尊重(Respect)是極限編程(Extreme Programming,XP)的核心價值之一。編程
管理人員尊重咱們接受責任的權利,接受咱們本身工做的權力。(這句不太懂)htmEveryone gives and feels the respect they deserve as a valued team member. Everyone contributes value even if it's simply enthusiasm. Developers respect the expertise of the customers and vice versa. Management respects our right to accept responsibility and receive authority over our own work.
團隊成員給予並指望獲得尊重。這包括在回顧期間(Retrospective)或結對編程(Pair Programming)時尊重他人的想法,以及指望獲得客戶和管理層的尊重。若是犯了錯誤,潛在的問題應該被尊重地解決。管理層應尊重團隊自行決策的能力,並經過避免誘使團隊加班,讓團隊保持可持續的步伐。開發
「只有尊敬他人的人才是值得尊敬的」 —— 拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生rem
「Men are respectable only as they respect」 – Ralph Waldo Emersonget
「尊重本身,別人纔會尊重你」 —— Baltasar Gracian(西班牙詩人、哲學家,附上 Wiki)it
「Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.」 – Baltasar Gracianio