======= print and recognize captchapic ======= "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................##.##........#####..............................................", "................##.##.......##...##.............................................", "................##.##.............##............................................", "............###.##.##.###........##....#####....................................", "...........##..###.###..##.....###....##...##...................................", "..........##....##.##....##......##........##...................................", "..........##....##.##....##.......##..#######...................................", "..........##....##.##....##.......##.##....##...................................", "...........##..###.##....##.##...##..##...###...................................", "............###.##.##....##..#####....####.##...................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................", "................................................................................" recognize: dh3a
package com.demo.check; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CaptchaRecognizer { public static void main(String[] args) { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod("https://img2020.cnblogs.com/blog/1039974/202011/1039974-20201119224011928-1654538410.png"); // 驗證碼連接 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { try { // 執行get請求 int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(getMethod); if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { System.err.println("Method failed: " + getMethod.getStatusLine()); } else { File captcha = File.createTempFile("ybt", ".png"); OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(captcha); InputStream inputStream = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); IOUtils.copy(inputStream, outStream); outStream.close(); BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(captcha); System.out.println("======= print and recognize captchapic ======="); printImage(image); System.out.printf("recognize: %s\n", recognizeCaptcha(image)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // 釋放鏈接 getMethod.releaseConnection(); } } } /** * @param colorInt 像素點的RGB值 * @return */ private static boolean isBlack(int colorInt) { Color color = new Color(colorInt); if (color.getRed() + color.getGreen() + color.getBlue() <= 10) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param image 須要打印的圖像 * @throws IOException */ private static void printImage(BufferedImage image) { int h = image.getHeight(); int w = image.getWidth(); // 矩陣打印 for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { System.out.printf("\""); for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { if (isBlack(image.getRGB(x, y))) { System.out.print("#"); } else { System.out.print("."); } } System.out.printf("%s", y == h-1 ? "\"" : "\","); System.out.println(); } } /** * @param image 待識別的符號圖片 * @return */ private static char recognizeSymbol(BufferedImage image) { int h = image.getHeight(); int w = image.getWidth(); int minDiff = 999999; char symAns = 0; // 對於某個給定數值 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int curDiff = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { boolean pixel1 = digitals[i][y].charAt(x) == '#'; boolean pixel2 = isBlack(image.getRGB(x, y)); if (pixel1 != pixel2) { ++curDiff; } } } if (curDiff < minDiff) { minDiff = curDiff; symAns = (char) ('0' + i); } if (minDiff == 0) { return symAns; } } // 對於某個給定字母 for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { int curDiff = 0; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { boolean pixel1 = alphas[i][y].charAt(x) == '#'; boolean pixel2 = isBlack(image.getRGB(x, y)); if (pixel1 != pixel2) { ++curDiff; } } } if (curDiff < minDiff) { minDiff = curDiff; symAns = (char) ('a' + i); } if (minDiff == 0) { return symAns; } } return symAns; } /** * @param image 須要被分割的驗證碼 * @return */ private static List<BufferedImage> splitImage(BufferedImage image) { List<BufferedImage> subImgs = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>(); subImgs.add(image.getSubimage(10, 3, 8, 12)); subImgs.add(image.getSubimage(19, 3, 8, 12)); subImgs.add(image.getSubimage(28, 3, 8, 12)); subImgs.add(image.getSubimage(37, 3, 8, 12)); return subImgs; } /** * @param image 待識別的驗證碼 * @return */ public static String recognizeCaptcha(BufferedImage image) { StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(); List<BufferedImage> subImgs = splitImage(image); for (BufferedImage subImg : subImgs) { // 依次識別子圖片 ans.append(recognizeSymbol(subImg)); } return ans.toString(); } private static String[][] digitals = new String[][]{ { "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........" }, { "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....##", "......##", ".....##.", "....##..", "...##...", "..##....", ".##.....", "########", "........", "........" }, { ".#####..", "##...##.", "......##", ".....##.", "...###..", ".....##.", "......##", "......##", "##...##.", ".#####..", "........", "........" }, { ".....##.", "....###.", "...####.", "..##.##.", ".##..##.", "##...##.", "########", ".....##.", ".....##.", ".....##.", "........", "........" }, { "#######.", "##......", "##......", "##.###..", "###..##.", "......##", "......##", "##....##", ".##..##.", "..####..", "........", "........" }, { "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....#.", "##......", "##.###..", "###..##.", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..##.", "..####..", "........", "........" }, { "########", "......##", "......##", ".....##.", "....##..", "...##...", "..##....", ".##.....", "##......", "##......", "........", "........" }, { "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....##", ".##..##.", "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..##.", "..####..", "........", "........" }, { "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..###", "..###.##", "......##", ".#....##", ".##..##.", "..####..", "........", "........" } }; private static String[][] alphas = new String[][]{ { "........", "........", "........", "..#####.", ".##...##", "......##", ".#######", "##....##", "##...###", ".####.##", "........", "........" }, { "##......", "##......", "##......", "##.###..", "###..##.", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "###..##.", "##.###..", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "..#####.", ".##...##", "##......", "##......", "##......", ".##...##", "..#####.", "........", "........" }, { "......##", "......##", "......##", "..###.##", ".##..###", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..###", "..###.##", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....##", "########", "##......", ".##...##", "..#####.", "........", "........" }, { "...####.", "..##..##", "..##..##", "..##....", "..##....", "######..", "..##....", "..##....", "..##....", "..##....", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", ".#####.#", "##...###", "##...##.", "##...##.", ".#####..", "##......", ".######.", "##....##", ".######." }, { "##......", "##......", "##......", "##.###..", "###..##.", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "........", "........" }, { "...##...", "...##...", "........", "..###...", "...##...", "...##...", "...##...", "...##...", "...##...", ".######.", "........", "........" }, { ".....##.", ".....##.", "........", "....###.", ".....##.", ".....##.", ".....##.", ".....##.", ".....##.", "##...##.", "##...##.", ".#####.." }, { ".##.....", ".##.....", ".##.....", ".##..##.", ".##.##..", ".####...", ".####...", ".##.##..", ".##..##.", ".##...##", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "#.##.##.", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##.###..", "###..##.", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##.###..", "###..##.", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "###..##.", "##.###..", "##......", "##......" }, { "........", "........", "........", "..###.##", ".##..###", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..###", "..###.##", "......##", "......##" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##.####.", ".###..##", ".##.....", ".##.....", ".##.....", ".##.....", ".##.....", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", ".######.", "##....##", "##......", ".######.", "......##", "##....##", ".######.", "........", "........" }, { "........", "..##....", "..##....", "######..", "..##....", "..##....", "..##....", "..##....", "..##..##", "...####.", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..###", "..###.##", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..##.", ".##..##.", "..####..", "..####..", "...##...", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##....##", "##....##", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "##.##.##", "########", ".##..##.", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##....##", ".##..##.", "..####..", "...##...", "..####..", ".##..##.", "##....##", "........", "........" }, { "........", "........", "........", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", "##....##", ".##..###", "..###.##", "#.....##", ".######." }, { "........", "........", "........", ".######.", ".....##.", "....##..", "...##...", "..##....", ".##.....", ".######.", "........", "........" } }; }