AMD顯卡催化劑13.3 Beta 3對Linux用戶可用

僅在一週以前AMD發佈了Catalyst 13.3 Beta 2驅動,而如今它成功發佈Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3。

Linux下的AMD顯卡催化劑13.3 Beta 3上週五發布。一個可喜的變化是,這個測試版本的更新伴隨着公共變化日誌。

這個Catalyst 13.3 Linux Beta更新的變化包括對《英雄薩姆 3》、《軍團要塞2》等Valve引擎遊戲的修復,和對其餘各類各樣的系統相關的bug/crash的修復。此次Linux下的AMD Catalyst的更新同時引進對Linux 3.7和Linux 3.8內核的支持。

轉載請註明:Linux人社區> 英文資訊翻譯專版.編譯
英文原文: AMD Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3 Available For Linux Users
It was just one week ago that AMD released the Catalyst 13.3 Beta 2 driver while now it has been succeeded by Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3.  The AMD Catalyst 13.3 Beta 3 for Linux driver was released on Friday. For a pleasant change of events, this beta update is accompanied by a public change-log.  Changes for this Catalyst 13.3 Linux Beta update include fixes for Valve Source Engine games like Serious Sam 3, Team Fortress 2, and other various system-related bug/crash fixes. This AMD Catalyst Linux driver update also introduces support for the Linux 3.7 and Linux 3.8 kernels.