Collections.sort() 的實現原理



import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class Ctest01 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<String> list = Arrays.asList("6", "1", "3", "1","2");
		Collections.sort(list);// <-- Here



[1, 1, 2, 3, 6]


 注:Arrays.asList() 返回的是ArrayList的實例對象數組

package java.util;

public class Arrays {

    public static <T> List<T> asList(T... a) {
        return new ArrayList<>(a);



package java.util;

public class Collections {

    public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list) {
        list.sort(null);// <-- Here



package java.util;

public class ArrayList<E> {

    public void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) {
        final int expectedModCount = modCount;
        Arrays.sort((E[]) elementData, 0, size, c);// <-- Here
        if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();



package java.util;

public class Arrays {

    public static <T> void sort(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        if (c == null) {
            sort(a, fromIndex, toIndex); // <-- Here
        } else {
            rangeCheck(a.length, fromIndex, toIndex);
            if (LegacyMergeSort.userRequested)
                legacyMergeSort(a, fromIndex, toIndex, c);
                TimSort.sort(a, fromIndex, toIndex, c, null, 0, 0);

    public static void sort(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        // 檢查參數的合理性
        rangeCheck(a.length, fromIndex, toIndex);
        // LegacyMergeSort.userRequested 默認爲false
        if (LegacyMergeSort.userRequested) {
            // 使用一種老的歸併排序
            legacyMergeSort(a, fromIndex, toIndex);
        } else {
            ComparableTimSort.sort(a, fromIndex, toIndex, null, 0, 0); // <-- Here



package java.util;

class ComparableTimSort {

    static void sort(Object[] a, int lo, int hi, Object[] work, int workBase, int workLen) {
        assert a != null && lo >= 0 && lo <= hi && hi <= a.length;

        int nRemaining  = hi - lo;
        if (nRemaining < 2) {
            // 若是待排序的數組爲空或是元素只有一個,不用排序,直接返回
            return;  // Arrays of size 0 and 1 are always sorted

        // If array is small, do a "mini-TimSort" with no merges
        if (nRemaining < MIN_MERGE) {
            // 若是待排序的數組元素數量較少,就使用二叉排序
            int initRunLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi);
            binarySort(a, lo, hi, lo + initRunLen);

         * March over the array once, left to right, finding natural runs,
         * extending short natural runs to minRun elements, and merging runs
         * to maintain stack invariant.
        ComparableTimSort ts = new ComparableTimSort(a, work, workBase, workLen);
        int minRun = minRunLength(nRemaining);
        do {
            // Identify next run
            int runLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi);

            // If run is short, extend to min(minRun, nRemaining)
            if (runLen < minRun) {
                int force = nRemaining <= minRun ? nRemaining : minRun;
                binarySort(a, lo, lo + force, lo + runLen);
                runLen = force;

            // Push run onto pending-run stack, and maybe merge
            ts.pushRun(lo, runLen);

            // Advance to find next run
            lo += runLen;
            nRemaining -= runLen;
        } while (nRemaining != 0);

        // Merge all remaining runs to complete sort
        assert lo == hi;
        assert ts.stackSize == 1;




import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public class Ctest01 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<String> list = Arrays.asList("6", "1", "3", "1","2");
		Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<String>() {

			public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
				// TODO Auto-generated method stub
				return Integer.valueOf(o1) - Integer.valueOf(o2);
		});// <-- Here

package java.util;

public class Collections {

    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        list.sort(c);// <-- Here



package java.util;

public class ArrayList<E> {

    public void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) {
        final int expectedModCount = modCount;
        Arrays.sort((E[]) elementData, 0, size, c);// <-- Here
        if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

package java.util;

public class Arrays {

    public static <T> void sort(T[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparator<? super T> c) {
        if (c == null) {
            sort(a, fromIndex, toIndex);
        } else {
            rangeCheck(a.length, fromIndex, toIndex);
            if (LegacyMergeSort.userRequested)
                legacyMergeSort(a, fromIndex, toIndex, c);
                TimSort.sort(a, fromIndex, toIndex, c, null, 0, 0); // <-- Here



package java.util;

class TimSort<T> {

    static <T> void sort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, Comparator<? super T> c,
                         T[] work, int workBase, int workLen) {
        assert c != null && a != null && lo >= 0 && lo <= hi && hi <= a.length;

        int nRemaining  = hi - lo;
        if (nRemaining < 2)
            return;  // Arrays of size 0 and 1 are always sorted

        // If array is small, do a "mini-TimSort" with no merges
        if (nRemaining < MIN_MERGE) {
            int initRunLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi, c);
            binarySort(a, lo, hi, lo + initRunLen, c);

         * March over the array once, left to right, finding natural runs,
         * extending short natural runs to minRun elements, and merging runs
         * to maintain stack invariant.
        TimSort<T> ts = new TimSort<>(a, c, work, workBase, workLen);
        int minRun = minRunLength(nRemaining);
        do {
            // Identify next run
            int runLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi, c);

            // If run is short, extend to min(minRun, nRemaining)
            if (runLen < minRun) {
                int force = nRemaining <= minRun ? nRemaining : minRun;
                binarySort(a, lo, lo + force, lo + runLen, c);
                runLen = force;

            // Push run onto pending-run stack, and maybe merge
            ts.pushRun(lo, runLen);

            // Advance to find next run
            lo += runLen;
            nRemaining -= runLen;
        } while (nRemaining != 0);

        // Merge all remaining runs to complete sort
        assert lo == hi;
        assert ts.stackSize == 1;
