這篇文章將展現在COSMOS中如何實現基於WINDOWS API調用和內部調用的.net代碼。另外,也包含了如何使用COSMOS,彙編或者X#語言與硬件直接進行交互。框架
Cosmos一個使用Visual Studio做爲開發環境的操做系統開發工具(development kit)。儘管如此,任何基於.net的語言,包括VB.NET,Fortran,Delphi Prism,IronPython,F#等等均可以用來進行開發。Cosmos本省和內核運行都是使用C# 來寫的,因此命名爲Cosmos。並且,NOSMOS(.NET Open Source Managed Operating System)聽起來太蠢了。工具
Cosmos不是傳統意義上的操做系統,它更應該叫作操做系統工具(Operating System Kit) ,或者正如我所說的叫作「Operating System Legos」(不知如何翻譯,嘿嘿)。Cosmos讓您能像使用Visual Studio和C#建立應用程序同樣建立操做系統。大部分用戶能夠在幾分鐘以內本身寫和引導一個他們本身的操做系統,全部這些均可以在Visual Studio中完成。Cosmos提供了與Visual Studio集成的項目類型、調試器、斷點工具和觀察其(watchers)等。你能夠向調試你的C#或者VB.NET應用程序同樣調試你的操做系統。開發工具
1. 內部調用(Internal Calls)spa
2. P/Invoke操作系統
3. 直接彙編
1. 被實現的方法依賴於Windows API(P/Invoke的狀況)
P/Invoke被用來往屏幕上畫圖,訪問已存在的Window encrypition API,訪問網絡和其餘一些相似的功能。
Plugs可使用C# ,彙編或者任何.net語言來實現。
對於直接與硬件進行會話,Cosmos必須可以和PIC總線,CPU IO總線,內存等進行交互。訪問內存常用的是非類型安全的指針(unsafe pointers),儘管如此,在某些狀況下仍是得本身手寫彙編代碼。Plugs至關於接口,提供給C#直接訪問彙編代碼,使得對彙編調用的訪問就像C#代碼的方法調用同樣。
View Codenew Move(Registers.DX, (xComAddr + 1 ).ToString()); new Move(Registers.AL, .ToString()); new Out( " dx " , " al " ); // disable all interrupts new Move(Registers.DX, (xComAddr + 3 ).ToString()); new Move(Registers.AL, 0x80 .ToString()); new Out( " dx " , " al " ); // Enable DLAB (set baud rate divisor) new Move(Registers.DX, (xComAddr + ).ToString()); new Move(Registers.AL, 0x1 .ToString()); new Out( " dx " , " al " ); // Set diviso (low byte) new Move(Registers.DX, (xComAddr + 1 ).ToString()); new Move(Registers.AL, 0x00 .ToString()); new Out( " dx " , " al " ); // // set divisor (high byte)
可是 Cosmos也支持一個更高層次的調用X#。X#是一種類型安全的直接與X86彙編對應的彙編語言。X#以下:
UInt16 xComStatusAddr = (UInt16)(aComAddr + 5 ); Label = " WriteByteToComPort " ; Label = " WriteByteToComPort_Wait " ; DX = xComStatusAddr; AL = Port[DX]; AL.Test( 0x20 ); JumpIfEqual( " WriteByteToComPort_Wait " ); DX = aComAddr; AL = Memory[ESP + 4 ]; Port[DX] = AL; Return( 4 ); Label = " DebugWriteEIP " ; AL = Memory[EBP + 3 ]; EAX.Push(); Call < WriteByteToComPort > (); AL = Memory[EBP + 2 ]; EAX.Push(); Call < WriteByteToComPort > (); AL = Memory[EBP + 1 ]; EAX.Push(); Call < WriteByteToComPort > (); AL = Memory[EBP]; EAX.Push(); Call < WriteByteToComPort > (); Return();
.method public hidebysig static float64 Abs(float64 ' value ' ) cil managed internalcall { .custom instance void System.Security.SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute::.ctor() }
若是你直接使用這個方法而Cosmos沒有相應的plug,編譯器便會產生一個「plug needed」錯誤。由於在IL2CPU沒有IL代碼把它編譯爲X86代碼。因此「plug needed」錯誤的意思是你須要一些依賴內部調用或者P/Invoke的方法,不然Cosmos將沒法編譯。
編譯器在運行時中使用plug來替換實際的代碼。Plug中提供的代碼被用來替換對內部調用和WINDOWS API的調用,這些調用沒法在Cosmos中直接使用由於Cosmos不是運行在Windows或者CLR下面的。Plug就是這麼一個強制嵌入和替換的格式(It’s a form of forced inlining and replacement)
[Plug(Target = typeof ( global ::System.Math))] public class MathImpl { public static double Abs( double value) { if (value < ) { return - value; } else { return value; } }
首先建立一個空的C# 類,建立將要被替換的空方法。若是這個被替換的方法的返回類型不是VOID,則plug中的方法須要隨便返回一個值以使C# 編譯器能編譯它。儘管如此這個方法的返回值是不會被用到的,由於plug將使被替換的目標方法被忽略,而以plug中實現的方法替換掉原方法。
public abstract class IOPortBase { public readonly UInt16 Port; // all ctors are internal - Only Core ring can create it.. but hardware ring can use it. internal IOPortBase(UInt16 aPort) { Port = aPort; } internal IOPortBase(UInt16 aBase, UInt16 aOffset) { // C# math promotes things to integers, so we have this constructor // to relieve the use from having to do so many casts Port = (UInt16)(aBase + aOffset); } // TODO: Reads and writes can use this to get port instead of argument static protected void Write8(UInt16 aPort, byte aData) { } // Plugged static protected void Write16(UInt16 aPort, UInt16 aData) { } // Plugged static protected void Write32(UInt16 aPort, UInt32 aData) { } // Plugged static protected byte Read8(UInt16 aPort) { return ; } // Plugged static protected UInt16 Read16(UInt16 aPort) { return ; } // Plugged static protected UInt32 Read32(UInt16 aPort) { return ; } // Plugged
