使用hibernate映射文件時,某些guzz的特性在hibernate mapping dtd中沒有定義,文本編輯時不能自動提示,甚至會報錯,但不影響使用。
1 <business name="user" dbgroup="default" file="classpath:org/guzz/test/User.hbm.xml" />
屬性名 | Required | 做用 |
name | Required | business name。 |
file | Required | hbm.xml文件位置 |
dbgroup | Optional | 對象存儲到的數據庫組。默認爲default。 |
class | Optional | 若是填寫,覆蓋hbm.xml中定義的域對象class |
interpret | Optional | 自定義查詢條件解析器。 |
1 <business name="user" dbgroup="mainDB" class="org.guzz.test.User" interpret="" file="classpath:org/guzz/test/User.hbm.xml" /> 2 <business name="book" class="org.guzz.test.Book" file="classpath:org/guzz/test/Book.hbm.xml" />
將hibernate hbm.xml的dtd定義頭,改爲
1 <!DOCTYPE guzz-mapping PUBLIC "-//GUZZ//GUZZ MAPPING DTD//EN" "http://www.guzz.org/dtd/guzz-mapping.dtd">
mapping xml的root能夠是 <guzz-mapping>,也能夠是 <hibernate-mapping>(便於使用成熟的hibernate工具)。guzz在解析時只從 <class>處開始讀取,root元素如何定義可有可無。
guzz mapping相對hibernate mapping也有一些變化。oracle
businessName:默認的business name。域對象在guzz.xml中聲明時能夠覆蓋此設置。【guzz1.3.1新特性】
null: 指定當數據庫值爲空時,字段取何值。默認爲java定義此類型的默認值。這個屬性通常在數據庫升級字段時使用,避免hibernate惱人的cglib....get..set錯誤。
loader: 指定字段的特殊讀取類。經過loader能夠定義某些字段的特殊讀取策略,如從文件加載,或先讀緩存再讀數據庫,或從第三方系統讀取等。詳細介紹請參看:LazyLoad
type用於指定數據類型,如:int, string等。對於日期類型數據,通常有三種:datetime表示時間戳(日期+時間),date表示日期,time表示時間。對於這三種類型,在定義時能夠在類型後加"|"線,並跟上日期格式(參看DateFormat定義)完成格式定義。
例如:type="datetime|YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:SS",type="date|MM-dd"。
傳入日期格式後,進行sql查詢時,對於日期字段,能夠傳入按照格式生成的日期字符串直接查詢,guzz將會自動按照格式轉成須要的數據類型。這種特性,在按照用戶輸入日期進行查詢或向guzz taglib傳入日期參數時,會比較方便。
主鍵生成(id generator)支持變化:
Generator | hibernate | guzz | Description for guzz |
increment | √ | × | It generates identifiers of type long, short or int that are unique only when no other process is inserting data into the same table. It should not the used in the clustered environment. |
identity | √ | √ | It supports identity columns in DB2, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Sybase and HypersonicSQL. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int. |
sequence | √ | √ | The sequence generator uses a sequence in DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SAP DB, McKoi or a generator in Interbase. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int |
hilo | √ | √ | The hilo generator uses a hi/lo algorithm to efficiently generate identifiers of type long, short or int, given a table and column (by default guzz_unique_key and next_hi respectively) as a source of hi values. The hi/lo algorithm generates identifiers that are unique only for a particular database. Do not use this generator with connections enlisted with JTA or with a user-supplied connection. 支持的參數:table, column, db_group, max_lo |
seqhilo | √ | √ | The seqhilo generator uses a hi/lo algorithm to efficiently generate identifiers of type long, short or int, given a named database sequence. |
uuid | √ | √ | The uuid generator uses a 128-bit UUID algorithm to generate identifiers of type string, unique within a network (the IP address is used). The UUID is encoded as a string of hexadecimal digits of length 32. |
guid | √ | √ | It uses a database-generated GUID string on MS SQL Server and MySQL. |
native | √ | √ | It picks identity, sequence or hilo depending upon the capabilities of the underlying database. Take it as an alias of the real identity generator used. |
assigned | √ | √ | lets the application to assign an identifier to the object before save() is called. This is the default strategy if no <generator> element is specified. |
select | √ | × | retrieves a primary key assigned by a database trigger by selecting the row by some unique key and retrieving the primary key value. |
foreign | √ | × | uses the identifier of another associated object. Usually used in conjunction with a <one-to-one> primary key association. |
silent | × | √ | The silent generator does nothing. Usually used when you need to manage the id in the database, for example with a trigger. |
random | × | √ | A RandomIdGenerator that returns a string of length 32 (or the length you given in parameter:length). This string will consist of only a-z and 0-9, and is unable to predicate. Note: the length maybe a little shorter than the given length. Mapping parameters supported: length |
hilo.multi | × | √ | Works as hilo, but allows many Ids stored in a single table disguised by the primary key of each row. Mapping parameters supported: table, column, db_group, max_lo, pk_column_name, pk_column_value(requried, and must be a positive integer) |
id generator注意事項:
1 <generator class="native"> 2 <param name="sequence">seq_sometable_id</param> 3 </generator>
1 <?xml version="1.0"?> 2 <!DOCTYPE guzz-mapping PUBLIC "-//GUZZ//GUZZ MAPPING DTD//EN" "http://www.guzz.org/dtd/guzz-mapping.dtd"> 3 <hibernate-mapping> 4 <class name="org.guzz.service.core.impl.IncUpdateBusiness" table="tb_guzz_su" businessName="guzzSlowUpdate" dbGroup="logDB"> 5 <id name="id" type="bigint" column="gu_id"> 6 <generator class="native"> 7 <param name="sequence">seq_iub_id</param> 8 </generator> 9 </id> 10 <property name="dbGroup" type="string" column="gu_db_group" /> 11 <property name="tableName" type="string" column="gu_tab_name" /> 12 <property name="columnToUpdate" type="string" column="gu_inc_col" /> 13 <property name="pkColunName" type="string" column="gu_tab_pk_col" /> 14 <property name="pkValue" type="string" column="gu_tab_pk_val" /> 15 <property name="countToInc" type="int" column="gu_inc_count" /> 16 </class> 17 </hibernate-mapping>
1 <sqlMap dbgroup="default"> 2 3 <update id="updateUserFavCount" orm="userObjectMap"> 4 update @@user set @favCount = favCount + 1 5 </update> 6 7 <update id="updateUserFavCount2" orm="user"> 8 update @@user set @favCount = favCount + 1 9 </update> 10 11 <select id="selectUsers" orm="userObjectMap"> 12 select @id, @name, @vip, @favCount from @@user 13 </select> 14 15 <select id="listCommentsByName" orm="commentMap" > 16 select * from @@commentMap where @userName = :userName 17 </select> 18 19 <orm id="userObjectMap" class="org.guzz.test.UserModel"> 20 <result property="id" column="pk"/> 21 <result property="name" column="userName"/> 22 <result property="favCount" column="FAV_COUNT"/> 23 <result property="vip" column="VIP_USER"/> 24 </orm> 25 26 <orm id="commentMap" dbgroup="commentDB" class="org.guzz.test.Comment" table="TB_COMMENT" shadow="org.guzz.test.CommentShadowView"> 27 <result property="id" column="id" type="int"/> 28 <result property="userId" column="userId" type="int"/> 29 <result property="userName" column="userName" type="string" /> 30 <result property="createdTime" column="createdTime" type="datetime" /> 31 </orm> 32 </sqlMap>