .readConcern(ReadConcern.SNAPSHOT) .writeConcern(WriteConcern.MAJORITY).build() clientSession.startTransaction(transactionOptions) /* val fut = Future.traverse(ctxs.contexts) { ctx => mgoUpdateObservable[Completed](ctx).map(identity).toFuture() } Await.ready(fut, 3 seconds) */ ctxs.contexts.foreach { ctx => mgoUpdateObservable[Completed](ctx).map(identity).toFuture() } clientSession }) } private def commitAndRetry(observable: SingleObservable[Completed]): SingleObservable[Completed] = { log.info(s"commitAndRetry> calling ...") observable.recoverWith({ case e: MongoException if e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_RESULT_LABEL) => { log.warn("commitAndRetry> UnknownTransactionCommitResult, retrying commit operation ...") commitAndRetry(observable) } case e: Exception => { log.error(s"commitAndRetry> Exception during commit ...: $e") throw e } }) } private def runTransactionAndRetry(observable: SingleObservable[Completed]): SingleObservable[Completed] = { log.info(s"runTransactionAndRetry> calling ...") observable.recoverWith({ case e: MongoException if e.hasErrorLabel(MongoException.TRANSIENT_TRANSACTION_ERROR_LABEL) => { log.warn("runTransactionAndRetry> TransientTransactionError, aborting transaction and retrying ...") runTransactionAndRetry(observable) } }) } def mgoTxBatch(ctxs: MGOBatContext)( implicit client: MongoClient, ec: ExecutionContext): DBOResult[Completed] = { log.info(s"mgoTxBatch> MGOBatContext: ${ctxs}") val updateObservable: Observable[ClientSession] = mgoTxUpdate(ctxs, client.startSession()) val commitTransactionObservable: SingleObservable[Completed] = updateObservable.flatMap(clientSession => clientSession.commitTransaction()) val commitAndRetryObservable: SingleObservable[Completed] = commitAndRetry(commitTransactionObservable) runTransactionAndRetry(commitAndRetryObservable) valueToDBOResult(Completed()) } } def mgoUpdateBatch(ctxs: MGOBatContext)(implicit client: MongoClient, ec: ExecutionContext): DBOResult[Completed] = { log.info(s"mgoUpdateBatch> MGOBatContext: ${ctxs}") if (ctxs.tx) { TxUpdateMode.mgoTxBatch(ctxs) } else { /* val fut = Future.traverse(ctxs.contexts) { ctx => mgoUpdate[Completed](ctx).map(identity) } Await.ready(fut, 3 seconds) Future.successful(new Completed) */ ctxs.contexts.foreach { ctx => mgoUpdate[Completed](ctx).map(identity) } valueToDBOResult(Completed()) } } def mongoStream(ctx: MGOContext)( implicit client: MongoClient, ec: ExecutionContextExecutor): Source[Document, NotUsed] = { log.info(s"mongoStream> MGOContext: ${ctx}") def toResultOption(rts: Seq[ResultOptions]): FindObservable[Document] => FindObservable[Document] = findObj => rts.foldRight(findObj)((a,b) => a.toFindObservable(b)) val db = client.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val coll = db.getCollection(ctx.collName) if ( ctx.action == None) { log.error(s"mongoStream> uery action cannot be null!") throw new IllegalArgumentException("query action cannot be null!") } try { ctx.action.get match { case Find(None, Nil, false) => //FindObservable MongoSource(coll.find()) case Find(None, Nil, true) => //FindObservable MongoSource(coll.find().first()) case Find(Some(filter), Nil, false) => //FindObservable MongoSource(coll.find(filter)) case Find(Some(filter), Nil, true) => //FindObservable MongoSource(coll.find(filter).first()) case Find(None, sro, _) => //FindObservable val next = toResultOption(sro) MongoSource(next(coll.find[Document]())) case Find(Some(filter), sro, _) => //FindObservable val next = toResultOption(sro) MongoSource(next(coll.find[Document](filter))) case _ => log.error(s"mongoStream> unsupported streaming query [${ctx.action.get}]") throw new RuntimeException(s"mongoStream> unsupported streaming query [${ctx.action.get}]") } } catch { case e: Exception => log.error(s"mongoStream> runtime error: ${e.getMessage}") throw new RuntimeException(s"mongoStream> Error: ${e.getMessage}") } } // T => FindIterable e.g List[Document] def mgoQuery[T](ctx: MGOContext, Converter: Option[Document => Any] = None)(implicit client: MongoClient): DBOResult[T] = { log.info(s"mgoQuery> MGOContext: ${ctx}") val db = client.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val coll = db.getCollection(ctx.collName) def toResultOption(rts: Seq[ResultOptions]): FindObservable[Document] => FindObservable[Document] = findObj => rts.foldRight(findObj)((a,b) => a.toFindObservable(b)) if ( ctx.action == None) { log.error(s"mgoQuery> uery action cannot be null!") Left(new IllegalArgumentException("query action cannot be null!")) } try { ctx.action.get match { /* count */ case Count(Some(filter), Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.countDocuments(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[CountOptions]) .toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Count(Some(filter), None) => //SingleObservable coll.countDocuments(filter).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Count(None, None) => //SingleObservable coll.countDocuments().toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* distinct */ case Distict(field, Some(filter)) => //DistinctObservable coll.distinct(field, filter).