function test(fruit) { const redFruits = ['apple', 'strawberry', 'cherry', 'cranberries']; if (redFruits.includes(fruit)) { //if (fruit == 'apple' || fruit == 'strawberry') { console.log('red');
/_ 當發現無效語句時,儘早Return _/ function test(fruit, quantity) { const redFruits = ['apple', 'strawberry', 'cherry', 'cranberries']; // 條件 1: 儘早拋出錯誤 if (!fruit) throw new Error('No fruit!'); // 條件 2: 當fruit不是apple時中止繼續執行 if (!redFruits.includes(fruit)) return; console.log('red'); // 條件 3: 必須是大質量的 if (quantity > 10) { console.log('big quantity'); } } // 測試結果 test(null); // error: No fruits test('apple'); // print: red test('apple', 20); // print: red, big quantity
function test(fruit, quantity = 1) { // 若是 quantity 參數沒有傳入,設置默認值爲 1 if (!fruit) return; console.log(`We have ${quantity} ${fruit}!`); } //test results test('banana'); // We have 1 banana! test('apple', 2); // We have 2 apple!
// 解構 - 僅僅獲取 name 屬性 // 爲其賦默認值爲空對象 function test({name} = {}) { console.log (name || 'unknown'); } // test results test(undefined); // unknown test({ }); // unknown test({ name: 'apple', color: 'red' }); // apple
function test(fruit) { // 獲取屬性名,若是屬性名不可用,賦默認值爲 unknown console.log(__.get(fruit, 'name', 'unknown'); } // test results test(undefined); // unknown test({ }); // unknown test({ name: 'apple', color: 'red' }); // apple
function test(color) { // 使用條件語句來尋找對應顏色的水果 switch (color) { case 'red': return ['apple', 'strawberry']; case 'yellow': return ['banana', 'pineapple']; case 'purple': return ['grape', 'plum']; default: return []; } } // test results test(null); // [] test('yellow'); // ['banana', 'pineapple']
const fruitColor = { red: ['apple', 'strawberry'], yellow: ['banana', 'pineapple'], purple: ['grape', 'plum'] }; function test(color) { return fruitColor[color] || []; }
或者你也可使用 Map實現相同的結果:code
const fruitColor = new Map() .set('red', ['apple', 'strawberry']) .set('yellow', ['banana', 'pineapple']) .set('purple', ['grape', 'plum']); function test(color) { return fruitColor.get(color) || []; }
const fruits = [ { name: 'apple', color: 'red' }, { name: 'strawberry', color: 'red' }, { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'pineapple', color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' }, { name: 'plum', color: 'purple' } ]; function test(color) { return fruits.filter(f => f.color == color); } test('red'); //[{ name: 'apple', color: 'red' },{ name: 'strawberry', color: 'red' }]
const fruits = [ { name: 'apple', color: 'red' }, { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' } ]; function test() { let isAllRed = true; // 條件:全部水果都是紅色 for (let f of fruits) { if (!isAllRed) break; isAllRed = (f.color == 'red'); } return isAllRed; } test() ; // false
經過 Array.every
const fruits = [ { name: 'apple', color: 'red' }, { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' } ]; function test() { const isAllRed = fruits.every(f => f.color == 'red'); return isAllRed; } test(); // false
const fruits = [ { name: 'apple', color: 'red' }, { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' } ]; function test() { // 條件:任何一個水果是紅色 const isAnyRed = fruits.some(f => f.color == 'red'); return isAnyRed; } test(); // true