cas 配置數據源 , 解決CAS 不支持你提供的憑證 .


•CAS SERVER 3.5.2,下載地址
(1) 註銷系統默認登陸方式: <bean class="" />
  (2) 在 list 內添加 :
                    <property name="dataSource" ref="casDataSource" />  
                    <property name="sql"  value="select password from vc_user where account = ?" />     
                    <!-- <property name="passwordEncoder" ref="myPasswordEncoder" />   -->
 (3) 在 beans 標籤內添加 :
 id="casDataSource"  class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">  
        <property name="driverClassName">  
        <property name="url">  
        <property name="username">  
        <property name="password">  


[html] view plaincopyprint?
01.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
04.    Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license  
05.    agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work  
06.    for additional information regarding copyright ownership.  
07.    Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License,  
08.    Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file  
09.    except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a  
10.    copy of the License at the following location:  
14.    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,  
15.    software distributed under the License is distributed on an  
17.    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the  
18.    specific language governing permissions and limitations  
19.    under the License.  
23.    | deployerConfigContext.xml centralizes into one file some of the declarative configuration that  
24.    | all CAS deployers will need to modify.  
25.    |  
26.    | This file declares some of the Spring-managed JavaBeans that make up a CAS deployment.    
27.    | The beans declared in this file are instantiated at context initialization time by the Spring   
28.    | ContextLoaderListener declared in web.xml.  It finds this file because this  
29.    | file is among those declared in the context parameter "contextConfigLocation".  
30.    |  
31.    | By far the most common change you will need to make in this file is to change the last bean  
32.    | declaration to replace the default SimpleTestUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler with  
33.    | one implementing your approach for authenticating usernames and passwords.  
34.    +-->  
36.<beans xmlns=""  
37.       xmlns:xsi=""  
38.       xmlns:p=""  
39.       xmlns:tx=""  
40.       xmlns:sec=""  
41.       xsi:schemaLocation="  
44.    <!--  
45.        | This bean declares our AuthenticationManager.  The CentralAuthenticationService service bean  
46.        | declared in applicationContext.xml picks up this AuthenticationManager by reference to its id,   
47.        | "authenticationManager".  Most deployers will be able to use the default AuthenticationManager  
48.        | implementation and so do not need to change the class of this bean.  We include the whole  
49.        | AuthenticationManager here in the userConfigContext.xml so that you can see the things you will  
50.        | need to change in context.  
51.        +-->  
52.    <bean id="authenticationManager"  
53.        class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.AuthenticationManagerImpl">  
55.        <!-- Uncomment the metadata populator to allow clearpass to capture and cache the password  
56.             This switch effectively will turn on clearpass.  
57.        <property name="authenticationMetaDataPopulators">  
58.           <list>  
59.              <bean class="org.jasig.cas.extension.clearpass.CacheCredentialsMetaDataPopulator">  
60.                 <constructor-arg index="0" ref="credentialsCache" />  
61.              </bean>  
62.           </list>  
63.        </property>  
64.         -->  
66.        <!--  
67.            | This is the List of CredentialToPrincipalResolvers that identify what Principal is trying to authenticate.  
68.            | The AuthenticationManagerImpl considers them in order, finding a CredentialToPrincipalResolver which   
69.            | supports the presented credentials.  
70.            |  
71.            | AuthenticationManagerImpl uses these resolvers for two purposes.  First, it uses them to identify the Principal  
72.            | attempting to authenticate to CAS /login .  In the default configuration, it is the DefaultCredentialsToPrincipalResolver  
73.            | that fills this role.  If you are using some other kind of credentials than UsernamePasswordCredentials, you will need to replace  
74.            | DefaultCredentialsToPrincipalResolver with a CredentialsToPrincipalResolver that supports the credentials you are  
75.            | using.  
76.            |  
77.            | Second, AuthenticationManagerImpl uses these resolvers to identify a service requesting a proxy granting ticket.   
78.            | In the default configuration, it is the HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver that serves this purpose.   
79.            | You will need to change this list if you are identifying services by something more or other than their callback URL.  
