Dear all,app
This is my last day in the office which means it is time to say farewell to you!this
During the past few weeks I have received many kind messages, greetings and words of encouragement from you – my friends – that have made me feel both deeply grateful and sadly aware of who and what I am leaving!ci
<Company name> has given me the happiest five years of my professional life - I would like to thank all the <Company name> staff for this precious time, the support, enthusiasm, loyalty and above all sense of commitment that you bring to this Union of ours.rem
With best wishes to all of you!it
XXX ----------------------------------------------------------io
Dear all,asm
This is my last day at <Company name> and I would like to say "THANKS!" to all of you, especially to those I've worked with. Thank you for contributing your effort in all these years to make the projects happen. It is so enjoyable to work with you all and I learned a lot in the process.ast
If you need any help, remember to contact me! I stay online pretty often... so no excuse for not finding me :-)email
Best Wishes, xxx ==================================== MSN / Email: AIM: Skype: ====================================nio
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All,
It's time to say goodbye.
Thanks very much for every one. All of you are very very kind, and during the past more than one year here, you help me a lot. I will remember the life with you forever.
Thanks <Company name>. It is a friendly family, every one here are hardworking. Believe it will have a great future.
My MSN is xxx, email is xxx, though I am not here, we can also keep in touch with each other. ^_^
Thanks again!!! Appreciate you, <Company name> forever!
Regards, xxx