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Distict(field, None) => //DistinctObservable coll.distinct((field)).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* find */ case Find(None, Nil, false) => //FindObservable if (Converter == None) coll.find().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find().map(Converter.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(None, Nil, true) => //FindObservable if (Converter == None) coll.find().first().head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find().first().map(Converter.get).head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(Some(filter), Nil, false) => //FindObservable if (Converter == None) coll.find(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find(filter).map(Converter.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(Some(filter), Nil, true) => //FindObservable if (Converter == None) coll.find(filter).first().head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find(filter).first().map(Converter.get).head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(None, sro, _) => //FindObservable val next = toResultOption(sro) if (Converter == None) next(coll.find[Document]()).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else next(coll.find[Document]()).map(Converter.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(Some(filter), sro, _) => //FindObservable val next = toResultOption(sro) if (Converter == None) next(coll.find[Document](filter)).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else next(coll.find[Document](filter)).map(Converter.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* aggregate AggregateObservable*/ case Aggregate(pline) => coll.aggregate(pline).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* mapReduce MapReduceObservable*/ case MapReduce(mf, rf) => coll.mapReduce(mf, rf).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* list collection */ case ListCollection(dbName) => //ListConllectionObservable client.getDatabase(dbName).listCollections().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] } } catch { case e: Exception => log.error(s"mgoQuery> runtime error: ${e.getMessage}") Left(new RuntimeException(s"mgoQuery> Error: ${e.getMessage}")) } } //T => Completed, result.UpdateResult, result.DeleteResult def mgoUpdate[T](ctx: MGOContext)(implicit client: MongoClient): DBOResult[T] = try { mgoUpdateObservable[T](ctx).toFuture() } catch { case e: Exception => log.error(s"mgoUpdate> runtime error: ${e.getMessage}") Left(new RuntimeException(s"mgoUpdate> Error: ${e.getMessage}")) } def mgoUpdateObservable[T](ctx: MGOContext)(implicit client: MongoClient): SingleObservable[T] = { log.info(s"mgoUpdateObservable> MGOContext: ${ctx}") val db = client.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val coll = db.getCollection(ctx.collName) if ( ctx.action == None) { log.error(s"mgoUpdateObservable> uery action cannot be null!") throw new IllegalArgumentException("mgoUpdateObservable> query action cannot be null!") } try { ctx.action.get match { /* insert */ case Insert(docs, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable[Completed] if (docs.size > 1) coll.insertMany(docs, opt.asInstanceOf[InsertManyOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] else coll.insertOne(docs.head, opt.asInstanceOf[InsertOneOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] case Insert(docs, None) => //SingleObservable if (docs.size > 1) coll.insertMany(docs).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] else coll.insertOne(docs.head).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] /* delete */ case Delete(filter, None, onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.deleteOne(filter).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] else coll.deleteMany(filter).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] case Delete(filter, Some(opt), onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.deleteOne(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[DeleteOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] else coll.deleteMany(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[DeleteOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] /* replace */ case Replace(filter, replacement, None) => //SingleObservable coll.replaceOne(filter, replacement).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] case Replace(filter, replacement, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.replaceOne(filter, replacement, opt.asInstanceOf[ReplaceOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] /* update */ case Update(filter, update, None, onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.updateOne(filter, update).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] else coll.updateMany(filter, update).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] case Update(filter, update, Some(opt), onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.updateOne(filter, update, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] else coll.updateMany(filter, update, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] /* bulkWrite */ case BulkWrite(commands, None) => //SingleObservable coll.bulkWrite(commands).