參考 《linux shell scripting cookbook》linux
#!/bin/bash #Filename: printf.sh printf "%-5s %-10s %-4s\n" No Name Mark printf "%-5s %-10s %-4.2f\n" 1 Sarath 80.3456 printf "%-5s %-10s %-4.2f\n" 2 James 90.9989 printf "%-5s %-10s %-4.2f\n" 3 Jeff 77.564
No Name Mark 1 Sarath 80.35 2 James 91.00 3 Jeff 77.56
echo -e "\e[1;33m This is red text \e[0m"
\e[1;31m 是設置顏色爲紅色 \e[0m 是重置顏色 , 這樣就不會影響後面的輸出數組
reset = 0, black = 30, red = 31,
green = 32, yellow = 33, blue = 34, magenta = 35, cyan = 36, and white = 37cookie
reset = 0, black = 40, red = 41, green = 42, yellow = 43, blue = 44,
magenta = 45, cyan = 46, and white=47dom
cat c1.sh
eqeqeqweqe eqeweqwewqe eqwewqeqweq wqeqweqwewqe eqwewqe;wqewqewqewqqdfewfr;erqrqrqwrwq;
空格或者; 替換爲換行符加密
cat c1.sh | tr ' |;' '\n'
eqeqeqweqe eqeweqwewqe eqwewqeqweq wqeqweqwewqe eqwewqe wqewqewqewqqdfewfr erqrqrqwrwq
root@kali:~# content='hello world' root@kali:~# echo ${#content} 11
root@kali:~# echo $SHELL /bin/bash root@kali:~# echo $0 bash
#!/bin/bash if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then echo Non root user. Please run as root. else echo Root user fi
root@kali:~/shell# ./c1.sh Root user kali@kali:/root/shell$ ./c1.sh Non root user. Please run as root.
0: stdin (standard input) 1: stdout (standard output) 2: stderr (standard error)
root@kali:~# echo aa > stdout.txt root@kali:~# cat stdout.txt aa
root@kali:~# ls + > stderr.txt ls: cannot access '+': No such file or directory root@kali:~# cat stderr.txt root@kali:~#
root@kali:~# ls + 2> stderr.txt root@kali:~# cat stderr.txt ls: cannot access '+': No such file or directory
root@kali:~# ls + &>> stderr.txt root@kali:~# cat stderr.txt ls: cannot access '+': No such file or directory ls: cannot access '+': No such file or directory
root@kali:~/shell# cat domains.txt www.baidu.com root@kali:~/shell# exec 3< domains.txt root@kali:~/shell# cat <&3 www.baidu.com root@kali:~/shell#
root@kali:~/shell# exec 4> output.txt root@kali:~/shell# root@kali:~/shell# cat output.txt root@kali:~/shell# echo haha >&4 root@kali:~/shell# cat output.txt haha root@kali:~/shell#
root@kali:~/shell# array_var=(a b c d e f) root@kali:~/shell# root@kali:~/shell# echo ${array_var[*]} a b c d e f root@kali:~/shell# echo ${array_var[2]} c root@kali:~/shell# echo ${#array_var[*]} 6 root@kali:~/shell# echo ${array_var[@]} a b c d e f root@kali:~/shell#
del 替換 rm 防止誤操做
alias rm='echo "rm is disabled, use del instead."' alias del='/bin/rm'
root@kali:~/shell# cat in.txt iinnniniii root@kali:~/shell# ls -l |cat - in.txt total 12 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 110 Oct 17 11:34 c1.sh -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11 Oct 17 15:59 in.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28 Oct 17 15:55 out.txt iinnniniii
root@kali:~/shell# find . -regex ".*\(\.txt\|\.sh\)$" ./c1.sh ./in.txt ./out.txt
Access time (-atime): 訪問時間
Modification time (-mtime): 修改時間(內容)
Change time (-ctime): 修改時間(元數據,權限什麼的)
-amin (access time)
-mmin (modification time)
-cmin (change time)
find . -type f -atime +7
b: 512 byte blocks
c: Bytes
w: Two-byte words
k: Kilobyte (1024 bytes)
M: Megabyte (1024 kilobytes)
G: Gigabyte (1024 megabytes)
find . -type f -atime +7 -size +10M
find . -name out.txt -delete
root@kali:~/shell# cat in.txt iinnniniii sds dsds dsd dsds ds dsd 1 2 3 4 5 678 99 0 0 -fg gd gdfg dfh dsfdsgdsg ghgf g f
root@kali:~/shell# cat in.txt | xargs iinnniniii sds dsds dsd dsds ds dsd 1 2 3 4 5 678 99 0 0 -fg gd gdfg dfh dsfdsgdsg ghgf g f
root@kali:~/shell# cat in.txt | xargs -n 3 iinnniniii sds dsds dsd dsds ds dsd 1 2 3 4 5 678 99 0 0 -fg gd gdfg dfh dsfdsgdsg ghgf g f
root@kali:~/shell# echo "splitXsplitXsplitXsplit" | xargs -d X split split split split
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print | xargs rm -f
root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' hello who is this
root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS 123" | tr 'A-Za-z' ' ' 123 root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS 123" | tr -d 'A-Za-z' 123 root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS 123" | tr -d 'A-Za-z ' 123
互補性刪除(下面就是刪除非 0-9 的字符 )
root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS 123" | tr -d -c '0-9\n' 123
root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS 123" | tr -d ' ' HELLOWHOISTHIS123 root@kali:~/shell# root@kali:~/shell# root@kali:~/shell# echo "HELLO WHO IS THIS 123" | tr -s ' ' HELLO WHO IS THIS 123
root@kali:~/shell# cat sum.txt 1 2 3 4 5 root@kali:~/shell# cat sum.txt | echo $[ $(tr '\n' '+' ) 0 ] 15
base64 sum.txt > sum.txt.b64 root@kali:~/shell# cat sum.txt.b64 MQoyCjMKNAo1Cgo= root@kali:~/shell# base64 -d sum.txt.b64 1 2 3 4 5
root@kali:~/shell# cat a.txt apple orange gold silver steel iron
root@kali:~/shell# sort a.txt apple gold iron orange silver steel
root@kali:~/shell# source a.txt -o a.txt root@kali:~/shell# sort b.txt -o b.txt
root@kali:~/shell# comm a.txt b.txt apple carrot cookies gold iron orange silver steel
root@kali:~/shell# comm a.txt b.txt -1 -2 gold orange
root@kali:~/shell# comm a.txt b.txt -3 apple carrot cookies iron silver steel