對於在服務器上沒有使用版本控制的運維人員來講,每次SVN修改的文件都須要查看更改日誌,一個個查找出來再更新到服務器,過程實在是痛苦 那麼有沒有一種方法跑個命令比對一下版本就嘩啦啦的把修改好的文件複製出來而且是相同的目錄結構呢,答案是有的bash
#!/bin/bash if [ ! $1 ] || [ ! $2 ] || [ ! $3 ] || [ ! $4 ]; then echo "Please enter a revision from, revision to, SVN repository, and target directory" exit fi # set up nice names for the incoming parameters to make the script more readable revision_from=$1 revision_to=$2 repository=$3 target_directory=$4 # the grep is needed so we only get added/modified files and not the deleted ones or anything else # if it's a modified directory it's " M" so won't show with this command (good) # if it's an added directory it's still "A" so will show with this command (not so good) # echo "svn diff --summarize -r$revision_from:$revision_to $repository | grep "^[AM]'" for line in `svn diff --summarize -r$revision_from:$revision_to $repository | grep "^[AM]"` do # each line in the above command in the for loop is split into two: # 1) the status line (containing A, M, AM, D etc) # 2) the full repository and filename string # so only export the file when it's not the status line if [ $line != "A" ] && [ $line != "AM" ] && [ $line != "M" ]; then # use sed to remove the repository from the full repo and filename filename=`echo "$line" |sed "s|$repository||g"` # don't export if it's a directory we've already created if [ ! -d $target_directory$filename ]; then directory=`dirname $filename` mkdir -p $target_directory$directory svn export -r $revision_to $line $target_directory$filename fi fi done # to summarize any deleted files or directories at the end of the script uncomment the following line #svn diff --summarize -r$revision_from:$revision_to $repository | grep "^[D]"
svndiff 前一個版本號 後一個版本號 項目路徑 導出的文件存放路徑