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] case BulkWrite(commands, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.bulkWrite(commands, opt.asInstanceOf[BulkWriteOptions]).asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[T]] } } catch { case e: Exception => log.error(s"mgoUpdateObservable> runtime error: ${e.getMessage}") throw new RuntimeException(s"mgoUpdateObservable> Error: ${e.getMessage}") } } def mgoAdmin(ctx: MGOContext)(implicit client: MongoClient): DBOResult[Completed] = { log.info(s"mgoAdmin> MGOContext: ${ctx}") val db = client.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val coll = db.getCollection(ctx.collName) if ( ctx.action == None) { log.error(s"mgoAdmin> uery action cannot be null!") Left(new IllegalArgumentException("mgoAdmin> query action cannot be null!")) } try { ctx.action.get match { /* drop collection */ case DropCollection(collName) => //SingleObservable val coll = db.getCollection(collName) coll.drop().toFuture() /* create collection */ case CreateCollection(collName, None) => //SingleObservable db.createCollection(collName).toFuture() case CreateCollection(collName, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable db.createCollection(collName, opt.asInstanceOf[CreateCollectionOptions]).toFuture() /* list collection case ListCollection(dbName) => //ListConllectionObservable client.getDatabase(dbName).listCollections().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] */ /* create view */ case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pline, None) => //SingleObservable db.createView(viewName, viewOn, pline).toFuture() case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pline, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable db.createView(viewName, viewOn, pline, opt.asInstanceOf[CreateViewOptions]).toFuture() /* create index */ case CreateIndex(key, None) => //SingleObservable coll.createIndex(key).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[Completed]] // asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[Completed]] case CreateIndex(key, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.createIndex(key, opt.asInstanceOf[IndexOptions]).asInstanceOf[Future[Completed]] // asInstanceOf[SingleObservable[Completed]] /* drop index */ case DropIndexByName(indexName, None) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(indexName).toFuture() case DropIndexByName(indexName, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(indexName, opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture() case DropIndexByKey(key, None) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(key).toFuture() case DropIndexByKey(key, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(key, opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture() case DropAllIndexes(None) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndexes().toFuture() case DropAllIndexes(Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndexes(opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture() } } catch { case e: Exception => log.error(s"mgoAdmin> runtime error: ${e.getMessage}") throw new RuntimeException(s"mgoAdmin> Error: ${e.getMessage}") } } /* def mgoExecute[T](ctx: MGOContext)(implicit client: MongoClient): Future[T] = { val db = client.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val coll = db.getCollection(ctx.collName) ctx.action match { /* count */ case Count(Some(filter), Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.countDocuments(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[CountOptions]) .toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Count(Some(filter), None) => //SingleObservable coll.countDocuments(filter).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Count(None, None) => //SingleObservable coll.countDocuments().toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* distinct */ case Distict(field, Some(filter)) => //DistinctObservable coll.distinct(field, filter).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Distict(field, None) => //DistinctObservable coll.distinct((field)).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* find */ case Find(None, None, optConv, false) => //FindObservable if (optConv == None) coll.find().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find().map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(None, None, optConv, true) => //FindObservable if (optConv == None) coll.find().first().head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find().first().map(optConv.get).head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(Some(filter), None, optConv, false) => //FindObservable if (optConv == None) coll.find(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find(filter).map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(Some(filter), None, optConv, true) => //FindObservable if (optConv == None) coll.find(filter).first().head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.find(filter).first().map(optConv.get).head().