80.            +-->  
81.        <property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolvers">  
82.            <list>  
83.                <!--  
84.                    | UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver supports the UsernamePasswordCredentials that we use for /login   
85.                    | by default and produces SimplePrincipal instances conveying the username from the credentials.  
86.                    |   
87.                    | If you've changed your LoginFormAction to use credentials other than UsernamePasswordCredentials then you will also  
88.                    | need to change this bean declaration (or add additional declarations) to declare a CredentialsToPrincipalResolver that supports the  
89.                    | Credentials you are using.  
90.                    +-->  
91.                <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" >  
92.                    <property name="attributeRepository" ref="attributeRepository" />  
93.                </bean>  
94.                <!--  
95.                    | HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver supports HttpBasedCredentials.  It supports the CAS 2.0 approach of  
96.                    | authenticating services by SSL callback, extracting the callback URL from the Credentials and representing it as a  
97.                    | SimpleService identified by that callback URL.  
98.                    |  
99.                    | If you are representing services by something more or other than an HTTPS URL whereat they are able to  
100.                    | receive a proxy callback, you will need to change this bean declaration (or add additional declarations).  
101.                    +-->  
102.                <bean  
103.                    class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" />  
104.            </list>  
105.        </property>  
107.        <!--  
108.            | Whereas CredentialsToPrincipalResolvers identify who it is some Credentials might authenticate,   
109.            | AuthenticationHandlers actually authenticate credentials.  Here we declare the AuthenticationHandlers that  
110.            | authenticate the Principals that the CredentialsToPrincipalResolvers identified.  CAS will try these handlers in turn  
111.            | until it finds one that both supports the Credentials presented and succeeds in authenticating.  
112.            +-->  
113.        <property name="authenticationHandlers">  
114.            <list>  
115.                <!--  
116.                    | This is the authentication handler that authenticates services by means of callback via SSL, thereby validating  
117.                    | a server side SSL certificate.  
118.                    +-->  
119.                <bean class=""  
120.                    p:httpClient-ref="httpClient" />  
121.                <!--  
122.                    | This is the authentication handler declaration that every CAS deployer will need to change before deploying CAS   
123.                    | into production.  The default SimpleTestUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler authenticates UsernamePasswordCredentials  
124.                    | where the username equals the password.  You will need to replace this with an AuthenticationHandler that implements your  
125.                    | local authentication strategy.  You might accomplish this by coding a new such handler and declaring  
126.                    | edu.someschool.its.cas.MySpecialHandler here, or you might use one of the handlers provided in the adaptors modules.  
127.                    +-->  
128.                <!-- <bean class="" /> -->  
131.                <!-- 配置本身的SQL -->  
132.                <bean    
133.                    class="org.jasig.cas.adaptors.jdbc.QueryDatabaseAuthenticationHandler">    
134.                    <property name="dataSource" ref="casDataSource" />    
135.                    <property name="sql"  value="select password from vc_user where account = ?" />       
136.                    <!-- <property name="passwordEncoder" ref="myPasswordEncoder" />   -->  
137.                </bean>    
139.            </list>  
140.        </property>  
141.    </bean>  
144.    <!--  
145.    This bean defines the security roles for the Services Management application.  Simple deployments can use the in-memory version.  
146.    More robust deployments will want to use another option, such as the Jdbc version.  
148.    The name of this should remain "userDetailsService" in order for Spring Security to find it.  
149.     -->  
150.    <!-- <sec:user name="@@THIS SHOULD BE REPLACED@@" password="notused" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />-->  
152.    <sec:user-service id="userDetailsService">  
153.        <sec:user name="@@THIS SHOULD BE REPLACED@@" password="notused" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />  
154.    </sec:user-service>  
156.    <!--   
157.    Bean that defines the attributes that a service may return.  This example uses the Stub/Mock version.  A real implementation  
