function orgEcharts(){ var echartsData = [["年份"],["新訓"],["複訓"]]; var dom = document.getElementById("container"); var myChart = echarts.init(dom); var app = {}; $.ajax({ url:'list/', data:{ trainingunitId :$('#tree').val() }, type:'post', dataType:'json', success:function(data){ for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){ echartsData[0].push(data[i].year); echartsData[1].push(data[i].registerCount); echartsData[2].push(data[i].driverRegisterCount); } option = null; option = { legend : {}, tooltip : {}, dataset : { source : echartsData }, xAxis : [ { type : 'category', gridIndex : 0 }, { type : 'category', gridIndex : 1 } ], yAxis : [ { gridIndex : 0 }, { gridIndex : 1 } ], grid : [ { bottom : '55%' }, { top : '55%' } ], series : [ // These series are in the first grid. { type : 'bar', seriesLayoutBy : 'row' }, { type : 'bar', seriesLayoutBy : 'row' }, // These series are in the second grid. { type : 'bar', xAxisIndex : 1, yAxisIndex : 1 }, { type : 'bar', xAxisIndex : 1, yAxisIndex : 1 }, { type : 'bar', xAxisIndex : 1, yAxisIndex : 1 } ], label : { show : true, position : 'top' } }; ; if (option && typeof option === "object") { myChart.setOption(option, true); } } }); }
先設置了一個數組 echartsData,ajax請求吧數據導入到數據,而後賦值給dataset.source,實現數據賦予 運行orgEcharts()方法,從新請求數據,若是數據改變,就刷新圖像javascript