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(None, Some(next), optConv, _) => //FindObservable if (optConv == None) next(coll.find[Document]()).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else next(coll.find[Document]()).map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Find(Some(filter), Some(next), optConv, _) => //FindObservable if (optConv == None) next(coll.find[Document](filter)).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else next(coll.find[Document](filter)).map(optConv.get).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* aggregate AggregateObservable*/ case Aggregate(pline) => coll.aggregate(pline).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* mapReduce MapReduceObservable*/ case MapReduce(mf, rf) => coll.mapReduce(mf, rf).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* insert */ case Insert(docs, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable[Completed] if (docs.size > 1) coll.insertMany(docs, opt.asInstanceOf[InsertManyOptions]).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.insertOne(docs.head, opt.asInstanceOf[InsertOneOptions]).toFuture() .asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Insert(docs, None) => //SingleObservable if (docs.size > 1) coll.insertMany(docs).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.insertOne(docs.head).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* delete */ case Delete(filter, None, onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.deleteOne(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.deleteMany(filter).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Delete(filter, Some(opt), onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.deleteOne(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[DeleteOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.deleteMany(filter, opt.asInstanceOf[DeleteOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* replace */ case Replace(filter, replacement, None) => //SingleObservable coll.replaceOne(filter, replacement).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Replace(filter, replacement, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.replaceOne(filter, replacement, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* update */ case Update(filter, update, None, onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.updateOne(filter, update).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.updateMany(filter, update).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case Update(filter, update, Some(opt), onlyOne) => //SingleObservable if (onlyOne) coll.updateOne(filter, update, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] else coll.updateMany(filter, update, opt.asInstanceOf[UpdateOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* bulkWrite */ case BulkWrite(commands, None) => //SingleObservable coll.bulkWrite(commands).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case BulkWrite(commands, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.bulkWrite(commands, opt.asInstanceOf[BulkWriteOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* drop collection */ case DropCollection(collName) => //SingleObservable val coll = db.getCollection(collName) coll.drop().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* create collection */ case CreateCollection(collName, None) => //SingleObservable db.createCollection(collName).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case CreateCollection(collName, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable db.createCollection(collName, opt.asInstanceOf[CreateCollectionOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* list collection */ case ListCollection(dbName) => //ListConllectionObservable client.getDatabase(dbName).listCollections().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* create view */ case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pline, None) => //SingleObservable db.createView(viewName, viewOn, pline).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pline, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable db.createView(viewName, viewOn, pline, opt.asInstanceOf[CreateViewOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* create index */ case CreateIndex(key, None) => //SingleObservable coll.createIndex(key).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case CreateIndex(key, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.createIndex(key, opt.asInstanceOf[IndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] /* drop index */ case DropIndexByName(indexName, None) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(indexName).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case DropIndexByName(indexName, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(indexName, opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case DropIndexByKey(key, None) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(key).