158.    may go against a database or LDAP server.  The id should remain "attributeRepository" though.  
159.     -->  
160.    <bean id="attributeRepository"  
161.        class="">  
162.        <property name="backingMap">  
163.            <map>  
164.                <entry key="uid" value="uid" />  
165.                <entry key="eduPersonAffiliation" value="eduPersonAffiliation" />   
166.                <entry key="groupMembership" value="groupMembership" />  
167.            </map>  
168.        </property>  
169.    </bean>  
171.    <!--   
172.    Sample, in-memory data store for the ServiceRegistry. A real implementation  
173.    would probably want to replace this with the JPA-backed ServiceRegistry DAO  
174.    The name of this bean should remain "serviceRegistryDao".  
175.     -->  
176.    <bean  
177.        id="serviceRegistryDao"  
178.        class="">  
179.            <property name="registeredServices">  
180.                <list>  
181.                    <bean class="">  
182.                        <property name="id" value="0" />  
183.                        <property name="name" value="HTTP and IMAP" />  
184.                        <property name="description" value="Allows HTTP(S) and IMAP(S) protocols" />  
185.                        <property name="serviceId" value="^(https?|imaps?)://.*" />  
186.                        <property name="evaluationOrder" value="10000001" />  
187.                    </bean>  
188.                    <!--  
189.                    Use the following definition instead of the above to further restrict access  
190.                    to services within your domain (including subdomains).  
191.                    Note that must be replaced with the domain you wish to permit.  
192.                    -->  
193.                    <!--  
194.                    <bean class="">  
195.                        <property name="id" value="1" />  
196.                        <property name="name" value="HTTP and IMAP on" />  
197.                        <property name="description" value="Allows HTTP(S) and IMAP(S) protocols on" />  
198.                        <property name="serviceId" value="^(https?|imaps?)://([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)*example\.com/.*" />  
199.                        <property name="evaluationOrder" value="0" />  
200.                    </bean>  
201.                    -->  
202.                </list>  
203.            </property>  
204.        </bean>  
206.  <bean id="auditTrailManager" class="" />  
208.  <bean id="healthCheckMonitor" class="org.jasig.cas.monitor.HealthCheckMonitor">  
209.    <property name="monitors">  
210.      <list>  
211.        <bean class="org.jasig.cas.monitor.MemoryMonitor"  
212.            p:freeMemoryWarnThreshold="10" />  
213.        <!--  
214.          NOTE  
215.          The following ticket registries support SessionMonitor:  
216.            * DefaultTicketRegistry  
217.            * JpaTicketRegistry  
218.          Remove this monitor if you use an unsupported registry.  
219.        -->  
220.        <bean class="org.jasig.cas.monitor.SessionMonitor"  
221.            p:ticketRegistry-ref="ticketRegistry"  
222.            p:serviceTicketCountWarnThreshold="5000"  
223.            p:sessionCountWarnThreshold="100000" />  
224.      </list>  
225.    </property>  
226.  </bean>  
229.  <!-- ==============================數據源配置開始================================ -->  
230.  <bean id="casDataSource"    
231.        class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">    
232.        <property name="driverClassName">    
233.            <value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value>    
234.        </property>    
235.        <property name="url">    
236.            <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test</value>    
237.        </property>    
238.        <property name="username">    
239.            <value></value>    
240.        </property>    
241.        <property name="password">    
242.            <value></value>    
243.        </property>    
244.    </bean>    
246.    <!--<bean id="myPasswordEncoder" class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.handler.MyPasswordEncoder" />    
247.    <bean id="MD5PasswordEncoder"    
248.        class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.handler.DefaultPasswordEncoder">    
249.        <constructor-arg index="0">    
250.            <value>MD5</value>    
251.        </constructor-arg>    
252.    </bean>  -->  
253. <!-- ==============================數據源配置結束================================ -->  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Licensed to Jasig under one or more contributor license
    agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work
    for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    Jasig licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
    Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
    except in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a
    copy of the License at the following location:

