1:下載:phantomjs http://phantomjs.org/download.htmlhtml
public void HttpunitlStr(String url) { HTML=""; String jsPath = "C:\\phantomjs\\examples\\myjs.js"; String exePath = "C:\\phantomjs\\bin\\phantomjs.exe"; System.out.println(jsPath); System.out.println(exePath); Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p; try { p = rt.exec(exePath + " " + jsPath + " " + url); InputStream is = p.getInputStream(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); String tmp = ""; while ((tmp = br.readLine()) != null) { sbf.append(tmp); } HTML=sbf.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
var page = require('webpage').create(), system = require('system'), t, address; page.settings.loadImages = false; //爲了提高加載速度,不加載圖片 page.settings.resourceTimeout = 10000;//超過10秒放棄加載 //此處是用來設置截圖的參數。不截圖沒啥用 page.viewportSize = { width: 1280, height: 800 }; block_urls = ['google.com'];//爲了提高速度,屏蔽一些須要時間長的。好比百度廣告 page.onResourceRequested = function(requestData, request){ for(url in block_urls) { if(requestData.url.indexOf(block_urls[url]) !== -1) { request.abort(); return; } } } t = Date.now();//看看加載須要多久。 address = system.args[1]; page.open(address, function(status) { if (status !== 'success') { console.log('FAIL to load the address'); } else { t = Date.now() - t; console.log('Loading time ' + t + ' msec'); console.log(page.content); setTimeout(function(){ phantom.exit(); }, 6000); } phantom.exit(); });