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case DropIndexByKey(key, Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndex(key, opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case DropAllIndexes(None) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndexes().toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] case DropAllIndexes(Some(opt)) => //SingleObservable coll.dropIndexes(opt.asInstanceOf[DropIndexOptions]).toFuture().asInstanceOf[Future[T]] } } */ } object MongoActionStream { import MGOClasses._ case class StreamingInsert[A](dbName: String, collName: String, converter: A => Document, parallelism: Int = 1 ) extends MGOCommands case class StreamingDelete[A](dbName: String, collName: String, toFilter: A => Bson, parallelism: Int = 1, justOne: Boolean = false ) extends MGOCommands case class StreamingUpdate[A](dbName: String, collName: String, toFilter: A => Bson, toUpdate: A => Bson, parallelism: Int = 1, justOne: Boolean = false ) extends MGOCommands case class InsertAction[A](ctx: StreamingInsert[A])( implicit mongoClient: MongoClient) { val database = mongoClient.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val collection = database.getCollection(ctx.collName) def performOnRow(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[A, Document, NotUsed] = Flow[A].map(ctx.converter) .mapAsync(ctx.parallelism)(doc => collection.insertOne(doc).toFuture().map(_ => doc)) } case class UpdateAction[A](ctx: StreamingUpdate[A])( implicit mongoClient: MongoClient) { val database = mongoClient.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val collection = database.getCollection(ctx.collName) def performOnRow(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[A, A, NotUsed] = if (ctx.justOne) { Flow[A] .mapAsync(ctx.parallelism)(a => collection.updateOne(ctx.toFilter(a), ctx.toUpdate(a)).toFuture().map(_ => a)) } else Flow[A] .mapAsync(ctx.parallelism)(a => collection.updateMany(ctx.toFilter(a), ctx.toUpdate(a)).toFuture().map(_ => a)) } case class DeleteAction[A](ctx: StreamingDelete[A])( implicit mongoClient: MongoClient) { val database = mongoClient.getDatabase(ctx.dbName) val collection = database.getCollection(ctx.collName) def performOnRow(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[A, A, NotUsed] = if (ctx.justOne) { Flow[A] .mapAsync(ctx.parallelism)(a => collection.deleteOne(ctx.toFilter(a)).toFuture().map(_ => a)) } else Flow[A] .mapAsync(ctx.parallelism)(a => collection.deleteMany(ctx.toFilter(a)).toFuture().map(_ => a)) } } object MGOHelpers { implicit class DocumentObservable[C](val observable: Observable[Document]) extends ImplicitObservable[Document] { override val converter: (Document) => String = (doc) => doc.toJson } implicit class GenericObservable[C](val observable: Observable[C]) extends ImplicitObservable[C] { override val converter: (C) => String = (doc) => doc.toString } trait ImplicitObservable[C] { val observable: Observable[C] val converter: (C) => String def results(): Seq[C] = Await.result(observable.toFuture(), 10 seconds) def headResult() = Await.result(observable.head(), 10 seconds) def printResults(initial: String = ""): Unit = { if (initial.length > 0) print(initial) results().foreach(res => println(converter(res))) } def printHeadResult(initial: String = ""): Unit = println(s"${initial}${converter(headResult())}") } def getResult[T](fut: Future[T], timeOut: Duration = 1 second): T = { Await.result(fut, timeOut) } def getResults[T](fut: Future[Iterable[T]], timeOut: Duration = 1 second): Iterable[T] = { Await.result(fut, timeOut) } import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global final class FutureToTask[A](x: => Future[A]) { def asTask: Task[A] = Task.deferFuture[A](x) } final class TaskToFuture[A](x: => Task[A]) { def asFuture: Future[A] = x.runAsync } }
package petsound import akka.actor._ import akka.cluster.client._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import akka.cluster.pubsub.DistributedPubSubMediator._ import akka.cluster.pubsub._ object Cat { def props = Props[Cat] def create(port: Int): ActorSystem = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem",config) val catSound = system.actorOf(props,"CatSound") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(catSound) val receptionist = ClusterClientReceptionist(system).underlying system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReceptionistListener],receptionist),"cat-event-listner") system } } object Dog { def props = Props(new Dog) def create(port: Int): ActorSystem = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem",config) val dogSound = system.actorOf(props,"DogSound") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(dogSound) val receptionist = ClusterClientReceptionist(system).underlying system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReceptionistListener],receptionist),"dog-event-listner") system } } class Cat extends Actor with ActorLogging { //使用pub/sub方式設置 val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator override def preStart() = { mediator ! Subscribe("Shout", self) super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case "Shout" => log.info("*******I am a cat, MIAOM ...******") } } class Dog extends Actor with ActorLogging { //使用pub/sub方式設置 val mediator = DistributedPubSub(context.system).mediator override def preStart() = { mediator ! Subscribe("Shout", self) super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case "Shout" => log.info("*****I am a dog, WANG WANG...*****") } }
