1. Struts2入口:StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilterweb
<filter> <filter-name>action2</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter</filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>action2</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
2. 配置文件初始化:init方法tomcat
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { InitOperations init = new InitOperations(); Dispatcher dispatcher = null; try { FilterHostConfig config = new FilterHostConfig(filterConfig); init.initLogging(config); dispatcher = init.initDispatcher(config); init.initStaticContentLoader(config, dispatcher); prepare = new PrepareOperations(dispatcher); execute = new ExecuteOperations(dispatcher); this.excludedPatterns = init.buildExcludedPatternsList(dispatcher); postInit(dispatcher, filterConfig); } finally { if (dispatcher != null) { dispatcher.cleanUpAfterInit(); } init.cleanup(); } }
3. action請求處理:doFilter方法app
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res; try { String uri = RequestUtils.getUri(request); //判斷url是否在exclude中,若存在則跳過此filter if (excludedPatterns != null && prepare.isUrlExcluded(request, excludedPatterns)) { LOG.trace("Request {} is excluded from handling by Struts, passing request to other filters", uri); chain.doFilter(request, response); } else { LOG.trace("Checking if {} is a static resource", uri); //判斷是否訪問靜態資源 boolean handled = execute.executeStaticResourceRequest(request, response); if (!handled) { LOG.trace("Assuming uri {} as a normal action", uri); prepare.setEncodingAndLocale(request, response); prepare.createActionContext(request, response); prepare.assignDispatcherToThread(); request = prepare.wrapRequest(request); //解析request,生成actionMapping ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response, true); if (mapping == null) { LOG.trace("Cannot find mapping for {}, passing to other filters", uri); chain.doFilter(request, response); } else { LOG.trace("Found mapping {} for {}", mapping, uri); //處理action請求 execute.executeAction(request, response, mapping); } } } } finally { prepare.cleanupRequest(request); } }
在代碼中,首先判斷url是否配置了例外,若在excludedPatterns中,則跳過,直接執行後面的filter。不然會調用execute.executeStaticResourceRequest(request, response),判斷請求的是否爲靜態資源。在doFilter中會把請求分爲靜態資源和action兩類作處理post
public boolean executeStaticResourceRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { // there is no action in this request, should we look for a static resource? String resourcePath = RequestUtils.getServletPath(request); if ("".equals(resourcePath) && null != request.getPathInfo()) { resourcePath = request.getPathInfo(); } StaticContentLoader staticResourceLoader = dispatcher.getContainer().getInstance(StaticContentLoader.class); if (staticResourceLoader.canHandle(resourcePath)) {//判斷是否能處理 //查找靜態資源 staticResourceLoader.findStaticResource(resourcePath, request, response); // The framework did its job here return true; } else { // this is a normal request, let it pass through return false; } }
1) staticResourceLoader.canHandle(resourcePath)
public boolean canHandle(String resourcePath) { return serveStatic && (resourcePath.startsWith("/struts/") || resourcePath.startsWith("/static/")); }
2)staticResourceLoader.findStaticResource(resourcePath, request, response); 查找靜態資源
public void findStaticResource(String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { String name = cleanupPath(path); for (String pathPrefix : pathPrefixes) { //找到靜態資源路徑 URL resourceUrl = findResource(buildPath(name, pathPrefix)); if (resourceUrl != null) { InputStream is = null; try { //check that the resource path is under the pathPrefix path String pathEnding = buildPath(name, pathPrefix); if (resourceUrl.getFile().endsWith(pathEnding)) is = resourceUrl.openStream(); } catch (IOException ex) { // just ignore it continue; } //not inside the try block, as this could throw IOExceptions also if (is != null) { //得到輸入流並處理 process(is, path, request, response); return; } } } response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); }
protected void process(InputStream is, String path, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { if (is != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // check for if-modified-since, prior to any other headers long ifModifiedSince = 0; try { ifModifiedSince = request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Invalid If-Modified-Since header value: '{}', ignoring", request.getHeader("If-Modified-Since")); } long lastModifiedMillis = lastModifiedCal.getTimeInMillis(); long now = cal.getTimeInMillis(); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); long expires = cal.getTimeInMillis(); //ifModifiedSince爲客戶端記錄的最後訪問時間 //我的認爲應該是ifModifiedSince > lastModifiedMillis,爲何? if (ifModifiedSince > 0 && ifModifiedSince <= lastModifiedMillis) { // not modified, content is not sent - only basic // headers and status SC_NOT_MODIFIED response.setDateHeader("Expires", expires); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); is.close(); return; } // set the content-type header String contentType = getContentType(path); if (contentType != null) { response.setContentType(contentType); } if (serveStaticBrowserCache) { // set heading information for caching static content response.setDateHeader("Date", now); response.setDateHeader("Expires", expires); response.setDateHeader("Retry-After", expires); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public"); response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", lastModifiedMillis); } else { response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "-1"); } try { copy(is, response.getOutputStream()); } finally { is.close(); } } } /** * Copy bytes from the input stream to the output stream. * * @param input * The input stream * @param output * The output stream * @throws IOException * If anything goes wrong */ protected void copy(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException { final byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int n; while (-1 != (n = input.read(buffer))) { output.write(buffer, 0, n); } output.flush(); }
ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response, true);
execute.executeAction(request, response, mapping);
