Mitmproxy的mimdump mimproxy mitmweb命令行性能對比


Very cool test - thanks for sharing! 😃 We actually started out building some performance measurements a few weeks ago:

I need to understand, am I doing something wrong on my end ? or is this an expected behaviour ?

This is not expected behaviour, but may very well be an issue with our current architecture. @cortesi will probably be very interested in looking into this, he is in the process of replacing our eventloop with something asyncio-based to increase performance. If this works as planned, it should tackle exactly our problem here.

For reference, the expected behaviour is as follows:

For a few requests, mitmproxy, mitmdump and mitmweb should exhibit similar performance characteristics. Mitmdump is of course a bit more lightweight than its companions, so it probably beats the others by an edge.
For long-running sessions, mitmproxy's and mitmweb's RAM usage will increase, whereas mitmdump forgets about connections once they are finished.





Regarding your test setup: I do like that your tests are very practical, but there are many factors that can introduce noise: temporal network latencies, packet loss, HTTP edge caching, or DNS caches. If you want dependable results, I'd suggest to at least randomize test order and most importantly do multiple test runs and report on standard deviation.

Please don't hesistiate to get in touch if you have further questions, we're quite interested in the results here. :-) Thanks again!





mitmdump -q  -p 8889 -s addons.pysession
