2017-08-22 前端日報

2017-08-22 前端日報


JavaScript 中的執行上下文和調用棧是什麼?
[React技術內幕] setState的祕密
How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code
Performant Web Animations and Interactions: Achieving 60 FPSjavascript


30 行 JavaScript 代碼搭建神經網絡 - 知乎專欄
Chrome 61 Beta版:JavaScript模塊,桌面支付請求API,Web Share API,以及WebUSB - 衆成翻譯
ES2017 你應該知道的 - 知乎專欄
FEX 技術週刊 - 2017/08/21
Generator:同步代碼書寫異步情懷 - 掘金
JavaScript 排序算法(JavaScript sorting algorithms) - 前端開發 - SegmentFault
React+Redux項目結構最佳實踐 - 蒼山沭河的大前端 - SegmentFault
SASS: 簡單點,寫 BEM 的方式簡單點 - 知乎專欄
Tree-shaking VS 死碼消除 - 衆成翻譯
Vue.js數據綁定原理 - 掘金
webpack2 示例之:Scope Hoisting 和 Code Splitting - 迷津欲有問 - SegmentFault
一個我的小項目,express 作的後臺增刪改查 - 我的文章 - SegmentFault
從 JavaScript 到 TypeScript - 泛型 - 邊城客棧 - SegmentFault
關於Angular響應式表單的三種更新值的討論 - Angular Dev. - SegmentFault
前端每週清單:React 許可證回覆,Shopify WebVR 購物,原生 JS MVC 設計 - 知乎專欄
前端每週清單半年盤點之 JavaScript 篇 - 掘金
在 vue 項目中使用各類 javascript 類庫 – Vue.js Developers – Medium - 衆成翻譯
學好 MP4,讓直播更給力 - 前端的bigboom - SegmentFault
翻譯系列連載 |《JavaScript 輕量級函數式編程》- 引言&前言 - 掘金css


10 Languages That Compile to JavaScript — SitePoint
A Developer's Guide to Managing Email Accounts — SitePoint
farzher/fuzzysort: Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript.
hocs/packages/with-page-visibility-props at master · deepsweet/hocs
How to check for undefined
How To Create A Sketch Plugin With Front-End Technologies – Smashing Magazine
HTTP/2 Server Push with Node.js
If you’re a startup, you should not use React (reflecting on the BSD + patents license)
Improve Promises in Flux/Redux – codeburst
Improving JIRA productivity with Electron – Faizaan – Medium
Integration testing with Cypress 101 – Wehkamp-techblog – Medium
Last Week in Node.js Working Groups - August 14th - NodeSource
nitin42/redocx: ? Create word documents with React
Rock Solid Endpoints: Using Jest snapshot testing for api integrations
The Observer Pattern in JavaScript explained
Websocket and Data Visualization – Frontend Weekly – Mediumhtml
