hbase mutation操做,好比delete put等,都須要先獲取行鎖,而後再進行操做,在獲取行鎖時,是經過HRegion.getRowLockInternal(byte[] row, boolean waitForLock)進行的,所以,咱們先大致瀏覽一下這個方法的流程,以下。能夠看到,該方法中主要涉及到行鎖相關的內容爲RowLock和RowLockContext兩個類。這兩個都是HRegion的內部類,下面詳細看一下這兩個類是咋實現的。java
protected RowLock getRowLockInternal(byte[] row, boolean waitForLock) throws IOException { HashedBytes rowKey = new HashedBytes(row); RowLockContext rowLockContext = new RowLockContext(rowKey); // loop until we acquire the row lock (unless !waitForLock) while (true) { RowLockContext existingContext = lockedRows.putIfAbsent(rowKey, rowLockContext); if (existingContext == null) { // Row is not already locked by any thread, use newly created context. break; } else if (existingContext.ownedByCurrentThread()) { // Row is already locked by current thread, reuse existing context instead. rowLockContext = existingContext; break; } else { if (!waitForLock) { return null; } try { // Row is already locked by some other thread, give up or wait for it if (!existingContext.latch.await(this.rowLockWaitDuration, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new IOException("Timed out waiting for lock for row: " + rowKey); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { LOG.warn("Thread interrupted waiting for lock on row: " + rowKey); InterruptedIOException iie = new InterruptedIOException(); iie.initCause(ie); throw iie; } } } // allocate new lock for this thread return rowLockContext.newLock(); }
public static class RowLock { @VisibleForTesting final RowLockContext context; private boolean released = false; @VisibleForTesting RowLock(RowLockContext context) { this.context = context; } /** * Release the given lock. If there are no remaining locks held by the current thread * then unlock the row and allow other threads to acquire the lock. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if called by a different thread than the lock owning thread */ public void release() { if (!released) { context.releaseLock(); released = true; } } }
@VisibleForTesting class RowLockContext { private final HashedBytes row;
private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); private final Thread thread; private int lockCount = 0; RowLockContext(HashedBytes row) { this.row = row; this.thread = Thread.currentThread(); } boolean ownedByCurrentThread() { return thread == Thread.currentThread(); } RowLock newLock() { lockCount++; return new RowLock(this); } void releaseLock() { if (!ownedByCurrentThread()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lock held by thread: " + thread + " cannot be released by different thread: " + Thread.currentThread()); } lockCount--; if (lockCount == 0) { // no remaining locks by the thread, unlock and allow other threads to access RowLockContext existingContext = lockedRows.remove(row); if (existingContext != this) { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal row lock state inconsistent, should not happen, row: " + row); } latch.countDown(); } } }
在HRegion中還有一個關鍵的成員變量: lockedrows,用來存儲當前已經獲取了行鎖的全部行信息,key爲rowkey,value爲RowLockContext。
// map from a locked row to the context for that lock including: // - CountDownLatch for threads waiting on that row // - the thread that owns the lock (allow reentrancy) // - reference count of (reentrant) locks held by the thread // - the row itself private final ConcurrentHashMap<HashedBytes, RowLockContext> lockedRows = new ConcurrentHashMap<HashedBytes, RowLockContext>();
/** * If the given list of row locks is not null, releases all locks. */ public void releaseRowLocks(List<RowLock> rowLocks) { if (rowLocks != null) { for (RowLock rowLock : rowLocks) { rowLock.release(); } rowLocks.clear(); } }
這裏在getRowLockInternal中,只要lockedRows.putIfAbsent(rowKey, rowLockContext)成功,其餘線程將不會獲取成功,由concurrentMap保證。