package petsound import akka.actor._ import akka.cluster.client._ class ClientListener(clusterClient: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { override def preStart(): Unit = { clusterClient ! SubscribeContactPoints super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case ContactPoints(cps) => cps.map {ap => log.info(s"*******ContactPoints:${ap.address.toString}******")} case ContactPointAdded(cp) => log.info(s"*******ContactPointAdded: ${cp.address.toString}*******") case ContactPointRemoved(cp) => log.info(s"*******ContactPointRemoved: ${cp.address.toString}*******") } } class ReceptionistListener(receptionist: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { override def preStart(): Unit = { receptionist ! SubscribeClusterClients super.preStart() } override def receive: Receive = { case ClusterClients(cs) => cs.map{aref => println(s"*******ClusterClients: ${aref.path.address.toString}*******")} case ClusterClientUp(cc) => log.info(s"*******ClusterClientUp: ${cc.path.address.toString}*******") case ClusterClientUnreachable(cc) => log.info(s"*******ClusterClientUnreachable: ${cc.path.address.toString}*******") } }
package petsound import akka.actor._ import com.typesafe.config._ import akka.actor.ActorSystem import org.mongodb.scala._ import sdp.grpc.services.ProtoMGOContext import sdp.mongo.engine.MGOClasses._ import sdp.mongo.engine.MGOEngine._ import sdp.result.DBOResult._ import akka.cluster.client._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.util._ class MongoAdder extends Actor with ActorLogging { import monix.execution.Scheduler.Implicits.global implicit val mgosys = context.system implicit val ec = mgosys.dispatcher val clientSettings: MongoClientSettings = MongoClientSettings.builder() .applyToClusterSettings {b => b.hosts(List(new ServerAddress("localhost:27017")).asJava) }.build() implicit val client: MongoClient = MongoClient(clientSettings) val ctx = MGOContext("testdb","friends") override def receive: Receive = { case someProto @ Some(proto:ProtoMGOContext) => val ctx = MGOContext.fromProto(proto) log.info(s"****** received MGOContext: $someProto *********") val task = mgoUpdate[Completed](ctx).toTask task.runOnComplete { case Success(s) => println("operations completed successfully.") case Failure(exception) => println(s"error: ${exception.getMessage}") } } } object MongoAdder { def create(port: Int): ActorSystem = { val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=$port") .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load()) val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem", config) val mongoAdder = system.actorOf(Props[MongoAdder],"MongoAdder") ClusterClientReceptionist(system).registerService(mongoAdder) val receptionist = ClusterClientReceptionist(system).underlying system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReceptionistListener],receptionist),"mongo-event-listner") system } }
package petsound import akka.actor._ import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq import akka.actor.AddressFromURIString import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import akka.cluster.client._ import akka.cluster.client.ClusterClient._ object PetHouse extends App { val sysCat = Cat.create(2551) val sysDog = Dog.create(2552) val mongo = MongoAdder.create(2555) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() sysCat.terminate() sysDog.terminate() mongo.terminate() } object PetClient extends App { val conf = ConfigFactory.load("client") val clientSystem = ActorSystem("ClientSystem",conf) /* 從 conf 文件裏讀取 contact-points 地址 val initialContacts = immutableSeq(conf.getStringList("contact-points")).map { case AddressFromURIString(addr) ⇒ RootActorPath(addr) / "system" / "receptionist" }.toSet */ //先放一個contact-point, 系統會自動增長其它的點 val initialContacts = Set( ActorPaths.fromString("akka.tcp://ClusterSystem@") ) val clusterClient = clientSystem.actorOf( ClusterClient.props( ClusterClientSettings(clientSystem) .withInitialContacts(initialContacts)), "petClient") clientSystem.actorOf(Props(classOf[ClientListener],clusterClient),"client-event-listner") clusterClient ! Send("/user/CatSound","Shout",localAffinity = true) clusterClient ! Send("/user/DogSound","Shout",localAffinity = true) println(s"sent shout messages ...") scala.io.StdIn.readLine() clusterClient ! Publish("Shout","Shout") println(s"publish shout messages ...") //MongoDB 操做示範 import org.mongodb.scala._ import sdp.mongo.engine.MGOClasses._ val ctx = MGOContext("testdb","friends") val chen = Document("姓" -> "陳", "名" -> "大文","age" -> 28) val zhang = Document("姓" -> "張", "名" -> "小海","age" -> 7) val lee = Document("姓" -> "李", "名" -> "四","age" -> 45) val ouyang = Document("姓" -> "歐陽", "名" -> "鋒","age" -> 120) val c = ctx.setCommand(MGOCommands.Insert(Seq(chen,zhang,lee,ouyang))) clusterClient ! Send("/user/MongoAdder",c.toSomeProto,localAffinity = true) scala.io.StdIn.readLine() clientSystem.terminate() }