1. Your job scope?
--- My Job role is P4 client architect. The responsibility of this role is listed as below:
1). Support sales team to win new deals on P4 by clarifying clients' requirements, designing competitive solutions for clients, deliverying PoC for clients if required, proving IBM's private cloud building capability through technical workshops or presentations.
2). Deploy P4 to clients who have signed contracts with IBM.
3). Feedback to development team on prioritized marketing needs on private cloud. Provide valuable feedback to P4 development team on the key features that missed in P4 offering but which is very popular in the market and help development team review the revised design.
--- 我目前擔任的是P4雲平臺客戶架構師,個人責任包括:
1),輔助銷售團隊明確客戶需求,基於P4雲平臺和IBM相關產品爲客戶設計有競爭力的總體雲解決方案; 實施POC,爲客戶講解IBM私有云方案以及負責相關技術研討。
2. What's project you're leading/supporting? Were there any business challenges for you to finish it? And how do you make it?
--- Currently I am working on the Foton cloud deployment project as leading architect. I worked as leading technical architect from the project engagement phase, solution design phase through the current deploying phase.
The major challenges for this project are:
1).At the early stage, there were many strong competitors like H3C, Huawei, HPE, the private cloud requested by Foton would be used for their internet of vehicle. So the business impact was critical for the winning of this contract. The client's technical discussions with all the competitors had been kept for around 1 year but still hadn't not decided before I joined the team with our P4 offering.
2).Foton has multiple organizations who wish to use the cloud platform, but each organization has different requirements for the cloud and some of their requirements are conflict. The worst situation is that they do not have a high level executive to manage this conflict from the client side.
3). The schedule of the design and deployment for this client was extremely tight. They asked us to complete all the works including requirement clarification, hardware bidding, purchasing, cloud platform design, deployment and tests in 3 months. I never saw such tight schedule. But the client needs the system for their production use and can not miss the schedule.
During the engagement phase, I helped IBM team influence Foton clients to choose IBM solution. We carefully investigated client's requirements, their deployment situation, and compared our solution with the competitors' and addressed our strengths to focus on clients' key pain points by integrating P4 together with multiple IBM products. We tested clients' feedback, recorded all their concerns and addressed them pro-actively by providing specific workshops or presentations.
To resolve the conflict requirements from client's different teams, we worked closely with them, listen to their requirements, provide recommendation from technical profession perspective and try my best to avoid any further conflicts. And make them to be awared that I am helping them achieve the common objectives of the project but not arguing with them.
Regarding the tight schedule, the entire IBM team had been working very hard to make this happen. The management team also helped find experts and the development and testing team resolved tough technical problems in very short time and provided different documents within a limited amount of time. To achieve this same goal, it was only a team work that can make it happen. Even it is still in the middle of the deployment work for this client, but everything goes well so far and I have confidence on this team to make another impossible happen.
In this case, IBM solution's "easy to use" by providing a self service portal, strong process customization capability, competitive bare-metal management capability, software pattern provisioning capability and comprehensive IT monitoring capabilities made the customer finally made their choice. And IBMer's profession on design and deployment also impressed our clients. The client now can be able to meet their production schedule by deploying their private cloud and IBM wined the contract of this key client as well as the trust from the client.
--- 目前我在福田汽車私有云項目裏擔任首席架構師,我是從這個項目售前階段就參與進來的,經歷了項目簽約,總體設計,硬件採購,一直到目前的實施階段。
1),在項目售前階段,咱們遇到了很多強大的競爭對手,包括華爲,H3C,惠普等。因爲福田汽車雲平臺是用來支撐其核心的車聯網系統的關鍵基礎平臺,因此公司上下都很是重視, 以致於在IBM P4雲平臺和福田客戶討論以前,客戶和相關競爭對手的技術討論持續了近1年的時間,客戶還沒法決定究竟採用哪家的產品和方案。
3. What kind of believe drive you or your team to make it success? What you've learned from this project?
--- First of all, I believe our solution is very valuable for our clients: it saves their cost, makes better use of their resources and makes their daily work much easier.
Secondly, I also believe whenever I encounter a challenge from the client, I can always rely on my management team and the development team to support me on my back.
Thirdly, I have confidence in IBM that I can always get an expert's support on any technical challenge I encountered. And I can learn from them to continuously improve and develop my skills.
--- For what I have learned:
Although the project is still moving forward, I have learned a lot, e.g. how to continuously improve our product to make it attractive to our customer, how to support our sales team to manage clients' endless requirements, how to collaborate multiple teams including sales team, deliver team, clients, business partners to achieve the goal of completing the projects and bringing value to the clients.
--- 首先,我堅信咱們的雲解決方案是可以給客戶帶來真正價值的,是能夠幫助客戶減小開銷,更好的利用他們的物理資源,而且可以使客戶天天工做得更輕鬆。
--- 雖然項目目前還在緊張的實施過程當中,我已經從中收穫了不少東西,好比如何結合客戶的需求不斷的提高咱們本身的產品從而使其對客戶更具吸引力;如何幫助銷售團隊去控制客戶無限的需求;如何在客戶,銷售,業務夥伴和實施團隊之間協調使你們達成一致的目標,充分合做。