This quick reference provides a summary of the available

To help explain, we’ll use this imaginary application:less

  • The Service is in the following hierarchy:
  • Group: outergroup > Group: subgroup > Service Name: myapp
  • Port: 555
  • Port Name: myport
  • Load Balanced
  • Running on a Virtual Network
  • Running on the Marathon framework (if unsure, it’s probably this one)
  • If you are running another framework, then replace any instance of marathon with the name of your framework.

Service Discovery Options

Use one of these options to find the DNS name for your task. You should choose the first option that satisfies your requirements:tcp

  • This is only available when the service is load balanced. :555 is not a part of the DNS address, but is there to show that this address and port is load balanced as a pair rather than individually.
  • This is only available when the service is running on a virtual network.
  • This is always available and should be used when the service is not running on a virtual network.
  • This is always available and should be used to address an application that is transitioning on or off a virtual network.
  1. myapp-subgroup-outergroup.marathon.mesos
  • This is always available, and is equivalent for the most part to the agentip. However it is less specific and less performant than the agentip and thus use is discouraged.

Other discovery option(s):ide

  • _myport._myapp.subgroup.outergroup._tcp.marathon.mesos
  • This is not a DNS A record but rather a DNS SRV record. This is only available when the port has a name. SRV records are a mapping from a name to an 「Address + Port」 pair.