A copy of the released version can be downloaded from Little Stream Software . A development copy can be gotten from GitHubgithub
1. Follow the Redmine plugin installation steps at: http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Plugins Make sure the plugin is installed to vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin
2. Restart your Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails)
3. Login and click the Timesheet Link in the top left menuweb
1. Download the latest file as described in Getting the plugin
2. Extract the file to your Redmine into vendor/plugins
3. Restart your Redmineshell
1. Open a shell to your Redmine's vendor/plugins/timesheet_plugin folder
2. Update your Git copy with `git pull`
3. Restart your Redmineide
This plugin is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See LICENSE.txt and GPL.txt for details.日誌
If you need help you can contact the maintainer at his email address (See CREDITS.txt) or create an issue in the Bug Tracker.code
If you would like to report a bug or request a new feature the bug tracker is located at: https://projects.littlestreamsoftware.com/projects/show/redmine-timesheetserver