<img class="mui-media-object mui-pull-left head-img" id="head-img" src="img/head.png">
/*點擊頭像觸發*/ document.getElementById('head').addEventListener('tap', function() { if( { var a = [{ title: "拍照" }, { title: "從手機相冊選擇" }]; plus.nativeUI.actionSheet({ title: "修改用戶頭像", cancel: "取消", buttons: a }, function(b) { /*actionSheet 按鈕點擊事件*/ switch(b.index) { case 0: break; case 1: getImage(); /*拍照*/ break; case 2: galleryImg(); /*打開相冊*/ break; default: break; } }) } }, false); //拍照 function getImage() { var cmr =; var res = cmr.supportedImageResolutions[0]; var fmt = cmr.supportedImageFormats[0]; cmr.captureImage(function(path) { //, function(entry) {, function(entry) { var localUrl = entry.toLocalURL(); uploadHead(localUrl + "?version=" + new Date().getTime()); }, function(err) { console.error("拍照失敗:" + err.message); }, { index: 1 }); }); } //本地相冊選擇 function galleryImg() { {, function(entry) {"_doc/", function(root) { root.getFile("head.png", {}, function(file) { //文件已存在 file.remove(function() { console.log("file remove success"); entry.copyTo(root, 'head.png', function(e) { var e = e.fullPath + "?version=" + new Date().getTime(); uploadHead(e); /*上傳圖片*/ //變動大圖預覽的src //目前僅有一張圖片,暫時如此處理,後續須要經過標準組件實現 },function(e) { console.log('copy image fail:' + e.message); }); }, function() { console.log("delete image fail:" + e.message); }); }, function() { //文件不存在 entry.copyTo(root, 'head.png', function(e) { var path = e.fullPath + "?version=" + new Date().getTime(); uploadHead(path); /*上傳圖片*/ },function(e) { console.log('copy image fail:' + e.message); }); }); }, function(e) { console.log("get _www folder fail"); }) }, function(e) { console.log("讀取拍照文件錯誤:" + e.message); }); }, function(a) {}, { filter: "image" }) }; //上傳頭像圖片 function uploadHead(imgPath) { var image = new Image(); image.src = imgPath; image.onload = function() { var imgData = getBase64Image(image); console.log(imgData); /*在這裏調用上傳接口*/ //mui.ajax("圖片上傳接口", { //data: { //img: imgData //}, //dataType: 'json', //type: 'post', //timeout: 10000, //success: function(data) { //mui.toast('上傳成功',{ //duration:'long', //type:'div' //}); //document.getElementById('head-img').src = imgPath; //document.getElementById('head-img1').src = imgPath; //document.getElementById('head-img2').src=imgPath; //}, //error: function(xhr, type, errorThrown) { //mui.toast('網絡異常,請稍後再試!'); //} //}); } } //將圖片壓縮轉成base64 function getBase64Image(img) { var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var width = img.width; var height = img.height; // calculate the width and height, constraining the proportions if(width > height) { if(width > 100) { height = Math.round(height *= 100 / width); width = 100; } } else { if(height > 100) { width = Math.round(width *= 100 / height); height = 100; } } canvas.width = width; /*設置新的圖片的寬度*/ canvas.height = height; /*設置新的圖片的長度*/ var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); /*繪圖*/ var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png", 0.8); return dataURL.replace("data:image/png;base64,", ""); }