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
    specific language governing permissions and limitations
    under the License.

    | deployerConfigContext.xml centralizes into one file some of the declarative configuration that
    | all CAS deployers will need to modify.
    | This file declares some of the Spring-managed JavaBeans that make up a CAS deployment.  
    | The beans declared in this file are instantiated at context initialization time by the Spring 
    | ContextLoaderListener declared in web.xml.  It finds this file because this
    | file is among those declared in the context parameter "contextConfigLocation".
    | By far the most common change you will need to make in this file is to change the last bean
    | declaration to replace the default SimpleTestUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler with
    | one implementing your approach for authenticating usernames and passwords.

<beans xmlns=""
        | This bean declares our AuthenticationManager.  The CentralAuthenticationService service bean
        | declared in applicationContext.xml picks up this AuthenticationManager by reference to its id, 
        | "authenticationManager".  Most deployers will be able to use the default AuthenticationManager
        | implementation and so do not need to change the class of this bean.  We include the whole
        | AuthenticationManager here in the userConfigContext.xml so that you can see the things you will
        | need to change in context.
    <bean id="authenticationManager"
        <!-- Uncomment the metadata populator to allow clearpass to capture and cache the password
             This switch effectively will turn on clearpass.
        <property name="authenticationMetaDataPopulators">
              <bean class="org.jasig.cas.extension.clearpass.CacheCredentialsMetaDataPopulator">
                 <constructor-arg index="0" ref="credentialsCache" />
            | This is the List of CredentialToPrincipalResolvers that identify what Principal is trying to authenticate.
            | The AuthenticationManagerImpl considers them in order, finding a CredentialToPrincipalResolver which 
            | supports the presented credentials.
            | AuthenticationManagerImpl uses these resolvers for two purposes.  First, it uses them to identify the Principal
            | attempting to authenticate to CAS /login .  In the default configuration, it is the DefaultCredentialsToPrincipalResolver
            | that fills this role.  If you are using some other kind of credentials than UsernamePasswordCredentials, you will need to replace
            | DefaultCredentialsToPrincipalResolver with a CredentialsToPrincipalResolver that supports the credentials you are
            | using.
            | Second, AuthenticationManagerImpl uses these resolvers to identify a service requesting a proxy granting ticket. 
            | In the default configuration, it is the HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver that serves this purpose. 
            | You will need to change this list if you are identifying services by something more or other than their callback URL.
        <property name="credentialsToPrincipalResolvers">
                    | UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver supports the UsernamePasswordCredentials that we use for /login 
                    | by default and produces SimplePrincipal instances conveying the username from the credentials.
                    | If you've changed your LoginFormAction to use credentials other than UsernamePasswordCredentials then you will also
                    | need to change this bean declaration (or add additional declarations) to declare a CredentialsToPrincipalResolver that supports the
                    | Credentials you are using.
                <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" >
                    <property name="attributeRepository" ref="attributeRepository" />
                    | HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver supports HttpBasedCredentials.  It supports the CAS 2.0 approach of
                    | authenticating services by SSL callback, extracting the callback URL from the Credentials and representing it as a
                    | SimpleService identified by that callback URL.
                    | If you are representing services by something more or other than an HTTPS URL whereat they are able to
                    | receive a proxy callback, you will need to change this bean declaration (or add additional declarations).
                    class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" />