public ActionMapping getMapping(HttpServletRequest request, ConfigurationManager configManager) { ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping(); String uri = RequestUtils.getUri(request); int indexOfSemicolon = uri.indexOf(";"); uri = (indexOfSemicolon > -1) ? uri.substring(0, indexOfSemicolon) : uri; uri = dropExtension(uri, mapping); if (uri == null) { return null; } //得到action的name和namespace parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager); //得到parameters handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping); //parseActionName方法中,判斷是否開啓了DMI,開啓後纔會處理name!method請求 return parseActionName(mapping); } protected ActionMapping parseActionName(ActionMapping mapping) { if (mapping.getName() == null) { return null; } //判斷是否開啓了DMI(動態方法綁定) if (allowDynamicMethodCalls) { // handle "name!method" convention. String name = mapping.getName(); int exclamation = name.lastIndexOf("!"); if (exclamation != -1) { mapping.setName(name.substring(0, exclamation)); mapping.setMethod(name.substring(exclamation + 1)); } } return mapping; }
值得注意的是,在2.5版本中,Struts默認關閉了DMI,能夠經過設置<constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation" value="true"/>來開啓,具體邏輯可參考代碼片斷中註釋
public void serviceAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionMapping mapping) throws ServletException { //建立上下文 Map<String, Object> extraContext = createContextMap(request, response, mapping); // If there was a previous value stack, then create a new copy and pass it in to be used by the new Action ValueStack stack = (ValueStack) request.getAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY); boolean nullStack = stack == null; if (nullStack) { ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext(); if (ctx != null) { stack = ctx.getValueStack(); } } if (stack != null) { extraContext.put(ActionContext.VALUE_STACK, valueStackFactory.createValueStack(stack)); } String timerKey = "Handling request from Dispatcher"; try { UtilTimerStack.push(timerKey); String namespace = mapping.getNamespace(); String name = mapping.getName(); String method = mapping.getMethod(); //生成actionProxy,並持有ActionInvocation的實例 ActionProxy proxy = getContainer().getInstance(ActionProxyFactory.class).createActionProxy( namespace, name, method, extraContext, true, false); request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, proxy.getInvocation().getStack()); // if the ActionMapping says to go straight to a result, do it! if (mapping.getResult() != null) { Result result = mapping.getResult(); result.execute(proxy.getInvocation()); } else { //執行action proxy.execute(); } // If there was a previous value stack then set it back onto the request if (!nullStack) { request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, stack); } } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logConfigurationException(request, e); sendError(request, response, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e); } catch (Exception e) { if (handleException || devMode) { sendError(request, response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e); } else { throw new ServletException(e); } } finally { UtilTimerStack.pop(timerKey); } }
protected void prepare() { String profileKey = "create DefaultActionProxy: "; try { UtilTimerStack.push(profileKey); config = configuration.getRuntimeConfiguration().getActionConfig(namespace, actionName); if (config == null && unknownHandlerManager.hasUnknownHandlers()) { config = unknownHandlerManager.handleUnknownAction(namespace, actionName); } if (config == null) { throw new ConfigurationException(getErrorMessage()); } //若找不到method,默認執行excute方法 resolveMethod(); //判斷method是否容許被執行 if (config.isAllowedMethod(method)) { //獲取配置的攔截器interceptors invocation.init(this); } else { throw new ConfigurationException(prepareNotAllowedErrorMessage()); } } finally { UtilTimerStack.pop(profileKey); } }
public String execute() throws Exception { ActionContext nestedContext = ActionContext.getContext(); ActionContext.setContext(invocation.getInvocationContext()); String retCode = null; String profileKey = "execute: "; try { UtilTimerStack.push(profileKey); //關鍵代碼,執行invocation retCode = invocation.invoke(); } finally { if (cleanupContext) { ActionContext.setContext(nestedContext); } UtilTimerStack.pop(profileKey); } return retCode; }
/** * @throws ConfigurationException If no result can be found with the returned code */ public String invoke() throws Exception { String profileKey = "invoke: "; try { UtilTimerStack.push(profileKey); if (executed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Action has already executed"); } if (interceptors.hasNext()) { //-----step 1 得到一個攔截器 final InterceptorMapping interceptor = interceptors.next(); String interceptorMsg = "interceptor: " + interceptor.getName(); UtilTimerStack.push(interceptorMsg); try { //-----step 2 執行攔截器 resultCode = interceptor.getInterceptor().intercept(DefaultActionInvocation.this); } finally { UtilTimerStack.pop(interceptorMsg); } } else { //-----step 3 若是hasNext爲false,執行action resultCode = invokeActionOnly(); } // this is needed because the result will be executed, then control will return to the Interceptor, which will // return above and flow through again if (!executed) { if (preResultListeners != null) { LOG.trace("Executing PreResultListeners for result [{}]", result); for (Object preResultListener : preResultListeners) { PreResultListener listener = (PreResultListener) preResultListener; String _profileKey = "preResultListener: "; try { UtilTimerStack.push(_profileKey); listener.beforeResult(this, resultCode); } finally { UtilTimerStack.pop(_profileKey); } } } // now execute the result, if we're supposed to if (proxy.getExecuteResult()) { //-----step 4 最後執行result返回 executeResult(); } executed = true; } return resultCode; } finally { UtilTimerStack.pop(profileKey); } }
@Override public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception { if (!initialized) { ApplicationContext applicationContext = (ApplicationContext) ActionContext.getContext().getApplication().get( WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE); if (applicationContext == null) { LOG.warn("ApplicationContext could not be found. Action classes will not be autowired."); } else { setApplicationContext(applicationContext); factory = new SpringObjectFactory(); factory.setApplicationContext(getApplicationContext()); if (autowireStrategy != null) { factory.setAutowireStrategy(autowireStrategy); } } initialized = true; } if (factory != null) { Object bean = invocation.getAction(); factory.autoWireBean(bean); ActionContext.getContext().put(APPLICATION_CONTEXT, context); } return invocation.invoke(); }
4. 總結