正如你看到的「Write」方法是空的,而「Read」方法須要 一個名義上的返回值。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Cosmos.IL2CPU.Plugs; using Assembler = Cosmos.Compiler.Assembler.Assembler; using CPUx86 = Cosmos.Compiler.Assembler.X86; namespace Cosmos.Core.Plugs { [Plug(Target = typeof (Cosmos.Core.IOPortBase))] public class IOPortImpl { [Inline] public static void Write8(UInt16 aPort, byte aData) { // TODO: This is a lot of work to write to a single port. // We need to have some kind of inline ASM option that can // emit a single out instruction new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EDX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceDisplacement = 0x0C , SourceIsIndirect = true }; new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceDisplacement = 0x08 , SourceIsIndirect = true }; new CPUx86.Out { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.AL }; } [Inline] public static void Write16(UInt16 aPort, UInt16 aData) { new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EDX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x0C }; new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x08 }; new CPUx86.Out { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.AX }; } [Inline] public static void Write32(UInt16 aPort, UInt32 aData) { new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EDX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x0C }; new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x08 }; new CPUx86.Out { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX }; } [Inline] public static byte Read8(UInt16 aPort) { new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EDX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x08 }; // TODO: Do we need to clear rest of EAX first? // MTW: technically not, as in other places, it _should_ be working with AL too.. new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX, SourceValue = }; new CPUx86.In { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.AL }; new CPUx86.Push { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX }; return ; } [Inline] public static UInt16 Read16(UInt16 aPort) { new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EDX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x08 }; new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX, SourceValue = }; new CPUx86.In { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.AX }; new CPUx86.Push { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX }; return ; } [Inline] public static UInt32 Read32(UInt16 aPort) { new CPUx86.Move { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EDX, SourceReg = CPUx86.Registers.EBP, SourceIsIndirect = true , SourceDisplacement = 0x08 }; new CPUx86.In { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX }; new CPUx86.Push { DestinationReg = CPUx86.Registers.EAX }; return ; } } }
public override void ReadBlock(UInt64 aBlockNo, UInt32 aBlockCount, byte [] aData) { CheckDataSize(aData, aBlockCount); SelectSector(aBlockNo, aBlockCount); SendCmd(Cmd.ReadPio); IO.Data.Read8(aData); }
在BCL(Binary Classes Library?。.net中框架提供的類),Console類中使用的一些內部調用一般最後都使用到了WINDOWS API,咱們不須要逐個替換每個調用層次上直接映射到WINDOWS API調用,而只需在一個更高的調用層次樹上調用咱們的TextScreen類徹底替換這些方法。(We don't need to plug only the methods that directly map to Windows API calls, but instead we plug methods much higher up the tree and completely replace the implementation to call our TextScreen class instead.)
namespace Cosmos.System.Plugs.System.System { [Plug(Target = typeof ( global ::System.Console))] public static class ConsoleImpl { private static ConsoleColor mForeground = ConsoleColor.White; private static ConsoleColor mBackground = ConsoleColor.Black; public static ConsoleColor get_BackgroundColor() { return mBackground; } public static void set_BackgroundColor(ConsoleColor value) { mBackground = value; Cosmos.Hardware.Global.TextScreen.SetColors(mForeground, mBackground); }