English Documentjava
Latest Version V1.2.3mysql
, also known as ThinkJDBC
, an easy and powerful open source JDBC library. You can operate the database with one line code of Java,just like the M method of ThinkPHP
Quick Start:github
//Configurat the database(only once)
//insert data
long id=D.M("user").field("name,weight","Tom",60).add();
//update data
//query data
User user=D.M("user").find(User.class,id);
//delete data
Project Page https://github.com/Leytton/ThinkJD https://gitee.com/Leytton/ThinkJDsql
Test Demo https://github.com/Leytton/ThinkJD_Demomarkdown
Blog Page https://blog.csdn.net/Leyttonless
Add ThinkJDBC-x.x.x.jar and the following dependencies to the build path.fetch
you can find them in the lib dir:ui
There are two ways to connect database by using ThinkJD.You can config username and password or using the JDBC DataSources/Resource Pools such as Hikari,C3P0,etc.
Firstly,you should define the way toconnect database:
Example for Hikari:
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig("/hikari.properties");
HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource(config);
Note that if you defined the JDBC pool,it will be preferred to use.
You can config the prefix of table(Not necessary).
//D.M('user') will operate the `jd_user` table
to set the table prefix temporarily【V1.2.3 added】
Operation | Param | Eg. | Note |
table |
table(String table) | table(「user」) | |
join |
join(String join) | join(「left join machine on user.id=user_id and machine_status=1」) | |
field |
①field(String filed) ②field(String filed, Object… dataParam) |
①field(「id,username」) ②field(「id,username」,1111,」Leytton」) |
①for select sql ②for update sql |
where |
①where(String where) ②where(String where, Object… whereParam) |
①where(「id=1111 and username=’Leytton’」) ②where(「id=? and username=?」,1111,」Leytton」) |
group |
group(String group) | group(「type」) | |
having |
having(String having) | having(「id>1234」) | |
order |
order(String order) | order(「id desc」) | |
page |
page(long page, long rows) | page(1,10) | |
limit |
①limit(long rows) ②limit(long offset, long rows) |
①limit(10) ②limit(1,10) |
union |
union(String union,Boolean isAll) | ①union(「select * from user_two where id>1234」,false) ②union(「select * from user_two where id>1234」,true) |
Operation | Param | Note |
select | <T > List<T > select(Class<T > type) |
find | ①<T > T find(Class<T > type)②< T > T find(Class<T > type, long id)③< T > T find(Class<T > type, String key, Object value) |
count | ①long count() ②long count(String field) |
max | double max(String field) | |
min | double min(String field) | |
avg | double avg(String field) | |
sum | double sum(String field) |
//select id,name from jd_user where id>4 order by id asc limit 0,1
User res = D.M("user").field("id,name").where("id>?",4).order("id asc").find(User.class);
//find by id
//select * from user where id=3 limit 0,1
User user = D.M("user").find(User.class,3);
//find by field
//select * from jd_user where name='Tom' limit 0,1
User user=D.M("user").fetchSql(true).find(User.class,"name","Bob");
//query with where,field,etc.
//select id,name,weight from jd_user where id>3
List<User> res = new M("user").field("id,name,weight").where("id>3").select(User.class);
//query with group
//select sex,sum(weight) as weight,avg(age) as age,count(id) as num from jd_user where id>5 group by sex order by sex desc limit 0,10
res = new M("user").field("sex,sum(weight) as weight,avg(age) as age,count(id) as num").where("id>?",5).group("sex").order("sex desc").page(1, 10).select(User.class);
//query with join
//select jd_user.id,name,weight,sum(gold) as num from jd_user left join jd_gold on user_id=jd_user.id where jd_user.id>3 group by jd_user.id
res = new M("user").field("jd_user.id,name,weight,sum(gold) as num").join("left join jd_gold on user_id=jd_user.id").where("jd_user.id>3").group("jd_user.id").select(User.class);
//query with union
//(select id,name from jd_user where id=4 ) union all (select id,name from jd_user where id<3) union (select id,name from jd_user where id=3)
res = new M("user").field("id,name").where("id=4").union("select id,name from jd_user where id<3",true)
.union("select id,name from jd_user where id=3",false).select(User.class);
//statistical query
long num= new M("user").where("id>3").count();
num= D.M("user").fetchSql(true).where("id>3").count("id");
num= (long) D.M("user").fetchSql(false).where("id<0").max("id");
num= (long) D.M("user").where("id<3").max("id");
num= (long) D.M("user").min("id");
num= (long) D.M("user").where("id>3").min("id");
num= (long) D.M("user").fetchSql(false).where("id>3").avg("id");
double avg= D.M("user").fetchSql(false).where("id>3").avg("id");
num= (long) D.M("user").where("id>13441").sum("age");
By calling the method of
,you can get the SQL statementThinkJD
produced(exception way) and there will be no operation for the database.
user table fields:
Field Name | Data Type | note |
id | int | primary key auto_increment |
name | varchar | |
age | tinyint | |
weight | float | |
sex | tinyint | 0:women/1:man |
time | int |
The return value of select()
and find()
will be saved to a JavaBean such as:
public class User {
private long id;
private int age;
private String name;
private float weight;
private int sex;
private int num;
private long time;
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public float getWeight() {
return weight;
public void setWeight(float weight) {
this.weight = weight;
public int getSex() {
return sex;
public void setSex(int sex) {
this.sex = sex;
public int getNum() {
return num;
public void setNum(int num) {
this.num = num;
public long getTime() {
return time;
public void setTime(long time) {
this.time = time;
Operation | Param | Note |
add | long add() | field() must be called; return the id which is a auto_increment primary key; |
//insert fields specified
long id=D.M("user").field("name,weight","Tom",60).add();
*insert fields unspecified.The 1st parameter must be "" or null
*and the 2nd parameter `null` point to `id`
Operation | Param | Note |
save | long save() | field(),where() must be called; return the affected number of rows |
long num=D.M("user").field("name,weight","Mike",100).where("id=?",1234).save();
Operation | Param | Note |
delete | long delete() | field() must be called;; return the affected number of rows |
To avoid careless deletion, [where] conditions mustn't be null
long num=D.M("user").delete(13424);
Operation | Param | Note |
execute | void execute(String… sqls) | execute the statements directly |
D.M().execute( sql1 [ sql2 , sql3 ... ] );
if you like this project,star it to let me know :) .Before finding a more convenient JDBC lib,I’ll update it continuously.