This is the ninth and the last part of my Spring Data JPA tutorial. Now it is time to take a look of what we have learned, and how we should use it to build better software.html
The contents of my Spring Data JPA tutorial is given in following:java
The next step is to take a look of the advantages provided by Spring Data JPA and learn how we can use it in effective manner.web
The goal of the Spring Data JPA project is stated:spring
Implementing a data access layer of an application has been cumbersome for quite a while. Too much boilerplate code has to be written to execute simple queries as well as perform pagination, and auditing. Spring JPA aims to significantly improve the implementation of data access layers by reducing the effort to the amount that’s actually needed. As a developer you write your repository interfaces, including custom finder methods, and Spring will provide the implementation automatically.api
This is a lot to promise. The question is, has Spring Data JPA achieved its goal. As you have learned from my tutorial, Spring Data JPA has following advantages over the 「old school」 method of building JPA repositories:promise
The thing is that implementing these functions have forced the developers to write a lot of boilerplate code in the past. Spring Data JPA changes all this. It minimizes the amount of code needed for implementing
I hate the term best practices because it has a negative effect on continuous improvement. However, I still feel that it is my responsibility to give you some guidance concerning the usage of Spring Data JPA. Here are my five cents about this matter:app
Your goal should be to use the Spring Data JPA to reduce the amount of code you have to write. With this goal in mind, I will you give some guidelines for creating queries with Spring Data JPA:dom
This is a question which should be asked by each developer. The usage of JPA Criteria API has been argued by claiming that you can use it to build type safe queries. Even though this is true, you can achieve the same goal by using the Querydsl. The first round ends in a draw, and we need to look for the answer from a bit deeper.ide
I will compare these two options in following categories: readability and testability.
Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute
– Abelson and Sussman on Programming.
With this guideline in mind, lets take a look of the implementations, which I created for my previous blog entries. The requirements of the search function are following:
First, lets take a look of the implementation which is using the JPA Criteria API. The source code of my static meta model is given in following:
The source code of my specification builder class is given in following:
Second, the source code of the implementations which uses Querydsl is given in following:
This use case is pretty simple but it can still be used for demonstrating the differences of the JPA Criteria API and the Querydsl. The source code written by using Querydsl is clearly more readable than the one using the JPA Criteria API. Also, when the queries become more complex, the difference will be much bigger.
I would say that this round goes to Querydsl.
Software testability is the degree to which a software artifact (i.e. a software system, software module, requirements or design document) supports testing in a given context.
– Wikipedia.
In other words, the testability of your code defines the amount and quality of tests you can write at the same cost. If the testability of your code is high, you can write more tests with better quality than in a situation where the testability of your code is low.
Lets keep this measurement in mind when we will compare the unit tests written for implementations which were presented earlier.
First, lets check out the unit test for the implementation which uses the JPA Criteria API:
Second, the unit test for the implementation using Querydsl is given in following:
After seeing the unit tests for both implementations, it should be obvious that writing unit tests for Querydsl is much easier than writing unit tests for the JPA Criteria API. Also, the unit test written to test the Querydsl predicate builder is much easier to understand. This is valuable because unit tests should also be used to document the behavior of the system.
At this point it should be clear that the winner of this round is Querydsl
PS. I am aware that unit tests do no ensure that the results returned by the created query are correct. However, I believe that they are still valuable because running unit tests is typically dramatically faster than running integration tests. It is still good to understand that in the context of integration testing, the testability of both implementations is equal.
The question is:
Should I use the JPA Criteria API or Querydsl?
It depends. If you are starting from scratch and you have a total control over your technology selections, you should at least consider using Querydsl. It makes your code easier to write and read. It also means that writing unit tests for your code is simpler and faster.
On the other hand, if you are modifying an existing system to use Spring Data JPA, and the existing code is using the JPA Criteria API, you might want to continue using it for the sake of consistency.
The fact is that there is no right answer for this question. The answer depends always from external requirements. The only thing you can do, is to ensure that you are aware of the different options, which are available to you. Only then you can choose the right tool for the task in hand.
The truth is that I have only scratched the surface of implementing JPA based repositories. I hope that the recommendations given in this blog entry will help you to take the first step, but I have to admit that there is a lot more to learn. I hope that the following resources will help you in your journey: