一、後臺 cors cnpm i -S cors
二、前端 jsonp
三、代理 webpack: myvue\config\index.js 找 proxyTablecss
proxyTable: { "/anhao": { target: "http://localhost:3000", changeOrigin: true, pathRewrite: { //須要rewrite重寫的, 若是在服務器端作了處理則能夠不要這段 "^/anhao": "" } } },
axios vue-axios vue2-animate vuex swiperhtml
cnpm i -S axios vue2-animate vuex swiper前端
vuex swiper //輪播特效copyvue
rem: r---> html em html{font-size:100px;} 標準的字體大小 100 當前的字體的大小 rem? ------------------- = ------------------- 表示視圖的寬度 750 當前的視圖的寬度 document.documentElement.clientWidth 320px 640px 750px 1250px rem?= 100/750*clientWidth = clientWidth/(7.5|3.75) + "px";
<transition> <div v-show="isShow"></div> </transition>
一、直接調用mutations ----> commit
二、直接調用actions ---> dispatchwebpack
import Vue from "vue"; import VueAxios from "vue-axios"; import Axios from "axios"; import App from "./App"; import store from "./store"; import router from "./router"; import "vue2-animate/dist/vue2-animate"; //Vue.prototype.$http = axios;//引入axios Vue.use(VueAxios,Axios);//引入axios Vue.config.productionTip = false; /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: "#app", router, store, components: { App }, template: "<App/>" })
import Vue from "vue"; import Vuex from "vuex"; import Axios from "axios"; Vue.use(Vuex); let store = new Vuex.Store({ state:{ isShow:false, title:"", }, getters:{}, mutations:{ showMutation(state,payload){ state.isShow = !state.isShow; //console.log("payload",payload); }, yingyuanMutation(state,payload){ state.title = "所有影院"; }, changeMutation(state,payload){ state.title = "賣座電影"; }, loginMutation(state,payload){ state.title = "登陸"; }, }, actions:{ showAction({commit},payload){ commit("showMutation"); }, changeAction({commit},payload){ commit("changeMutation"); }, yingyuanAction({commit},payload){ commit("yingyuanMutation"); }, loginAction({commit},payload){ commit("loginMutation"); }, }, modules:{}, }); console.log(111111,store.state.title) export default store;
import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' import Home from '@/components/Home'; import Login from '@/components/Login'; import City from '@/components/City'; import FilmList from "@/components/FilmList"; import FilmDetail from "@/components/FilmDetail"; import Cinema from "@/components/Cinema"; import Order from "@/components/Order"; Vue.use(Router) const router = new Router({ routes: [ {path: '/',name: 'home',component: Home}, {path: '/login',name: 'login',component: Login}, {path: '/city',name: 'city',component: City}, {path: "/filmlist",name: "filmlist",component: FilmList}, {path: "/filmdetail/:id",name: "filmdetail",component: FilmDetail,props:true}, {path:"/cinema",name:"cinema",component:Cinema}, {path:"/order",name:"order",component:Order}, {path: "/*",redirect:"/"}, ] }); router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { console.log("beforeEach",to); const token = localStorage.token; if(to.path == "/order"){ if(!token){ alert("請先登錄"); router.push("/login"); } } next(); }) export default router;
<template> <div id="app"> <mz-header></mz-header> <mz-menu></mz-menu> <router-view class="content"></router-view> </div> </template> <script> import Header from "@/components/Header"; import Menu from "@/components/Menu"; export default { name: "App", data(){ return { }; }, methods:{ }, components:{ [Header.name]:Header, [Menu.name]:Menu } } </script> <style> *{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;box-sizing: border-box;} html,body{width:100%;}/*overflow: hidden; */ a{ text-decoration: none; font-size:12px; color: #000;} .fl{float: left;} .fr{float: right;} #app { width:375px; -height: 100%; background: #ccc; margin: 0 auto; } .content{padding-top:50px;} </style>
<template> <div class="mz-home"> <mz-banner></mz-banner> <!-- <mz-film type="now-playing"></mz-film> <mz-film type="coming-soon"></mz-film> --> <mz-film v-for="(item,index) in arr" :key="index" :type="item"></mz-film> </div> </template> <script> import {mapActions,mapMutations,mapState,mapGetters} from "vuex"; import Swiper from "swiper"; import "swiper/dist/css/swiper"; import Banner from "./Banner"; import Film from "./Film"; import Vue from 'vue'; export default { name: "mz-home", data() { return { arr:["now-playing","coming-soon"] } }, methods:{ ...mapActions({change:"changeAction"}), }, computed:{ }, components:{ [Banner.name]:Banner, [Film.name]:Film, }, created(){ this.change() } } </script> <style> .swiper-container {width: 375px;height: 210px;} .swiper-container img{width: 100%;height: 100%;} .film{padding:17px;padding-top: 18px;} .film li{height:240px; background: yellow;margin-bottom:17px;} .film li img{width: 100%;height: 100%;} </style>
