而有了重構,使用單元測試、共享代碼以及更可靠的無bug 的代碼這些最佳實踐就顯得簡單多了。編程
鑑於重構的重要性,我決定在整個8 月份天天介紹一個重構。在開始以前,請容許我事先聲明,儘管我試着對每一個重構進行額外的描述和討論,但我並非在聲明它們的全部權。網絡
我介紹的大多數重構均可以在Refactoring.com 中找到,有一些來自《代碼大全(第2 版)》,剩下的則是我本身常用或從其餘網站找到的。我以爲註明每一個重構的出處並非重要的,由於你能夠在網上不一樣的帖子或文章中找到名稱相似的重構。框架
- public class Order
- {
- private int _orderTotal;
- private List<OrderLine> _orderLines;
- public IEnumerable<OrderLine> OrderLines
- {
- get { return _orderLines; }
- }
- public void AddOrderLine(OrderLine orderLine)
- {
- _orderTotal += orderLine.Total;
- _orderLines.Add(orderLine);
- }
- public void RemoveOrderLine(OrderLine orderLine)
- {
- orderLine = _orderLines.Find(o => o == orderLine);
- if (orderLine == null) return;
- _orderTotal -= orderLine.Total;
- _orderLines.Remove(orderLine);
- }
- }
如你所見,咱們對集合進行了封裝,沒有將Add/Remove 方法暴露給類的使用者。在.NET Framework中,有些類如ReadOnlyCollection,會因爲封裝集合而產生不一樣的行爲,但它們各自都有防止誤解的說明。這是一個很是簡單但卻極具價值的重構,能夠確保用戶不會誤用你暴露的集合,避免代碼中的一些bug。工具
今天的重構一樣很是簡單,以致於人們並不認爲這是一個有價值的重構。遷移方法(Move Method),顧名思義就是將方法遷移到合適的位置。在開始重構前,咱們先看看一下代碼:post
- public class BankAccount
- {
- public BankAccount(int accountAge, int creditScore, AccountInterest accountInterest)
- {
- AccountAge = accountAge;
- CreditScore = creditScore;
- AccountInterest = accountInterest;
- }
- public int AccountAge { get; private set; }
- public int CreditScore { get; private set; }
- public AccountInterest AccountInterest { get; private set; }
- public double CalculateInterestRate()
- {
- if (CreditScore > 800)
- return 0.02;
- if (AccountAge > 10)
- return 0.03;
- return 0.05;
- }
- }
- public class AccountInterest
- {
- public BankAccount Account { get; private set; }
- public AccountInterest(BankAccount account)
- {
- Account = account;
- }
- public double InterestRate
- {
- get { return Account.CalculateInterestRate(); }
- }
- public bool IntroductoryRate
- {
- get { return Account.CalculateInterestRate() < 0.05; }
- }
- }
這裏值得注意的是BankAccount.CalculateInterest 方法。當一個方法被其餘類使用比在它所在類中的使用還要頻繁時,咱們就須要使用遷移方法重構了——將方法遷移到更頻繁地使用它的類中。因爲依賴關係,該重構並不能應用於全部實例,但人們仍是常常低估它的價值。單元測試
- public class BankAccount
- {
- public BankAccount(int accountAge, int creditScore, AccountInterest accountInterest)
- {
- AccountAge = accountAge;
- CreditScore = creditScore;
- AccountInterest = accountInterest;
- }
- public int AccountAge { get; private set; }
- public int CreditScore { get; private set; }
- public AccountInterest AccountInterest { get; private set; }
- }
- public class AccountInterest
- {
- public BankAccount Account { get; private set; }
- public AccountInterest(BankAccount account)
- {
- Account = account;
- }
- public double InterestRate
- {
- get { return CalculateInterestRate(); }
- }
- public bool IntroductoryRate
- {
- get { return CalculateInterestRate() < 0.05; }
- }
- public double CalculateInterestRate()
- {
- if (Account.CreditScore > 800)
- return 0.02;
- if (Account.AccountAge > 10)
- return 0.03;
- return 0.05;
- }
- }
提高方法(Pull Up Method)重構是將方法向繼承鏈上層遷移的過程。用於一個方法被多個實現者使用時。
- public abstract class Vehicle
- {
- // other methods
- }
- public class Car : Vehicle
- {
- public void Turn(Direction direction)
- {
- // code here
- }
- }
- public class Motorcycle : Vehicle
- {
- }
- public enum Direction
- {
- Left,
- Right
- }
如你所見,目前只有Car類中包含Turn方法,但咱們也但願在Motorcycle 類中使用。所以,若是沒有基類,咱們就建立一個基類並將該方法「上移」到基類中,這樣兩個類就均可以使用Turn 方法了。這樣作惟一的缺點是擴充了基類的接口、增長了其複雜性,所以需謹慎使用。只有當一個以上的子類須要使用該方法時才須要進行遷移。若是濫用繼承,系統將會很快崩潰。這時你應該使用組合代替繼承。重構以後的代碼以下:
- public abstract class Vehicle
- {
- public void Turn(Direction direction)
- {
- // code here
- }
- }
- public class Car : Vehicle
- {
- }
- public class Motorcycle : Vehicle
- {
- }
- public enum Direction
- {
- Left,
- Right
- }
- public abstract class Animal
- {
- public void Bark()
- {
- // code to bark
- }
- }
- public class Dog : Animal
- {
- }
- public class Cat : Animal
- {
