【區塊鏈】Truffle 部署和測試

Truffle 部署和測試



一、 首先初始化環境php

truffle init


testrpc  //另開窗口


a. 編寫合約代碼,保存到contracts/YourContractName.sol文件app

pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

contract Conference {  // can be killed, so the owner gets sent the money in the end

    address public organizer;
    mapping (address => uint) public registrantsPaid;
    uint public numRegistrants;
    uint public quota;

    event Deposit(address _from, uint _amount); // so you can log the event
    event Refund(address _to, uint _amount); // so you can log the event

    function Conference() {
        organizer = msg.sender;
        quota = 500;
        numRegistrants = 0;

    function buyTicket() payable public {
        if (numRegistrants >= quota) {
            throw; // throw ensures funds will be returned
        registrantsPaid[msg.sender] = msg.value;
        Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

    function changeQuota(uint newquota) public {
        if (msg.sender != organizer) { return; }
        quota = newquota;

    function refundTicket(address recipient, uint amount) public {
        if (msg.sender != organizer) { return; }
        if (registrantsPaid[recipient] == amount) {
            address myAddress = this;
            if (myAddress.balance >= amount) {
                Refund(recipient, amount);
                registrantsPaid[recipient] = 0;

    function destroy() {
        if (msg.sender == organizer) { // without this funds could be locked in the contract forever!

b. 刪除原有的兩個合約文件ide

MetaCoin.sol 和 ConvertLib.sol

注意: Migrations.sol 不要刪除

c. 修改migrations/2_deploy_contracts文件svg

var Conference = artifacts.require("./Conference.sol");

module.exports = function(deployer) {

d. 編譯post

truffle compile

e. 部署測試

truffle migrate 或 truffle migrate --reset




a. 測試初始

var Conference = artifacts.require("./Conference.sol");

contract('Conference', function(accounts) {

  var Quato;  //限制人數爲500
  var NumRegistrants;  //註冊的人數剛開始爲應該爲0
  var Organizer; //組織者地址應該正確
  var organizer_address = accounts[0];

  it("Initial conference settings should match", function() {

    return Conference.deployed().then(function(instance){
        meta = instance;
        return meta.quota.call();
        Quato = quota;
        return meta.organizer.call();
        Organizer = organizer;
        return meta.numRegistrants.call();
        NumRegistrants = numRegistrants;

        assert.equal(Quato, 500, "Quota doesn't match!");
        assert.equal(numRegistrants, 0, "Registrants should be zero!");
        assert.equal(Organizer, organizer_address, "Owner doesn't match!");


prodeMacBook-Pro:pc6 pro$ truffle test
Using network 'development'.

Compiling ./contracts/Conference.sol...

Contract: Conference
    ✓ Initial conference settings should match (83ms)

1 passing (107ms)


  it("Should let you buy a ticket", function() {

      var user_address = accounts[1];
      var ticketPrice = web3.toWei(.05, 'ether');
      var initialBalance;  //用戶初始餘額
      var newBalance;   //用戶購買以後餘額
      var newNumRegistrants;  //買票人數
      var userPaid;  //付款的金額
      var difference;

      return Conference.deployed().then(function(instance){
            meta = instance;
            return meta.getBalance.call(user_address);
            initialBalance = balance.toNumber();  //初始金額
            return meta.buyTicket({from: user_address, value: ticketPrice});  //買票操做
            return meta.getBalance.call(user_address);
            newBalance = balance.toNumber();  //買票以後餘額
            difference = initialBalance - newBalance;
            return meta.numRegistrants.call();
          newNumRegistrants = numRegistrants;
          return meta.registrantsPaid.call(user_address);
            userPaid = registrantsPaid.toNumber();

            assert.equal(userPaid, ticketPrice, "Sender's paid but is not listed");
            assert.equal(difference, ticketPrice, "Difference should be what was sent");
            assert.equal(newNumRegistrants, 1, "there should be 1 registrant");

prodeMacBook-Pro:pc6 pro$ truffle test
Using network 'development'.

Compiling ./contracts/Conference.sol...

  Contract: Conference
    ✓ Initial conference settings should match (79ms)
    1) Should let you buy a ticket

    Events emitted during test:

    Deposit(_from: 0xd19b5f640c058856bb2f2e2f75454afa2173d2f8, _amount: 50000000000000000)


  1 passing (240ms)
  1 failing

  1) Contract: Conference Should let you buy a ticket:
     AssertionError: Difference should be what was sent: expected 56320100000002050 to equal '50000000000000000'
      at test/conference.js:62:20
      at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7)