問題的提出,我如今使用的是1.5.1版本的springboot 和Edgware.RELEASE版本的springcloud,我想升級到springboot到2.0.0, springcloud須要升級嗎? 或者我想單獨升級springcloud到Finchley.RELEASE,能夠不用升級springboot嗎?springboot
Spring Cloud的版本列表測試
https://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/ .net
Finchley builds and works with Spring Boot 2.0.x, and is not expected to work with Spring Boot 1.5.x.
The Dalston and Edgware release trains build on Spring Boot 1.5.x, and are not expected to work with Spring Boot 2.0.x.
The Camden release train builds on Spring Boot 1.4.x, but is also tested with 1.5.x.
NOTE: The Brixton and Angel release trains were marked end-of-life (EOL) in July 2017.
The Brixton release train builds on Spring Boot 1.3.x, but is also tested with 1.4.x.blog
Finchley須要Spring Boot 2.0.x,預計不會與Spring Boot 1.5.x一塊兒工做(潛在臺詞,和1.5.x沒有和作過兼容性測試,最好不要和1.5.x一塊兒使用)。
Dalston版本和Edgware版本是在Spring Boot 1.5.x上構建的,預計不會與Spring Boot 2.0.x一塊兒工做。
Camden 版本是在 Spring Boot 1.4.x上構建的,可是也和Spring Boot 1.5.x進行過測試。因此能夠認爲是可以和Spring Boot 1.5.x一塊兒工做的。
Spring Cloud與Spring Boot版本匹配關係ssl
Greenwich 支持 SpringBoot 2.1.x
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