- }
這裏的基類有一個Bark方法。或許咱們的貓咪們一時半會也無法學會汪汪叫(bark),所以Cat 類中再也不須要這個功能了。儘管基類不須要這個方法,但在顯式處理Dog 類時也許還須要,所以咱們將Bark 方法「下降」到Dog 類中。這時,有必要評估Animal基類中是否還有其餘行爲。若是沒有,則是一個將Animal抽象類轉換成接口的好時機。由於契約中不須要任何代碼,能夠認爲是一個標記接口。
- public abstract class Animal
- {
- }
- public class Dog : Animal
- {
- public void Bark()
- {
- // code to bark
- }
- }
- public class Cat : Animal
- {
- }
- public abstract class Account
- {
- }
- public class CheckingAccount : Account
- {
- private decimal _minimumCheckingBalance = 5m;
- }
- public class SavingsAccount : Account
- {
- private decimal _minimumSavingsBalance = 5m;
- }
- public abstract class Account
- {
- protected decimal _minimumBalance = 5m;
- }
- public class CheckingAccount : Account
- {
- }
- public class SavingsAccount : Account
- {
- }
- public abstract class Task
- {
- protected string _resolution;
- }
- public class BugTask : Task
- {
- }
- public class FeatureTask : Task
- {
- }
- public abstract class Task
- {
- }
- public class BugTask : Task
- {
- private string _resolution;
- }
- public class FeatureTask : Task
- {
- }
- public class Person
- {
- public string FN { get; set; }
- public decimal ClcHrlyPR()
- {
- // code to calculate hourly payrate
- return 0m;
- }
- }
- // Changed the class name to Employee
- public class Employee
- {
- public string FirstName { get; set; }
- public decimal CalculateHourlyPay()
- {
- // code to calculate hourly payrate
- return 0m;
- }
- }
- public class Sanitation
- {
- public string WashHands()
- {
- return "Cleaned!";
- }
- }
- public class Child : Sanitation
- {
- }
在該例中,Child 並非Sanitation,所以這樣的繼承層次是毫無心義的。咱們能夠這樣重構:在Child 的構造函數裏實現一個Sanitation實例,並將方法的調用委託給這個實例。若是你使用依賴注入,能夠經過構造函數傳遞Sanitation實例,儘管在我看來還要向IoC容器註冊模型是一種壞味道,但領會精神就能夠了。繼承只能用於嚴格的繼承場景,並非用來快速編寫代碼的工具。
- public class Sanitation
- {
- public string WashHands()
- {
- return "Cleaned!";
- }
- }
- public class Child
- {
- private Sanitation Sanitation { get; set; }
- public Child()
- {
- Sanitation = new Sanitation();
- }
- public string WashHands()
- {
- return Sanitation.WashHands();
- }
- }
- public class ClassRegistration
- {
- public void Create()
- {
- // create registration code
- }
- public void Transfer()
- {
- // class transfer code
- }
- public decimal Total { get; private set; }
- }
- public class RegistrationProcessor
- {
- public decimal ProcessRegistration(ClassRegistration registration)
- {
- registration.Create();
- return registration.Total;
- }
- }
- public interface IClassRegistration
- {
- void Create();
- decimal Total { get; }
- }
- public class ClassRegistration : IClassRegistration
- {
- public void Create()
- {
- // create registration code
- }
- public void Transfer()
- {
- // class transfer code
- }
- public decimal Total { get; private set; }
- }
- public class RegistrationProcessor
- {
- public decimal ProcessRegistration(IClassRegistration registration)
- {
- registration.Create();
- return registration.Total;
- }
- }
今天咱們要介紹的重構是提取方法。這個重構極其簡單但卻大有裨益。首先,將邏輯置於命名良好的方法內有助於提升代碼的可讀性。當方法的名稱能夠很好地描述這部分代碼的功能時,能夠有效地減小其餘開發者的研究時間。假設越少,代碼中的bug 也就越少。重構以前的代碼以下:
- public class Receipt
- {
- private IList<decimal> Discounts { get; set; }
- private IList<decimal> ItemTotals { get; set; }
- public decimal CalculateGrandTotal()
- {
- decimal subTotal = 0m;
- foreach (decimal itemTotal in ItemTotals)
- subTotal += itemTotal;
- if (Discounts.Count > 0)
- {
- foreach (decimal discount in Discounts)
- subTotal -= discount;
- }
- decimal tax = subTotal * 0.065m;
- subTotal += tax;
- return subTotal;
- }
- }
- public class Receipt
- {
- private IList<decimal> Discounts { get; set; }
- private IList<decimal> ItemTotals { get; set; }
- public decimal CalculateGrandTotal()
- {
- decimal subTotal = CalculateSubTotal();
- subTotal = CalculateDiscounts(subTotal);
- subTotal = CalculateTax(subTotal);
