





發件人 Apple

Guideline 2.3.1 - Performance

Dear Developer,ide


We discovered that your app contains hidden features. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. In your app, we found that FinaceBuySelectViewController makes use of ‘pay flag’ launch variables to control content shown in the app. Upon further investigation, there were concerns about a launch App Store switch, but that appears to be a shared template between versions of the app for specific clients. 

While confirming this, though, code in class FinaceBuyViewController stood out as potentially problematic from either a 3.2.1 standpoint if selling financial services or instruments not directly associated with your company, or a 3.1.1 standpoint if remote alternative payments are being used for digital education services. If these features are in the app and benign in nature, please ensure we are able to see them all in use in App Review, providing directions as necessary to confirm the learning, purchasing, etc. features’ uses. Otherwise, it would be appropriate to remove all superfluous or inappropriate functionality, as well as any signs of feature switching for such potential uses, from your app. We look forward to reviewing your revised app.

Best Regards,
App Store Reviewui
