一種可能比 if-else / switch 更好的方式


這兩天作 Code Review 的時候, 發現不少 if-else / switch 語句,並非特別優雅。 在一些邏輯複雜的地方,看起來比較臃腫, 不是那麼好讀。javascript


function getTranslation(rhyme) {
  const lowercasedRhyme = rhyme.toLowerCase();
  if ( lowercasedRhyme === "apples and pears") { return "Stairs"; } else if (lowercasedRhyme === "hampstead heath") { return "Teeth"; } else if (lowercasedRhyme === "loaf of bread") { return "Head"; } else if (lowercasedRhyme === "pork pies") { return "Lies"; } else if (lowercasedRhyme === "whistle and flute") { return "Suit"; } return "Rhyme not found"; }

這樣作看起來十分臃腫, 並且作了太多 lowercasedRhyme === 'xxx'的判斷, 之後有一個新的分支, 都須要判斷一次。java

若是換成 switch 語句:app

function getTranslation(rhyme) { switch (rhyme.toLowerCase()) { case "apples and pears": return "Stairs"; case "hampstead heath": return "Teeth"; case "loaf of bread": return "Head"; case "pork pies": return "Lies"; case "whistle and flute": return "Suit"; default: return "Rhyme not found"; } }

狀況有所改善, 可是依舊顯得臃腫,咱們只須要返回一個值。ide

遇到具備更復雜的功能時,也很容易錯過 break聲明, 形成錯誤。ui


function getTranslationMap(rhyme) { const rhymes = { "apples and pears": "Stairs", "hampstead heath": "Teeth", "loaf of bread": "Head", "pork pies": "Lies", "whistle and flute": "Suit", }; return rhymes[rhyme.toLowerCase()] ?? "Rhyme not found"; }

咱們直接使用 key-value 的形式去取用數據, 最後用 ?? 最爲兜底。code

這裏的 ??, 就是所謂的空位合併運算符 :ip

const foo = null ?? 'default string'; console.log(foo); // expected output: "default string" const baz = 0 ?? 42; console.log(baz); // expected output: 0

不熟悉的朋友, 能夠去看一下文檔: https://developer.mozilla.org文檔

若是遇到了更復雜一點的邏輯, 在適合的場景也能夠用這種方式來作, 好比:

function calculate(num1, num2, action) { const actions = { add: (a, b) => a + b, subtract: (a, b) => a - b, multiply: (a, b) => a * b, divide: (a, b) => a / b, }; return actions[action]?.(num1, num2) ?? "Calculation is not recognised"; }

有一點注意一下,這裏咱們同時用到了 ?. 和 ?? 操做符。

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