- return subTotal;
- }
- private decimal CalculateTax(decimal subTotal)
- {
- decimal tax = subTotal * 0.065m;
- subTotal += tax;
- return subTotal;
- }
- private decimal CalculateDiscounts(decimal subTotal)
- {
- if (Discounts.Count > 0)
- {
- foreach (decimal discount in Discounts)
- subTotal -= discount;
- }
- return subTotal;
- }
- private decimal CalculateSubTotal()
- {
- decimal subTotal = 0m;
- foreach (decimal itemTotal in ItemTotals)
- subTotal += itemTotal;
- return subTotal;
- }
- }
今天的重構沒有固定的形式,多年來我使用過不一樣的版本,而且我敢打賭不一樣的人也會有不一樣的版本。該重構適用於這樣的場景:switch 語句塊很大,而且會隨時引入新的判斷條件。這時,最好使用策略模式將每一個條件封裝到單獨的類中。實現策略模式的方式是不少的。我在這裏介紹的策略重構使用的是字典策略,這麼作的好處是調用者沒必要修改原來的代碼。
- namespace LosTechies.DaysOfRefactoring.SwitchToStrategy.Before
- {
- public class ClientCode
- {
- public decimal CalculateShipping()
- {
- ShippingInfo shippingInfo = new ShippingInfo();
- return shippingInfo.CalculateShippingAmount(State.Alaska);
- }
- }
- public enum State
- {
- Alaska,
- NewYork,
- Florida
- }
- public class ShippingInfo
- {
- public decimal CalculateShippingAmount(State shipToState)
- {
- switch (shipToState)
- {
- case State.Alaska:
- return GetAlaskaShippingAmount();
- case State.NewYork:
- return GetNewYorkShippingAmount();
- case State.Florida:
- return GetFloridaShippingAmount();
- default:
- return 0m;
- }
- }
- private decimal GetAlaskaShippingAmount()
- {
- return 15m;
- }
- private decimal GetNewYorkShippingAmount()
- {
- return 10m;
- }
- private decimal GetFloridaShippingAmount()
- {
- return 3m;
- }
- }
- }
要應用該重構,需將每一個測試條件至於單獨的類中,這些類實現了一個共同的接口。而後將枚舉做爲字典的鍵,這樣就能夠獲取正確的實現,並執行其代碼了。之後若是但願添加新的條件,只需添加新的實現類,並將其添加至ShippingCalculations 字典中。正如前面說過的,這不是實現策略模式的惟一方式。我在這裏將字體加粗顯示,是由於確定會有人在評論裏指出這點:)用你以爲好用的方法。我用這種方式實現重構的好處是,不用修改客戶端代碼。全部的修改都在ShippingInfo 類內部。
Jayme Davis指出這種重構因爲仍然須要在構造函數中進行綁定,因此只不過是增長了一些類而已,但若是綁定IShippingCalculation的策略能夠置於IoC中,帶來的好處仍是不少的,它可使你更靈活地捆綁策略。
- namespace LosTechies.DaysOfRefactoring.SwitchToStrategy.After
- {
- public class ClientCode
- {
- public decimal CalculateShipping()
- {
- ShippingInfo shippingInfo = new ShippingInfo();
- return shippingInfo.CalculateShippingAmount(State.Alaska);
- }
- }
- public enum State
- {
- Alaska,
- NewYork,
- Florida
- }
- public class ShippingInfo
- {
- private IDictionary<State, IShippingCalculation> ShippingCalculations
- { get; set; }
- public ShippingInfo()
- {
- ShippingCalculations = new Dictionary<State, IShippingCalculation>
- {
- { State.Alaska, new AlaskShippingCalculation() },
- { State.NewYork, new NewYorkShippingCalculation() },
- { State.Florida, new FloridaShippingCalculation() }
- };
- }
- public decimal CalculateShippingAmount(State shipToState)
- {
- return ShippingCalculations[shipToState].Calculate();
- }
- }
- public interface IShippingCalculation
- {
- decimal Calculate();
- }
- public class AlaskShippingCalculation : IShippingCalculation
- {
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return 15m;
- }
- }
- public class NewYorkShippingCalculation : IShippingCalculation
- {
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return 10m;
- }
- }
- public class FloridaShippingCalculation : IShippingCalculation
- {
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return 3m;
- }
- }
- }
爲了使這個示例圓滿,咱們來看看在ShippingInfo 構造函數中使用Ninject 爲IoC容器時如何進行綁定。須要更改的地方不少,主要是將state 的枚舉放在策略內部,以及Ninject 向構造函數傳遞一個IShippingInfo 的IEnumerable泛型。接下來咱們使用策略類中的state屬性建立字典,其他部分保持不變。(感謝Nate Kohari和Jayme Davis)
- public interface IShippingInfo
- {
- decimal CalculateShippingAmount(State state);
- }
- public class ClientCode
- {
- [Inject]
- public IShippingInfo ShippingInfo { get; set; }
- public decimal CalculateShipping()
- {
- return ShippingInfo.CalculateShippingAmount(State.Alaska);
- }
- }
- public enum State
- {
- Alaska,
- NewYork,
- Florida
- }
- public class ShippingInfo : IShippingInfo
- {
- private IDictionary<State, IShippingCalculation> ShippingCalculations
- { get; set; }
- public ShippingInfo(IEnumerable<IShippingCalculation> shippingCalculations)
- {
- ShippingCalculations = shippingCalculations.ToDictionary(
- calc => calc.State);
- }
- public decimal CalculateShippingAmount(State shipToState)
- {
- return ShippingCalculations[shipToState].Calculate();
- }
- }
- public interface IShippingCalculation
- {
- State State { get; }
- decimal Calculate();
- }
- public class AlaskShippingCalculation : IShippingCalculation
- {
- public State State { get { return State.Alaska; } }
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return 15m;
- }
- }
- public class NewYorkShippingCalculation : IShippingCalculation
- {
- public State State { get { return State.NewYork; } }
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return 10m;
- }
- }
- public class FloridaShippingCalculation : IShippingCalculation
- {
- public State State { get { return State.Florida; } }
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return 3m;
- }
- }
有些單元測試須要恰當的測試「縫隙」(test seam)來模擬/隔離一些不想被測試的部分。若是你正想在代碼中引入這種單元測試,那麼今天介紹的重構就十分有用。在這個例子中,咱們的客戶端代碼使用一個靜態類來實現功能。但當須要單元測試時,問題就來了。咱們沒法在單元測試中模擬靜態類。解決的方法是使用一個接口將靜態類包裝起來,造成一個縫隙來切斷與靜態類之間的依賴。
- public class AnimalFeedingService
- {
- private bool FoodBowlEmpty { get; set; }
- public void Feed()
- {
- if (FoodBowlEmpty)
- Feeder.ReplenishFood();
- // more code to feed the animal
- }
- }
- public static class Feeder
- {
- public static void ReplenishFood()
- {
- // fill up bowl
- }
- }
- public class AnimalFeedingService
- {
- public IFeederService FeederService { get; set; }
- public AnimalFeedingService(IFeederService feederService)
- {
- FeederService = feederService;
- }
- private bool FoodBowlEmpty { get; set; }
- public void Feed()
- {
- if (FoodBowlEmpty)
- FeederService.ReplenishFood();
- // more code to feed the animal
- }
- }
- public interface IFeederService
- {
- void ReplenishFood();
- }
- public class FeederService : IFeederService
- {
- public void ReplenishFood()
- {
- Feeder.ReplenishFood();
- }
- }
- public static class Feeder
- {
- public static void ReplenishFood()
- {
- // fill up bowl
- }
- }
如今,咱們能夠在單元測試中將模擬的IFeederService 傳入AnimalFeedingService 構造函數。測試成功後,咱們能夠將靜態方法中的代碼移植到FeederService 類中,並刪除靜態類。
今天的重構來自於Martin Fowler的重構目錄。在我看來,這是一個比較罕見的重構,但有時卻終能派上用場。當你嘗試進行提取方法的重構時,須要引入大量的方法。在一個方法中使用衆多的本地變量有時會使代碼變得醜陋。所以最好使用提取方法對象這個重構,將執行任務的邏輯分開。
- public class OrderLineItem
- {
- public decimal Price { get; private set; }
- }
- public class Order
- {
- private IList<OrderLineItem> OrderLineItems { get; set; }
- private IList<decimal> Discounts { get; set; }
- private decimal Tax { get; set; }
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- decimal subTotal = 0m;
- // Total up line items
- foreach (OrderLineItem lineItem in OrderLineItems)
- {
- subTotal += lineItem.Price;
- }
- // Subtract Discounts
- foreach (decimal discount in Discounts)
- subTotal -= discount;
- // Calculate Tax
- decimal tax = subTotal * Tax;
- // Calculate GrandTotal
- decimal grandTotal = subTotal + tax;
- return grandTotal;
- }
- }
- public class OrderLineItem
- {
- public decimal Price { get; private set; }
- }
- public class Order
- {
- public IEnumerable<OrderLineItem> OrderLineItems { get; private set; }
- public IEnumerable<decimal> Discounts { get; private set; }
- public decimal Tax { get; private set; }
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- return new OrderCalculator(this).Calculate();
- }
- }
- public class OrderCalculator
- {
- private decimal SubTotal { get; set; }
- private IEnumerable<OrderLineItem> OrderLineItems { get; set; }
- private IEnumerable<decimal> Discounts { get; set; }
- private decimal Tax { get; set; }
- public OrderCalculator(Order order)
- {
- OrderLineItems = order.OrderLineItems;
- Discounts = order.Discounts;
- Tax = order.Tax;
- }
- public decimal Calculate()
- {
- CalculateSubTotal();
- SubtractDiscounts();
- CalculateTax();
- return SubTotal;
- }
- private void CalculateSubTotal()
- {
- // Total up line items
- foreach (OrderLineItem lineItem in OrderLineItems)
- SubTotal += lineItem.Price;
- }
- private void SubtractDiscounts()
- {
- // Subtract Discounts
- foreach (decimal discount in Discounts)
- SubTotal -= discount;
- }
- private void CalculateTax()
- {
- // Calculate Tax
- SubTotal += SubTotal * Tax;
- }
- }
把一個類的多個職責進行拆分,這貫徹了SOLID 中的單一職責原則(SRP)。儘管對於如何劃分「職責」常常存在爭論,但應用這項重構仍是十分簡單的。我這裏並不會回答劃分職責的問題,只是演示一個結構清晰的示例,將類劃分爲多個負責具體職責的類。
- public class Video
- {
- public void PayFee(decimal fee)
- {
- }
- public void RentVideo(Video video, Customer customer)
- {
- customer.Videos.Add(video);
- }
- public decimal CalculateBalance(Customer customer)
- {
- return customer.LateFees.Sum();
- }
- }
- public class Customer
- {
- public IList<decimal> LateFees { get; set; }
- public IList<Video> Videos { get; set; }
- }
- public class Video
- {
- public void RentVideo(Video video, Customer customer)
- {
- customer.Videos.Add(video);
- }
- }
- public class Customer
- {
- public IList<decimal> LateFees { get; set; }
- public IList<Video> Videos { get; set; }
- public void PayFee(decimal fee)
- {
- }
- public decimal CalculateBalance(Customer customer)
- {
- return customer.LateFees.Sum();
- }
- }
- public class MedicalRecord
- {
- public DateTime DateArchived { get; private set; }
- public bool Archived { get; private set; }
- public void ArchiveRecord()
- {
- Archived = true;
- DateArchived = DateTime.Now;
- }
- public void CloseRecord()
- {
- Archived = true;
- DateArchived = DateTime.Now;
- }
- }
- public class MedicalRecord
- {
- public DateTime DateArchived { get; private set; }
- public bool Archived { get; private set; }
- public void ArchiveRecord()
- {
- SwitchToArchived();
- }
- public void CloseRecord()
- {
- SwitchToArchived();
- }
- private void SwitchToArchived()
- {
- Archived = true;
- DateArchived = DateTime.Now;
- }
- }
- public class RemoteControl
- {
- private string[] Functions { get; set; }
- private string Name { get; set; }
- private int CreatedYear { get; set; }
- public string PerformCoolFunction(string buttonPressed)
- {
- // Determine if we are controlling some extra function
- // that requires special conditions
- if (Functions.Length > 1 && Name == "RCA" &&
- CreatedYear > DateTime.Now.Year - 2)
- return "doSomething";
- }
- }
- public class RemoteControl
- {
- private string[] Functions { get; set; }
- private string Name { get; set; }
- private int CreatedYear { get; set; }
- private bool HasExtraFunctions
- {
- get
- {
- return Functions.Length > 1 && Name == "RCA" &&
- CreatedYear > DateTime.Now.Year - 2;
- }
- }
- public string PerformCoolFunction(string buttonPressed)
- {
- // Determine if we are controlling some extra function
- // that requires special conditions
- if (HasExtraFunctions)
- return "doSomething";
- }
- }
今天的重構來自於Martin Fowler的重構目錄,當一個類有不少方法但願將它們「提拔」到基類以供同層次的其餘類使用時,會常用該重構。下面的類包含兩個方法,咱們但願提取這兩個方法並容許其餘類使用。
- public class Dog
- {
- public void EatFood()
- {
- // eat some food
- }
- public void Groom()
- {
- // perform grooming
- }
- }
重構以後,咱們僅僅將須要的方法轉移到了一個新的基類中。這很相似「Pull Up」重構,只是在重構以前,並不存在基類。
- public class Animal
- {
- public void EatFood()
- {
- // eat some food
- }
- public void Groom()
- {
- // perform grooming
- }
- }
- public class Dog : Animal
- {
- }
- public class Microwave
- {
- private IMicrowaveMotor Motor { get; set; }
- public bool Start(object food)
- {
- bool foodCooked = false;
- try
- {
- Motor.Cook(food);
- foodCooked = true;
- }
- catch (InUseException)
- {
- foodcooked = false;
- }
- return foodCooked;
- }
- }
- public class Microwave
- {
- private IMicrowaveMotor Motor { get; set; }
- public bool Start(object food)
- {
- if (Motor.IsInUse)
- return false;
- Motor.Cook(food);
- return true;
- }
- }
- public class PoliceCarController
- {
- public PoliceCar New(int mileage, bool serviceRequired)
- {
- PoliceCar policeCar = new PoliceCar();
- policeCar.ServiceRequired = serviceRequired;
- policeCar.Mileage = mileage;
- return policeCar;
- }
- }
如您所見,New方法負責建立PoliceCar並根據一些外部輸入初始化PoliceCar的某些屬性。對於簡單的建立工做來講,這樣作能夠從容應對。可是長此以往,建立的工做量愈來愈大,而且被附加在controller 類上,但這並非controller類的職責。這時,咱們能夠將建立代碼提取到一個Factory類中去,由該類負責PoliceCar實例的建立。
- public interface IPoliceCarFactory
- {
- PoliceCar Create(int mileage, bool serviceRequired);
- }
- public class PoliceCarFactory : IPoliceCarFactory
- {
- public PoliceCar Create(int mileage, bool serviceRequired)
- {
- PoliceCar policeCar = new PoliceCar();
- policeCar.ReadForService = serviceRequired;
- policeCar.Mileage = mileage;
- return policeCar;
- }
- }
- public class PoliceCarController
- {
- public IPoliceCarFactory PoliceCarFactory { get; set; }
- public PoliceCarController(IPoliceCarFactory policeCarFactory)
- {
- PoliceCarFactory = policeCarFactory;
- }
- public PoliceCar New(int mileage, bool serviceRequired)
- {
- return PoliceCarFactory.Create(mileage, serviceRequired);
- }
- }
今天的重構來自於Martin Fowler的模式目錄。你能夠在他的目錄中找到該重構。
- public class Registration
- {
- public NonRegistrationAction Action { get; set; }
- public decimal RegistrationTotal { get; set; }
- public string Notes { get; set; }
- public string Description { get; set; }
- public DateTime RegistrationDate { get; set; }
- }
當使用了該類以後,咱們就會意識到問題所在——它應用於兩個徹底不一樣的場景。屬性NonRegistrationAction和Notes 只有在處理與普通註冊略有不一樣的NonRegistration 時纔會使用。所以,咱們能夠提取一個子類,並將這兩個屬性轉移到NonRegistration類中,這樣才更合適。
- public class Registration
- {
- public decimal RegistrationTotal { get; set; }
- public string Description { get; set; }
- public DateTime RegistrationDate { get; set; }
- }
- public class NonRegistration : Registration
- {
- public NonRegistrationAction Action { get; set; }
- public string Notes { get; set; }
- }
今天的重構來自於Martin Fowler的模式目錄。你能夠在他的目錄中找到該重構。昨天,咱們經過提取子類來下放職責。而今天,當咱們意識到再也不須要某個子類時,可使用Collapse Hierarchy 重構。若是某個子類的屬性(以及其餘成員)能夠被合併到基類中,這時再保留這個子類已經沒有任何意義了。
- public class Website
- {
- public string Title { get; set; }
- public string Description { get; set; }
- public IEnumerable<Webpage> Pages { get; set; }
- }
- public class StudentWebsite : Website
- {
- public bool IsActive { get; set; }
- }
這裏的子類並無過多的功能,只是表示站點是否激活。這時咱們會意識到判斷站點是否激活的功能應該是通用的。所以能夠將子類的功能放回到Website 中,並刪除StudentWebsite 類型。
- public class Website
- {
- public string Title { get; set; }
- public string Description { get; set; }
- public IEnumerable<Webpage> Pages { get; set; }
- public bool IsActive { get; set; }
- }
今天的重構沒有任何出處。可能已經有其餘人使用了相同的重構,只是名稱不一樣罷了。若是你知道誰的名字比Break Method更好,請轉告我。
這個重構是一種元重構(meta-refactoring),它只是不停地使用提取方法重構,直到將一個大的方法分解成若干個小的方法。下面的例子有點作做,AcceptPayment 方法沒有豐富的功能。所以爲了使其更接近真實場景,咱們只能假設該方法中包含了其餘大量的輔助代碼。
下面的AcceptPayment 方法能夠被劃分爲多個單獨的方法。
- public class CashRegister
- {
- public CashRegister()
- {
- Tax = 0.06m;
- }
- private decimal Tax { get; set; }
- public void AcceptPayment(Customer customer, IEnumerable<Product> products, decimal payment)
- {
- decimal subTotal = 0m;
- foreach (Product product in products)
- {
- subTotal += product.Price;
- }
- foreach (Product product in products)
- {
- subTotal -= product.AvailableDiscounts;
- }
- decimal grandTotal = subTotal * Tax;
- customer.DeductFromAccountBalance(grandTotal);
- }
- }
- public class Customer
- {
- public void DeductFromAccountBalance(decimal amount)
- {
- // deduct from balance
- }
- }
- public class Product
- {
- public decimal Price { get; set; }
- public decimal AvailableDiscounts { get; set; }
