離開配置談效率都是扯淡,now 機器配置:github
1.下載相應的庫,好比windows 32bit下載 ocilib-4.2.0-windows.zip;spa
3. 在須要的地方#include "ocilib.h";server
#include "ocilib.h" #pragma comment(lib, "ociliba.lib") #define SIZE_ARRAY 100 #define NB_LOAD 1000 #define SIZE_COL1 20 #define SIZE_COL2 30 #define SIZE_COL3 8 #define NUM_COLS 3 int main(void) { OCI_Connection *cn; OCI_DirPath *dp; OCI_TypeInfo *tbl; char val1[SIZE_COL1+1]; char val2[SIZE_COL2+1]; char val3[SIZE_COL3+1]; int i = 0, j = 0, nb_rows = SIZE_ARRAY; boolean res = TRUE; if (!OCI_Initialize(NULL, NULL, OCI_ENV_DEFAULT)) return EXIT_FAILURE; cn = OCI_ConnectionCreate("db", "user", "pw", OCI_SESSION_DEFAULT); tbl = OCI_TypeInfoGet(cn, "test_directpath", OCI_TIF_TABLE); dp = OCI_DirPathCreate(tbl, NULL, NUM_COLS, nb_rows); /* optional attributes to set */ OCI_DirPathSetBufferSize(dp, 64000); OCI_DirPathSetNoLog(dp, TRUE); OCI_DirPathSetParallel(dp, TRUE); /* describe the target table */ OCI_DirPathSetColumn(dp, 1, "VAL_INT", SIZE_COL1, NULL); OCI_DirPathSetColumn(dp, 2, "VAL_STR", SIZE_COL2, NULL); OCI_DirPathSetColumn(dp, 3, "VAL_DATE", SIZE_COL3, "YYYYMMDD"); /* prepare the load */ OCI_DirPathPrepare(dp); nb_rows = OCI_DirPathGetMaxRows(dp); for (i = 0; i < NB_LOAD ; i++) { OCI_DirPathReset(dp); for (j = 1; j <= nb_rows; j++) { /* fill test values */ sprintf(val1, "%04d", i + (i*100)); sprintf(val2, "value %05d", j + (i*100));; sprintf(val3, "%04d%02d%02d", (j%23)+1 + 2000, (j%11)+1, (j%23)+1); OCI_DirPathSetEntry(dp, j, 1, val1, (unsigned int) strlen(val1), TRUE); OCI_DirPathSetEntry(dp, j, 2, val2, (unsigned int) strlen(val2), TRUE); OCI_DirPathSetEntry(dp, j, 3, val3, (unsigned int) strlen(val3), TRUE); } /* load data to the server */ while (res) { int state = OCI_DirPathConvert(dp); if ((state == OCI_DPR_FULL) || (state == OCI_DPR_COMPLETE)) res = OCI_DirPathLoad(dp); if (state == OCI_DPR_COMPLETE) break; } } /* commits changes */ OCI_DirPathFinish(dp); printf("%04d row(s) loaded\n", OCI_DirPathGetRowCount(dp)); /* free direct path object */ OCI_DirPathFree(dp); OCI_Cleanup(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }