[root@Dasoncheng sbin]# cat #!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 1 ] || [ "${#1}" -ne 8 ]; then echo "Usage:bash $0 yyyymmdd" exit 1 fi aa=$1 ay=${aa:0:4} am=${aa:4:2} ad=${aa:6:2} if `echo $ad | grep -q "^0"`; then ad=`echo $ad |sed 's/^0//g'` fi if `cal "$am" "$ay" &>/dev/null`; then if `cal "$am" "$ay" | grep -wq "$ad"`; then echo "It is ok!" else echo "Error: Please input a right date !" fi else echo "Error: Please input a right date of month and year !" fi
#!/bin/bash #check date if [ $# -ne 1 ] || [ ${#1} -ne 8 ] then echo "Usage: bash $0 yyyymmdd" exit 1 fi datem=$1 year=${datem:0:4} month=${datem:4:2} day=${datem:6:2} if echo $day|grep -q '^0' then day=`echo $day |sed 's/^0//'` fi if cal $month $year >/dev/null 2>/dev/null then daym=`cal $month $year|egrep -v "$year|Su"|grep -w "$day"` if [ "$daym" != "" ] then echo ok else echo "Error: Please input a wright date." exit 1 fi else echo "Error: Please input a wright date." exit 1 fi