- }
- public class CashRegister
- {
- public CashRegister()
- {
- Tax = 0.06m;
- }
- private decimal Tax { get; set; }
- private IEnumerable<Product> Products { get; set; }
- public void AcceptPayment(Customer customer, IEnumerable<Product> products, decimal payment)
- {
- decimal subTotal = CalculateSubtotal();
- subTotal = SubtractDiscounts(subTotal);
- decimal grandTotal = AddTax(subTotal);
- SubtractFromCustomerBalance(customer, grandTotal);
- }
- private void SubtractFromCustomerBalance(Customer customer, decimal grandTotal)
- {
- customer.DeductFromAccountBalance(grandTotal);
- }
- private decimal AddTax(decimal subTotal)
- {
- return subTotal * Tax;
- }
- private decimal SubtractDiscounts(decimal subTotal)
- {
- foreach (Product product in Products)
- {
- subTotal -= product.AvailableDiscounts;
- }
- return subTotal;
- }
- private decimal CalculateSubtotal()
- {
- decimal subTotal = 0m;
- foreach (Product product in Products)
- {
- subTotal += product.Price;
- }
- return subTotal;
- }
- }
- public class Customer
- {
- public void DeductFromAccountBalance(decimal amount)
- {
- // deduct from balance
- }
- }
- public class Product
- {
- public decimal Price { get; set; }
- public decimal AvailableDiscounts { get; set; }
- }
- public void Create(decimal amount, Student student, IEnumerable<Course> courses, decimal credits)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public class RegistrationContext
- {
- public decimal Amount { get; set; }
- public Student Student { get; set; }
- public IEnumerable<Course> Courses { get; set; }
- public decimal Credits { get; set; }
- }
- public class Registration
- {
- public void Create(RegistrationContext registrationContext)
- {
- // do work
- }
- }
今天的重構基於c2的wiki條目。Los Techies的Chris Missal一樣也些了一篇關於反模式的post。簡單地說,當你使用大量的嵌套條件判斷時,造成了箭頭型的代碼,這就是箭頭反模式(arrowhead
antipattern)。我常常在不一樣的代碼庫中看到這種現象,這提升了代碼的圈複雜度(cyclomatic complexity)。下面的例子演示了箭頭反模式:
- public class Security
- {
- public ISecurityChecker SecurityChecker { get; set; }
- public Security(ISecurityChecker securityChecker)
- {
- SecurityChecker = securityChecker;
- }
- public bool HasAccess(User user, Permission permission, IEnumerable<Permission> exemptions)
- {
- bool hasPermission = false;
- if (user != null)
- {
- if (permission != null)
- {
- if (exemptions.Count() == 0)
- {
- if (SecurityChecker.CheckPermission(user, permission) || exemptions.Contains(permission))
- {
- hasPermission = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return hasPermission;
- }
- }
- public class Security
- {
- public ISecurityChecker SecurityChecker { get; set; }
- public Security(ISecurityChecker securityChecker)
- {
- SecurityChecker = securityChecker;
- }
- public bool HasAccess(User user, Permission permission, IEnumerable<Permission> exemptions)
- {
- if (user == null || permission == null)
- return false;
- if (exemptions.Contains(permission))
- return true;
- return SecurityChecker.CheckPermission(user, permission);
- }
- }
契約式設計(DBC,Design By Contract)定義了方法應該包含輸入和輸出驗證。所以,能夠確保全部的工做都是基於可用的數據,而且全部的行爲都是可預料的。不然,將返回異常或錯誤並在方法中進行處理。要了解更多關於DBC的內容,能夠訪問wikipedia。
- public class CashRegister
- {
- public decimal TotalOrder(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- decimal orderTotal = products.Sum(product => product.Price);
- customer.Balance += orderTotal;
- return orderTotal;
- }
- }
在此處引入DBC 驗證是十分簡單的。首先,咱們要聲明customer 不能爲null,而且在計算總值時至少要有一個product。在返回訂單總值時,咱們要肯定其值是否有效。若是此例中任何一個驗證失敗,咱們將以友好的方式拋出相應的異常來描述具體信息,而不是拋出一個晦澀的NullReferenceException。
在.NET Framework 3.5的Microsoft.Contracts命名空間中包含一些DBC框架和異常。我我的尚未使用,但它們仍是值得一看的。關於該命名空間只有在MSDN上能找到點資料。
- public class CashRegister
- {
- public decimal TotalOrder(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- if (customer == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("customer", "Customer cannot be null");
