Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests,and support undoable operations...
— Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software設計模式
public interface ICommand { void Execute(); Receiver Receiver { set; } } public class Receiver { public string Name { get; private set; } public string Address { get; private set; } public void SetName() { this.Name = "Name"; } public void SetAddress() { this.Name = "Address"; } } public abstract class CommandBase : ICommand { public Receiver Receiver { set; get; } public abstract void Execute(); } public class SetAddressCommand : CommandBase { public override void Execute() { base.Receiver.SetName(); } } public class SetNameCommand : CommandBase { public override void Execute() { base.Receiver.SetAddress(); } } public class Invoker { private IList<ICommand> commands = new List<ICommand>(); public void AddCommand(ICommand command) { commands.Add(command); } public void Run() { foreach (ICommand command in commands) { command.Execute(); } } }
Receiver receiver = new Receiver(); ICommand command1 = new SetNameCommand(); ICommand command2 = new SetAddressCommand(); command1.Receiver = receiver; command2.Receiver = receiver; Invoker invoker = new Invoker(); invoker.AddCommand(command1); invoker.AddCommand(command2); invoker.Run();
public interface ICommand { public void Execute(); public void Undo(); } public class SQLExcute { public void InsertInto(string id) { Console.WriteLine("插入一條數據,id:" + id); } public void Delete(string id) { Console.WriteLine("刪除一條數據,id:" + id); } } public class InsertIntoCommand : ICommand { private SQLExcute sqlExcute; private string id; public InsertIntoCommand(SQLExcute sqlExcute, string id) { this.sqlExcute = sqlExcute; this.id = id; } public void Execute() { sqlExcute.InsertInto(id); } public void Undo() { sqlExcute.Delete(id); } } public class CommandManager { private Stack<ICommand> undoStacks = new Stack<ICommand>(); private Stack<ICommand> redoStacks = new Stack<ICommand>(); public void Execute(ICommand command) { command.Execute(); undoStacks.Push(command); if (redoStacks.Count > 0) { redoStacks.Clear(); } } public void Undo() { if (undoStacks.Count > 0) { ICommand pop = undoStacks.Pop(); pop.Undo(); redoStacks.Push(pop); } } public void Redo() { if (redoStacks.Count > 0) { ICommand pop = redoStacks.Pop(); pop.Execute(); } } }
CommandManager manager = new CommandManager(); SQLExcute excute = new SQLExcute(); InsertIntoCommand command1 = new InsertIntoCommand(excute, "1"); InsertIntoCommand command2 = new InsertIntoCommand(excute, "2"); manager.Execute(command1); manager.Execute(command2); Console.WriteLine("undo------------"); manager.Undo(); manager.Undo(); Console.WriteLine("redo------------"); manager.Redo(); manager.Redo();
插入一條數據,id:1 插入一條數據,id:2 undo------------ 刪除一條數據,id:2 刪除一條數據,id:1 redo------------ 插入一條數據,id:1 插入一條數據,id:2
能夠看到使用命令模式,調用者並不須要直接與實際的執行者打交道,實現了二者的解耦,此外基於命令的機制,能夠方便地作一些相似Undo, Redo的擴展,具體的優勢有:
參考書籍: 王翔著 《設計模式——基於C#的工程化實現及擴展》