unit Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, XLSReadWriteII5, Grids, IniFiles, Xc12Utils5, XLSSheetData5, XPMan; type TDoubleArray = array of double; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; btnRead: TButton; btnWrite: TButton; edReadFilename: TEdit; edWriteFilename: TEdit; btnDlgOpen: TButton; btnDlgSave: TButton; dlgSave: TSaveDialog; dlgOpen: TOpenDialog; Button1: TButton; Grid: TStringGrid; btnAddCells: TButton; XLS: TXLSReadWriteII5; XPManifest1: TXPManifest; procedure btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnReadClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnWriteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnDlgOpenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnDlgSaveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure btnAddCellsClick(Sender: TObject); private procedure AddCells; procedure ReadCells; public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmMain.btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnReadClick(Sender: TObject); begin XLS.Filename := edReadFilename.Text; XLS.Read; ReadCells; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnWriteClick(Sender: TObject); begin XLS.Filename := edWriteFilename.Text; XLS.Write; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnDlgOpenClick(Sender: TObject); begin dlgOpen.FileName := edReadFilename.Text; if dlgOpen.Execute then edReadFilename.Text := dlgOpen.FileName; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnDlgSaveClick(Sender: TObject); begin dlgSave.FileName := edWriteFilename.Text; if dlgSave.Execute then edWriteFilename.Text := dlgSave.FileName; end; procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmMain.ReadCells; var C,R: integer; Ref: string; Cnt: integer; vError: TXc12CellError; CellType: TXLSCellType; begin Cnt := 0; XLS[0].CalcDimensions; for R := XLS[0].FirstRow to XLS[0].LastRow do begin for C := XLS[0].FirstCol to XLS[0].LastCol do begin CellType := XLS[0].CellType[C,R]; if CellType <> xctNone then begin Ref := ColRowToRefStr(C,R); Grid.Cells[0,Cnt + 1] := Ref; case CellType of xctBlank : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Blank'; end; xctBoolean : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Boolean'; if XLS[0].AsBoolean[C,R] then Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := 'TRUE' else Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := 'FALSE'; end; xctError : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Error'; vError := XLS[0].AsError[C,R]; Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := Xc12CellErrorNames[vError]; end; xctString : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'String'; Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := XLS[0].AsString[C,R]; end; xctFloat : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Float'; Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := FloatToStr(XLS[0].AsFloat[C,R]); end; xctFloatFormula : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Formula, float'; Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := FloatToStr(XLS[0].AsFloat[C,R]); Grid.Cells[3,Cnt + 1] := XLS[0].AsFormula[C,R] end; xctStringFormula : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Formula, string'; Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := XLS[0].AsString[C,R]; Grid.Cells[3,Cnt + 1] := XLS[0].AsFormula[C,R] end; xctBooleanFormula: begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Formula, boolean'; if XLS[0].AsBoolean[C,R] then Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := 'TRUE' else Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := 'FALSE'; Grid.Cells[3,Cnt + 1] := XLS[0].AsFormula[C,R] end; xctErrorFormula : begin Grid.Cells[1,Cnt + 1] := 'Formula, error'; vError := XLS[0].AsError[C,R]; Grid.Cells[2,Cnt + 1] := Xc12CellErrorNames[vError]; Grid.Cells[3,Cnt + 1] := XLS[0].AsFormula[C,R] end; end; Inc(Cnt); if Cnt > Grid.RowCount then Exit; end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var S: string; Ini: TIniFile; begin S := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName,'.ini'); Ini := TIniFile.Create(S); try edReadFilename.Text := Ini.ReadString('Files','Read',''); edWriteFilename.Text := Ini.ReadString('Files','Write',''); finally Ini.Free; end; Grid.Cells[0,0] := 'Refrence'; Grid.Cells[1,0] := 'Cell type'; Grid.Cells[2,0] := 'Value'; Grid.Cells[3,0] := 'Formula'; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var S: string; Ini: TIniFile; begin S := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName,'.ini'); Ini := TIniFile.Create(S); try Ini.WriteString('Files','Read',edReadFilename.Text); Ini.WriteString('Files','Write',edWriteFilename.Text); finally Ini.