            | Whereas CredentialsToPrincipalResolvers identify who it is some Credentials might authenticate, 
            | AuthenticationHandlers actually authenticate credentials.  Here we declare the AuthenticationHandlers that
            | authenticate the Principals that the CredentialsToPrincipalResolvers identified.  CAS will try these handlers in turn
            | until it finds one that both supports the Credentials presented and succeeds in authenticating.
        <property name="authenticationHandlers">
                    | This is the authentication handler that authenticates services by means of callback via SSL, thereby validating
                    | a server side SSL certificate.
                <bean class=""
                    p:httpClient-ref="httpClient" />
                    | This is the authentication handler declaration that every CAS deployer will need to change before deploying CAS 
                    | into production.  The default SimpleTestUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler authenticates UsernamePasswordCredentials
                    | where the username equals the password.  You will need to replace this with an AuthenticationHandler that implements your
                    | local authentication strategy.  You might accomplish this by coding a new such handler and declaring
                    | edu.someschool.its.cas.MySpecialHandler here, or you might use one of the handlers provided in the adaptors modules.
                <!-- <bean class="" /> -->
                <!-- 配置本身的SQL -->
                    <property name="dataSource" ref="casDataSource" />  
                    <property name="sql"  value="select password from vc_user where account = ?" />     
                    <!-- <property name="passwordEncoder" ref="myPasswordEncoder" />   -->

    This bean defines the security roles for the Services Management application.  Simple deployments can use the in-memory version.
    More robust deployments will want to use another option, such as the Jdbc version.
    The name of this should remain "userDetailsService" in order for Spring Security to find it.
    <!-- <sec:user name="@@THIS SHOULD BE REPLACED@@" password="notused" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />-->

    <sec:user-service id="userDetailsService">
        <sec:user name="@@THIS SHOULD BE REPLACED@@" password="notused" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" />
    Bean that defines the attributes that a service may return.  This example uses the Stub/Mock version.  A real implementation
    may go against a database or LDAP server.  The id should remain "attributeRepository" though.
    <bean id="attributeRepository"
        <property name="backingMap">
                <entry key="uid" value="uid" />
                <entry key="eduPersonAffiliation" value="eduPersonAffiliation" /> 
                <entry key="groupMembership" value="groupMembership" />
    Sample, in-memory data store for the ServiceRegistry. A real implementation
    would probably want to replace this with the JPA-backed ServiceRegistry DAO
    The name of this bean should remain "serviceRegistryDao".
            <property name="registeredServices">
                    <bean class="">
                        <property name="id" value="0" />
                        <property name="name" value="HTTP and IMAP" />
                        <property name="description" value="Allows HTTP(S) and IMAP(S) protocols" />
                        <property name="serviceId" value="^(https?|imaps?)://.*" />
                        <property name="evaluationOrder" value="10000001" />
                    Use the following definition instead of the above to further restrict access
                    to services within your domain (including subdomains).
                    Note that must be replaced with the domain you wish to permit.
                    <bean class="">
                        <property name="id" value="1" />
                        <property name="name" value="HTTP and IMAP on" />
                        <property name="description" value="Allows HTTP(S) and IMAP(S) protocols on" />
                        <property name="serviceId" value="^(https?|imaps?)://([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)*example\.com/.*" />
                        <property name="evaluationOrder" value="0" />

  <bean id="auditTrailManager" class="" />
  <bean id="healthCheckMonitor" class="org.jasig.cas.monitor.HealthCheckMonitor">
    <property name="monitors">
        <bean class="org.jasig.cas.monitor.MemoryMonitor"
            p:freeMemoryWarnThreshold="10" />
          The following ticket registries support SessionMonitor:
            * DefaultTicketRegistry
            * JpaTicketRegistry
          Remove this monitor if you use an unsupported registry.
        <bean class="org.jasig.cas.monitor.SessionMonitor"
            p:sessionCountWarnThreshold="100000" />
  <!-- ==============================數據源配置開始================================ -->
  <bean id="casDataSource"  
        <property name="driverClassName">  
        <property name="url">  
        <property name="username">  
        <property name="password">  
    <!--<bean id="myPasswordEncoder" class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.handler.MyPasswordEncoder" />  
    <bean id="MD5PasswordEncoder"  
        <constructor-arg index="0">  
    </bean>  -->
 <!-- ==============================數據源配置結束================================ -->

聲明個人CAS版本是 3.5.2 ,以前一直用其餘網上找的配置方式,一直提示 CAS 不支持你提供的憑證,以上配置沒問題,其餘配置不須要更改,如HTTPS,改了可能還會錯,若是有須要你能夠自行更改