- if (products.Count() == 0)
- throw new ArgumentException("Must have at least one product to total", "products");
- decimal orderTotal = products.Sum(product => product.Price);
- customer.Balance += orderTotal;
- if (orderTotal == 0)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("orderTotal", "Order Total should not be zero");
- return orderTotal;
- }
- }
- public class Order
- {
- public void Checkout(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- if (!customer.IsNotFlagged)
- {
- // the customer account is flagged
- // log some errors and return
- return;
- }
- // normal order processing
- }
- }
- public class Customer
- {
- public decimal Balance { get; private set; }
- public bool IsNotFlagged
- {
- get { return Balance < 30m; }
- }
- }
- public class Order
- {
- public void Checkout(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- if (customer.IsFlagged)
- {
- // the customer account is flagged
- // log some errors and return
- return;
- }
- // normal order processing
- }
- }
- public class Customer
- {
- public decimal Balance { get; private set; }
- public bool IsFlagged
- {
- get { return Balance >= 30m; }
- }
- }
在傳統的代碼庫中,咱們經常會看到一些違反了SRP原則的類。這些類一般以Utils或Manager結尾,有時也沒有這麼明顯的特徵而僅僅是普通的包含多個功能的類。這種God 類還有一個特徵,使用語句或註釋將代碼分隔爲多個不一樣角色的分組,而這些角色正是這一個類所扮演的。
- public class CustomerService
- {
- public decimal CalculateOrderDiscount(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public bool CustomerIsValid(Customer customer, Order order)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public IEnumerable<string> GatherOrderErrors(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public void Register(Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public void ForgotPassword(Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- }
- public class CustomerOrderService
- {
- public decimal CalculateOrderDiscount(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public bool CustomerIsValid(Customer customer, Order order)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public IEnumerable<string> GatherOrderErrors(IEnumerable<Product> products, Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- }
- public class CustomerRegistrationService
- {
- public void Register(Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- public void ForgotPassword(Customer customer)
- {
- // do work
- }
- }
- public class BankAccount
- {
- public void CreateAccount(Customer customer, bool withChecking, bool withSavings, bool withStocks)
- {
- // do work
- }
- }
要想使這樣的代碼運行得更好,咱們能夠經過命名良好的方法暴露布爾參數,並將原始方法更改成private以阻止外部調用。顯然,你可能須要進行大量的代碼轉移,也許重構爲一個Parameter Object 會更有意義。
- public class BankAccount
- {
- public void CreateAccountWithChecking(Customer customer)
- {
- CreateAccount(customer, true, false);
- }
- public void CreateAccountWithCheckingAndSavings(Customer customer)
- {
- CreateAccount(customer, true, true);
- }
- private void CreateAccount(Customer customer, bool withChecking, bool withSavings)
- {
- // do work
- }
- }
有時你的代碼裏可能會存在一些「Phantom」或「Ghost」類,Fowler 稱之爲「中間人(Middle Man)」。這些中間人類僅僅簡單地將調用委託給其餘組件,除此以外沒有任何功能。這一層是徹底沒有必要的,咱們能夠不費吹灰之力將其徹底移除。
- public class Consumer
- {
- public AccountManager AccountManager { get; set; }
- public Consumer(AccountManager accountManager)
- {
- AccountManager = accountManager;
- }
- public void Get(int id)
- {
- Account account = AccountManager.GetAccount(id);
- }
- }
- public class AccountManager
- {
- public AccountDataProvider DataProvider { get; set; }
- public AccountManager(AccountDataProvider dataProvider)
- {
- DataProvider = dataProvider;
- }
- public Account GetAccount(int id)
- {
- return DataProvider.GetAccount(id);
- }
- }
- public class AccountDataProvider
- {
- public Account GetAccount