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.btnAddCellsClick(Sender: TObject); begin AddCells; ReadCells; end; procedure TfrmMain.AddCells; begin // Column and row references are zero-relative. Cell A1 have column 0 and row 0. // Add a float value in cell A1 XLS[0].AsFloat[0,0] := 125; // Cell references can also be given as a string when using the AsXXXRef properties. XLS[0].AsFloatRef['A2'] := 250; // Inserting a float values in column B, starting at row 4 and continuing to row 6. // The array argument can be of any size. XLS[0].InsertFloatColValues(0,3,[10,20,30]); XLS[0].AsString[1,0] := 'Hello, world'; XLS[0].AsStringRef['B2'] := 'Hello again'; XLS[0].InsertStringColValues(1,3,['One','Two','Three']); XLS[0].AsBoolean[2,0] := True; XLS[0].AsBooleanRef['C2'] := False; // Adding Excel error values. XLS[0].AsError[2,0] := errDiv0; XLS[0].AsErrorRef['C2'] := errNA; // Adding values as variants. XLS[0].AsVariant[3,0] := 'Oink!'; XLS[0].AsVariantRef['D2'] := 750.25; // Inserting a float values in Row 11, starting at col A and continuing to col C. // The array argument can be of any size. XLS[0].InsertFloatRowValues(0,10,[100,200,300]); XLS[0].InsertFloatRowValues(5,10,[1000,2000,3000]); // Inserting values as a variant array. The values can be numeric, string or boolean. // Error values are not possible as delphi will translate the error type to // an integer value. XLS[0].InsertRowValues(0,11,[1,'Two',True]); XLS[0].InsertColValues(6,0,[1,'Two',True]); // Add formulas. Formuas are entered as text strings in the same syntax as // in Excel. XLS[0].AsFormula[4,0] := 'SUM(A10:H11)'; // Set the result of the formula (this value is wrong). XLS[0].AsNumFormulaValue[4,0] := 5000; XLS[0].AsFormulaRef['E2'] := 'MAX(A10:H11)*100'; // Calculate the workbook. This will replace the above wrong formula result // with the correct value. // This os only of importance when working with the file in the component, // or possible if the file is exported to another software that don't calculate // formulas. // When the file is opened in Excel, the formulas will be recalculated. XLS.Calculate; XLS[0].CalcDimensions; end; end.
TXLSReadWriteII2版本導出Excel文件: procedure TForm1.N1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; aSaveDialog: TSaveDialog; aFileName, aStampTime: AnsiString; aXlsObj: TXLSReadWriteII2; p: PDataRec; begin aSaveDialog := TSaveDialog.Create(Self); try aSaveDialog.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); aSaveDialog.DefaultExt := 'xls'; aSaveDialog.Filter := 'Excel文件(*.xls)|*.xls|全部文件(*.*)|*.*'; aStampTime := FormatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnss', Now); aSaveDialog.FileName := aStampTime; if not aSaveDialog.Execute then Exit; aFileName := aSaveDialog.FileName; if aFileName = '' then Exit; finally aSaveDialog.Free; end; aXlsObj := TXLSReadWriteII2.Create(nil); try aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[0, 0] := 'id'; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[1, 0] := 'table'; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[2, 0] := 'kind'; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[3, 0] := 'rows'; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[4, 0] := 'times'; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[5, 0] := 'desc'; for i:=1 to FDataHash.Count - 1 do begin p := FDataHash[i]; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[0, i] := Format('%d', [p.id]); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[1, i] := p.table; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[2, i] := p.kind; aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[3, i] := Format('%d', [p.rows]); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[4, i] := Format('%d', [p.times]); aXlsObj.Sheets[0].AsWideString[5, i] := p.desc; end; aXlsObj.Filename := aFileName; aXlsObj.Write; ShowMessage(Format('導出文件'+#13#10+'%s'+#13#10 +'成功!', [aFileName])); finally aXlsObj.Free; end; end;