####Intellij IDEA 14 安裝以後java
- 設置IDEA的字體
File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> 勾選Override default fonts by -> Name下拉框選擇字體(文泉驛微米黑/SansSerif)
- 設置顯示內存使用狀況
File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> 勾選Show memory indicator
- 設置主題風格
File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> 下拉Theme選擇Darcula
- 設置光標位於行後(14版本默認已是了)
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> 去掉勾選Allow placement of caret after end of line
- 設置顯示代碼行數和方法線
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Appearance
Show line numbers 勾選
SHow method separators 勾選
- 設置Tab顯示多行和Tab個數
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs
Show tabs in single row 去掉勾選
Tab limit 設置16
- 設置代碼提示不區分大小寫
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion -> Case Sensitive completion, 默認First letter區分大小寫,改成None不區分大小寫
- 設置自動導入包
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import 勾選Optimize imports on the fly 自動優化導入的包,好比自動去掉一些沒有用到的包
勾選Add unambiguous imports on the fly 自動導入須要用到的包
- 設置代碼的字體
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Font -> Save As 另存一個模板好比MyFont -> Primary font 修改字體(Source Code Pro)
- 設置控制檯的字體
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> Console Colors 同上(Source Code Pro)
- 設置代碼寬度豎線 File -> settings -> Editor -> Code Style-> General
- 設置導入包時不使用*來匹配 File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Imports:
Class count to use import with '*' 設置99
Names Count to use static import with '*' 設置99
- 設置代碼單行註釋不在行最開頭處,而是緊跟代碼
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Code Generation -> Line comment at first column 取掉勾選
- 設置java文件模板
File -> Settings -> Editor -> File and Code Templates -> class -> includes
- 設置git版本控制
File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Git -> Path to Git executable 選擇git路徑(若是沒有安裝git,使用命令sudo apt-get install git)
- 設置maven構建環境
File -> Settings -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Maven home directory 選擇maven路徑(若是沒有安裝maven,參考Ubuntu下安裝Maven)
- 設置Tomcat
File -> Settings -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Application Servers -> 綠色+號 -> Tomcat Server -> 選擇Tomcat的路徑(若是沒有安裝Tomcat,參考Ubuntu下安裝Tomcat)
- 安裝經常使用插件
File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories
- CodeGlance 相似Sublime右側的代碼地圖
- Maven Helper Maven依賴查看,jar包衝突解決
- Lombok Plugin 使用Lombok須要安裝的插件
- free mybatis plugin 定位mybatis中mapper接口裏的方法對應的Mapper.xml的位置
- Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines 阿里巴巴的 java code 代碼規範
- Restfultookit spring mvc 根據 url 查找到實現的位置
- Key promoter 根據鼠標的操做提示對應的快捷鍵
IDEA Intellij小技巧和插件 IDEA Intellij使用教程git