如何在iPhone和Android上更改Google Maps Voice

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The Google Maps app offers hands-free directions, travel alerts, and more for users. Its built-in voice engine offers this in your own preferred voice, with options based on region or language. If you want to change the Google Maps voice, here’s how.

Google Maps應用程序爲用戶提供了免提方向,旅行提醒等功能。 其內置的語音引擎以您自己喜歡的語音提供此功能,並提供基於地區或語言的選項。 如果您想更改Google Maps語音,請按以下步驟操作。

Unfortunately, there are some limitations you need to be aware of. While Google Maps does offer different voices based on region or language, it doesn’t offer gender variations. You aren’t presently able to switch between a male or a female voice, and other voice options are still quite limited.

不幸的是,您需要注意一些限制。 雖然Google Maps會根據地區或語言提供不同的聲音,但它不會提供性別差異。 您目前無法在男聲或女聲之間切換,其他語音選項仍然非常有限。

在Android上更改Google Maps Voice (Change the Google Maps Voice on Android)

The voice and language settings used by Google Maps are different from the built-in Android text-to-speech settings. Changing text-to-speech settings doesn’t appear to have any impact on the voice you’ll hear in the Google Maps app.

Google Maps使用的語音和語言設置與內置的Android文字轉語音設置不同 。 更改文字轉語音設置似乎不會對您在Google Maps應用中聽到的聲音產生任何影響。

Instead, Google Maps uses its own voice engine and language settings to generate spoken directions and travel alerts. To change this, you’ll need to open the 「Google Maps」 app, then tap on the circular account icon on the search bar.

相反,Google Maps使用其自己的語音引擎和語言設置來生成語音指示和旅行警報。 要更改此設置,您需要打開「 Google地圖」應用,然後點擊搜索欄上的循環帳戶圖標。

Tap the circular account icon on the search bar to access the Google Maps menu

This will open the Google Maps menu. From here, tap the 「Settings」 option.

這將打開Goog​​le Maps菜單。 在此處,點擊「設置」選項。

Tap Settings in the Google Maps menu

In the 「Settings」 menu, scroll down until you find the 「Navigation Settings」 option—tap this to enter the menu.


In the Google Maps settings menu, tap Navigation Settings

The 「Navigation Settings」 menu allows you to change how hands-free navigation is played to you. To change the voice settings for the Google Maps app, select the 「Voice Selection」 option.

「導航設置」菜單允許您更改免提導航的播放方式。 要更改Google Maps應用的語音設置,請選擇「語音選擇」選項。

Tap Voice Selection to access Google Maps voice selection options

This will bring up a list of available voices. These are separated by language or, in some cases, by regions. For instance, both the 「English US」 and 「English UK」 voice settings will speak in English but will use different accents and terminology.

這將顯示可用聲音的列表。 這些內容按語言或在某些情況下按地區分開。 例如,「美國英語」和「英國英語」的語音設置都將使用英語,但是使用不同的口音和術語。

Select one of these options to switch the Google Maps voice to that setting.

選擇以下選項之一以將Google Maps語音切換爲該設置。

Select a new voice in the Voice selection menu in Google Maps

This will automatically close the menu—you can return to the Google Maps Home Screen. The voice Google Maps uses the next time you perform a search for directions will match the voice you’ve selected.

這將自動關閉菜單-您可以返回到Google Maps主屏幕。 下次您搜索路線時,Google Maps使用的語音將與您選擇的語音匹配。

在iPhone上更改Google Maps Voice (Change the Google Maps Voice on iPhone)

Unlike the Android app, the Google Maps app on the iPhone doesn’t use its own voice engine. Instead, it relies on the default text-to-speech and language settings offered by iOS. To change the Google Maps voice on iPhone, you’ll need to change the language in iOS.

與Android應用程序不同,iPhone上的Google Maps應用程序不使用自己的語音引擎。 相反,它依賴於iOS提供的默認文本轉語音和語言設置。 要在iPhone上更改Google Maps語音,您需要在iOS中更改語言

Making this change will alter the voice for all apps on your iPhone, and the choices are limited to a single voice per language or region, so it may not be a useful option for most users (unless you want to switch between English US or English UK, for instance).


If this is a problem, you may prefer to use the Apple Maps app instead. Apple allows you to switch between languages, regional accents, and to use male or female voices. You’ll need to change the Siri voice settings if you decide to do that.

如果出現問題,您可能更喜歡使用Apple Maps應用程序。 Apple允許您在語言,區域重音之間切換,並使用男性或女性聲音。 如果您決定這樣做,則需要更改Siri語音設置

To change the Google Maps voice on your iPhone, you’ll need to open the 「Settings」 app, then tap the 「General」 option.

要在iPhone上更改Google Maps語音,您需要打開「設置」應用,然後點擊「常規」選項。

Tap General in the iOS settings menu

From here, select the 「Language & Region」 option to access your device’s language settings.


In the General menu, tap language & Region

To switch to another voice, tap the 「Language」 listing for your device (e.g., 「iPhone Language」).

要切換到其他聲音,請點擊設備的「語言」列表(例如「 iPhone語言」)。

Tap the Language option for your iOS device in the Language & Region menu

Select a new language voice pack from the list, then tap the 「Done」 button to confirm.


Select an iOS language, then press Done to confirm it.

You’ll be asked to confirm this—select the 「Change To」 option for your chosen language.


Select a language, then tap the Change to option to confirm the change on iOS

This will automatically update your entire device language to match. Google Maps will use this voice option for any directions or requests you make through the app.

這將自動更新您的整個設備語言以進行匹配。 Google Maps會將此語音選項用於您通過該應用程序發出的任何路線或請求。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/668488/how-to-change-the-google-maps-voice-on-iphone-and-android/