Database Systems--- A practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management Fifth Edtion


 在2010年冬天的時候,咱們前單位(晉能信工)把咱們送到了北大青鳥培訓了兩個月,最後,我仍是沒有考試過了。我以爲我不是學習計算機的一塊料。一恍,十年過去了,我也不知道我也幹什麼的一塊料。被命運牽着鼻子走。我是一個膽小懦 弱而又不善言辭的人。一味地去聽別人,看別人。歷來也不知道本身是一個什麼人,也不知道本身能幹點啥。喜歡看一些不合時書,好比周易、韓非子之類的書。app

       在晉能信工,我也幹了7年多,從2009年到2015年。這7年中,我看了很多的計算機方面書,但是本身卻不會寫一個"hello word!"。也許,這是從事過計算機人的最大恥辱。我想自學一下程序,順便也提高一下本身的證書歷程。上了十年班了,一個證書也沒考下來。提及來,還嘲人了。蠍體斯人了。ide


  在我四嬸住院期間,我四嬸的姐姐說過,一個事情,說的是一個小學老師給小朋友們上學,臺上的老師說一句:「open your book! open your eyes! 打開你的書,打開你的眼睛!」下邊的一個小朋友說:「老師不對,應該是翻開你的書、睜開你的眼睛!」這句話,在我內心翻了好幾回。語言的翻譯必須符合國語的語序和語言習慣。ui


 英語單詞,還沒認識幾個,就想翻譯一些東西,就憑看過幾年的數據庫代碼?是否是把本身看的過高了,仍是我真得有這樣的天賦了。 spa






Preface ci


The history of database research over the past 30 year is one of exceptional productivity that led to the database system becoming arguably the most important development in the field of software engineering. The database is now the underlying framework of the information system and has fundamentally changed the way many organizations operate.In particular, the developments in this technology over the last few years have produced systems that  are more powerful and more intuitive to use. This development has resulted in increasing availability of database systems for a wider variety of users. Unfortunately, the appearent simplicity of these systems has led to users creating databases and applications without the necessary knowledge to produce an effective and efficient system. And so the "software crisis" or, as it is sometimes referred to the "software depression" continues.   

  The original stimulus for this book came from the author's work in industry, providing consultancy on database design for new software systems or, as often as not, resolving inadequacies with existing systems. In addition, the authors' move to academia brought similar problems from different users--students. The objectives of this book, therefore, are to provide a textbook that introduces the theory behind databases as clearly as possible and, in particular, to provide a methodology for database design that can be used by both technical and nontechnical readers.


Pre--face   臉的前面,是什麼是?不知道,說實話,這個詞之前見過,可是想不起是什麼意思。也不知道是什麼意思。也許就是一個前言的意思吧。

Back--ground . ground 是大地的意思,Background是什麼意思。是背景的意思嗎/

