在使用React Native開發項目的時候,基本都會使用到微信好友或者微信朋友圈分享功能吧,那麼今天我就帶你們實現如下RN微信好友以及朋友圈的分享功能。html
1 include ':RCTWeChat' 2 project(':RCTWeChat').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-wechat/android')
1 ... 2 3 dependencies { 4 5 ... 6 7 implementation project(':RCTWeChat') // Add this line only. 8 9 }
1 import com.theweflex.react.WeChatPackage; // Add this line before public class MainActivity 2 3 ... 4 5 @Override 6 protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() { 7 return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList( 8 new MainReactPackage() 9 , new WeChatPackage() // Add this line 10 ); 11 }
以上是手動配置的方法,固然也可一鍵配置:npm link react-native-wechatweb
1 package your.package.wxapi; 2 3 import android.app.Activity; 4 import android.os.Bundle; 5 6 import com.theweflex.react.WeChatModule; 7 8 public class WXEntryActivity extends Activity{ 9 @Override 10 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 11 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 12 WeChatModule.handleIntent(getIntent()); 13 finish(); 14 } 15 }
1 <manifest> 2 ... 3 <application> 4 ... 5 <!-- 微信Activity --> 6 <activity 7 android:name=".wxapi.WXEntryActivity" 8 android:label="@string/app_name" 9 android:exported="true" 10 /> 11 </application> 12 </manifest>
1 -keep class com.tencent.mm.sdk.** { 2 *; 3 }
1,在xcode中添加部分庫依賴(Link Binary With Libraries) 在沒有這些庫的狀況下:
2,選中Targets-info配置中URL Types中配置剛申請下來的appid
3,爲了iOS9.0的支持,在Targets-info中的Custom iOS Traget Properties標籤中添加LSApplicationQueriesSchemes字段,值分別爲wechat和weixin
1 #import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h> 2 ... 3 4 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url 5 sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation 6 { 7 return [RCTLinkingManager application:application openURL:url 8 sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation]; 9 }
1 //應用註冊 2 WeChat.registerApp(appid);
提到圖片分享 在這兒就不得不講到屏幕截圖組件react-native-view-shot的簡單使用
1 import * as WeChat from 'react-native-wechat'; 2 import ViewShot, { captureScreen, captureRef } from "react-native-view-shot"; 3 4 ... 5 6 captureScreen({ 7 format: "jpg", 8 quality: 0.8 9 }).then( 10 uri => { 11 let Imageuri = (uri.toLowerCase()).includes('file://')?uri:'file://'+uri 12 self.setState({ Imageuri: Imageuri }) 13 }, 14 error => console.log("Oops, snapshot failed==" + error) 15 );
1 sharetoFrends = () => { 2 let self = this; 3 WeChat.isWXAppInstalled() 4 .then((isInstalled) => { 5 if (isInstalled) { 6 WeChat.shareToSession({ 7 type: 'imageFile', 8 title: '邀請好友', 9 description: '', 10 imageUrl: self.state.Imageuri // require the prefix on both iOS and Android platform 11 }) 12 .catch((error) => { 13 console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); 14 }); 15 } else { 16 Toast.show('您尚未安裝微信,請安裝微信以後再試'); 17 } 18 }); 19 }
1 sharetoPyq = () => { 2 let self = this; 3 WeChat.isWXAppInstalled() 4 .then((isInstalled) => { 5 if (isInstalled) { 6 WeChat.shareToTimeline({ 7 type: 'imageFile', 8 title: '邀請好友', 9 description: '', 10 imageUrl: self.state.Imageuri // require the prefix on both iOS and Android platform 11 }) 12 .catch((error) => { 13 console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); 14 }); 15 } else { 16 Toast.show('您尚未安裝微信,請安裝微信以後再試'); 17 } 18 }); 19 20 }
1 // 分享到好友與羣聊 2 sharetoFrends = () => { 3 WeChat.isWXAppInstalled() 4 .then((isInstalled) => { 5 if (isInstalled) { 6 WeChat.shareToSession({ 7 title: 'React Native之TextInput的介紹與使用(富文本封裝與使用實例,經常使用輸入框封裝與使用實例)', 8 description: 'TextInput是一個容許用戶在應用中經過鍵盤輸入文本的基本組件。', 9 10 thumbImage:'http://pic.58pic.com/58pic/10/97/02/30a58PICH7N.jpg', 11 type: 'news', 12 webpageUrl: 'https://www.cnblogs.com/jackson-zhangjiang/p/9524842.html' 13 }) 14 .catch((error) => { 15 console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); 16 }); 17 } else { 18 Toast.show('您尚未安裝微信,請安裝微信以後再試'); 19 } 20 }); 21 }
1 // 分享到朋友圈 2 sharetoPyq = () => { 3 WeChat.isWXAppInstalled() 4 .then((isInstalled) => { 5 if (isInstalled) { 6 WeChat.shareToTimeline({ 7 title: 'React Native之FlatList的介紹與使用實例', 8 description: 'FlatList高性能的簡單列表組件', 9 thumbImage: http://pic.58pic.com/58pic/10/97/02/30a58PICH7N.jpg'', 10 type: 'news', 11 webpageUrl: 'https://www.cnblogs.com/jackson-zhangjiang/p/9523927.html' 12 }) 13 .catch((error) => { 14 console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); 15 }); 16 } else { 17 Toast.show('您尚未安裝微信,請安裝微信以後再試'); 18 } 19 }); 20 21 }
1 //監聽分享狀態 2 // 'SendMessageToWX.Resp' 分享監聽字段 3 // 'PayReq.Resp' 支付監聽字段 4 // 'SendAuth.Resp' 登陸監聽字段 5 wechat.addListener( 6 'SendMessageToWX.Resp', 7 (response) => { 8 if (parseInt(response.errCode) === 0) { 9 alert('分享成功'); 10 } else { 11 alert('分享失敗'); 12 } 13 } 14 );
1 const result = await WeChat.pay( 2 { 3 partnerId: '', // 商家向財付通申請的商家id 4 prepayId: '', // 預支付訂單 5 nonceStr: '', // 隨機串,防重發 6 timeStamp: '', // 時間戳,防重發 7 package: '', // 商家根據財付通文檔填寫的數據和簽名 8 sign: '' // 商家根據微信開放平臺文檔對數據作的簽名 9 } 10 );
1,經常使用URL Scheme
QQ: mqq://
微信: weixin://
新浪微博: weibo:// (sinaweibo://)
騰訊微博: tencentweibo://
淘寶: taobao://
支付寶: alipay://
美團: imeituan://
知乎: zhihu://
優酷: youku://
1 import { Linking } from 'react-native'; 2 3 4 // 二、跳轉代碼 5 Linking.canOpenURL('weixin://').then(supported => { // weixin:// alipay:// 6 if (supported) { 7 return Linking.openURL('weixin://'); 8 } else { 9 } 10 });