<template> <div class="mz-home"> <mz-banner></mz-banner> <!-- <mz-film type="now-playing"></mz-film> <mz-film type="coming-soon"></mz-film> --> <mz-film v-for="(item,index) in arr" :key="index" :type="item"></mz-film> </div> </template> <script> import {mapActions,mapMutations,mapState,mapGetters} from "vuex"; import Swiper from "swiper"; import "swiper/dist/css/swiper"; import Banner from "./Banner"; import Film from "./Film"; import Vue from 'vue'; export default { name: "mz-home", data() { return { arr:["now-playing","coming-soon"] } }, methods:{ ...mapActions({change:"changeAction"}), }, computed:{ }, components:{ [Banner.name]:Banner, [Film.name]:Film, }, created(){ this.change() } } </script> <style> .swiper-container {width: 375px;height: 210px;} .swiper-container img{width: 100%;height: 100%;} .film{padding:17px;padding-top: 18px;} .film li{height:240px; background: yellow;margin-bottom:17px;} .film li img{width: 100%;height: 100%;} </style>
<template> <div> <!-- 輪播 https://m.maizuo.com/v4/api/billboard/home?__t=1533018029083--> <div class="swiper-container"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide" v-for="item in arr" :key="item.id"> <img :src="item.imageUrl" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import Swiper from "swiper"; import "swiper/dist/css/swiper"; export default { name: 'mz-banner', data () { return { arr:[], } }, created(){ // https://m.maizuo.com/v4/api/billboard/home?__t=1533018029083 let url = "http://localhost:9000/mz/v4/api/billboard/home"; this.$http.get(url,{params:{__t:Date.now()}}).then(res=>{ this.arr = res.data.data.billboards; }); }, updated(){ new Swiper (".swiper-container",{loop: true}); } } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> </style>
<template> <div class="mz-menu"> <transition name="slideLeft"> <ul v-show="isShow" @click="show" > <router-link tag="li" v-for="item in arr" :to="item" :key="item.id">{{item.content}}</router-link> </ul> </transition> <transition name="fade"> <div v-show="isShow" class="mask" @click="show"></div> </transition> </div> </template> <script> import {mapActions,mapMutations,mapState,mapGetters} from "vuex"; export default { name: "mz-menu", data () { return { arr:[ {id:Math.random(),content:"首頁",path:"/home",name:"home"}, {id:Math.random(),content:"影片",path:"/filmlist",name:"filmlist"}, {id:Math.random(),content:"影院",path:"/cinema",name:"cinema"}, {id:Math.random(),content:"商城",path:"/home",name:"home"}, {id:Math.random(),content:"個人",path:"/login",name:"login"}, {id:Math.random(),content:"賣座卡",path:"/card",name:"card"}, ], } }, computed:{ ...mapState({isShow:"isShow"}) // isShow(){ // return this.$store.state.isShow; // } }, methods:{ ...mapMutations({show:"showMutation"}), // show(){ // this.$store.commit("showMutation"); // } }, created(){ } } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> .mz-menu {position:fixed;left:0;top:50px;z-index:1000; -height: 100%; width:265px; } .mz-menu ul{width:265px;background: #282828;position:fixed;left:0;top:50px;right:0;bottom:0; z-index:2 ; -overflow: hidden;border-top: 1px solid #666; } .mz-menu li{width:100%; height:50px; line-height:50px;color: #9a9a9a; font-size: 14px; padding: 0 16px;border-bottom: 1px dotted #333; } .mask{ position: fixed;top: 0;bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;z-index: 1; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } /* .fade-enter,.fade-leave-to{opacity: 0;} .fade-enter-active,.fade-leave-active{ transition: 1s all ease;} .fade-enter-to,.fade-leave{opacity: 1;} */ </style>
<template> <div class="mz-film"> <!-- 正在熱映 https://m.maizuo.com/v4/api/film/now-playing?__t=1533018029103&page=1&count=5 --> <!-- 即將上映 https://m.maizuo.com/v4/api/film/coming-soon?__t=1533018029121&page=1&count=3 --> <ul class="film"> <router-link tag="li" :to="{name:'filmdetail',params:{id:item.id}}" v-for="item in arr" :key="item.id"> <img :src="item.cover.origin"> </router-link> </ul> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "mz-film", props:["type"], data () { return { arr:[] } }, methods:{ getFilms(){//now-playing | coming-soon let params = {__t:Date.now(),page:1,count:5}; let url = `http://localhost:9000/mz/v4/api/film/${this.type}`; this.$http.get(url,{params}).then(res=>{ this.arr = res.data.data.films; }); } }, created(){ this.getFilms(); }, } </script>