
withdraw: 撤銷;中止供應 (相似stop)
consent:贊成 相似agree
my father will never give his consent to our marriage
i didn't agree from the very beginning
i understand i can withdraw my consent any time.css

Ditto的呼出鍵是 ctrl+` 能夠用ctrl、shift多選ide

magnificent是華麗的,壯麗的 / 跟 glorious相區別

Your password is not strong enough, try making it longer
That doesn't look right, please re-enter your phone number.ui

be interested in , be very enthusi'astic about ... be passionate about ...
a passionate believer in public artthis

you need your parent or guardian's permission to continue.spa

urethane: 自己不是聚氨酯,而是:「氨基甲酸乙酯」 polyurethane 皮衣,跟真皮同樣防寒透氣,可是比真皮耐磨指針

flew: 不是flow的過去時,flow的過去時/分詞是flowed, flew是fly的過去時和分詞。
flew:飛、飛翔、疾馳而過 the plane flew northeast. we flew to Dallas. the train flew past
northeast: n. adj. adv.(自東北方向, 從東北方向, 向東北方向...)
shard: 碎片, shards of emotional relationships, a shard of steel knifed through the mainsail. shards of glass flew in all directions
flowage, flowable, flowability(preheat, prepressing) flowcharting flow diagram.rest

argument, controversy, debate, disputecode

scin'tilla :絲毫,一星半點,毫釐
he says there is not a scintilla of evidence to link him to any controversythree


  • 在css中的字體font-size, line-height等屬性中,使用相對大小也是頗有用的,能夠不用考慮絕對大小。其中百分比%是一種和em相似的好方法。
  • font-family: 字體列表,一般是先寫英文字體名稱,而後是中文字體名稱。中文字體名稱能夠加上雙引號好比 "宋體". 中文字體分爲 字體 文件 名稱(英文的,好比simsun)
    字體列表中的sans-serif,不是某一種具體的字體名稱,而是表示 "非襯線體"的一類字體.
    網頁中經常使用的是 非襯線體sans-serif, 有三種 arial, Tahoma, Helvetica.

  • 關於文字內容的分級顯示,最好仍是 按照 標題h1 h2(h1的下一級子標題) h3...和正文p 的來寫,不要過度在乎相對大小的, 由於標題和正文的相對大小標準制造者就已經想好了的

對於下劃線: 水平分割線: 有三種相似的效果, text-decoration: underline(字體較小時使用效果較好); hr: horizontal ruler 能夠用得較少; border-bottom: 這個用得較多

weak-willed and indecisive ruler:
decided decision decisive desively inde'cisive (優柔寡斷的; 非決定意義的)
reverse, reversible(可撤銷的,可取消的) irreversible(不可撤銷的)
decision: sion: 在元音後面讀 [32n] ren(人), 在濁音後讀s2n ren是s2n的相應的濁音.
guideline: 指導方針; 綱領; 行動原則 The government should issue clear guidelines on the content of religious education.

代碼成功退出爲0, 不成功,出錯退出代碼是1,這個是大多系統的約定.
其實是: ErrorLevel錯誤等級, 若是爲0,表示錯誤等級爲0,就是沒有錯誤,其餘ErrorLevel好比爲1,2,...表示不一樣的錯誤...因此有不一樣的exit code(2)...
好比: the parameter contains a variable name missing its ending percent sign. call to nonexistent function.

exclaim , excla'mation 驚歎驚呼 Sue gave an exclamation as we got a clear sight of the house.
declare, decla'ration 聲明/宣佈

modal: m2udl發2u
modal verbs generally take the bare in'finitives (bare in'finitive 不帶to的動詞不定式)
mo'dality: 模式; 形態

int pa 表示的是一個指針, 變量名是pa. x = pa 這裏的* 就是 解引用, pa表示的是一個地址, 而*pa是表示把這個地址裏的內容拿出來,就是 解開pa這個指針包裹,因此叫解引用

already一般跟如今/過去完成時 一塊兒使用,可是實際上, 他能夠跟任什麼時候態一塊兒使用,好比如今進行時: an older instance of this script is already running. Replace it with this instance?

recipe /'resipi/ large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster. 菜餚;食譜; 訣竅/祕笈
o'mit the salt in this recipe

whether 是否: whether 從句; 或者 whether to (表示是否,通常用whether不用if且最後通常不加or not)


Determines whether a script is allowed to run again when it is already running.

SingleInstance [ForceIgnoreOff] a combination of three words(Force/Ignore/off)

If this parameter is omitted, a dialog box is displayed asking whether to keep the old instance or replace it with a new one. To change this
behavior, specify one of the following words:
Force: skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance automatically, which is similar in effect to the "reload" command.
Ignore: skips the dialog box and leaves the old instance running. In other words, attempts to launch an already-running script are ignored.
Off: Allows multiple instances of the script to run concurrently.

treachery: 拼寫上有點相似: teacher
he was deeply wounded by the treachery of close aides and old friends.

in effect(在效果上), in fact(實際上), actually
in effect一般放在句中; in fact一般放在句首

Run, notepad.exe
第一行的^n後面, 若是沒有冒號會報語法錯誤; 若是隻有一個冒號,會執行一次快捷鍵對應的run操做,可是進程不會駐留(退出該腳本了)

只能是 前導符 ^(ctrl), !(alt) 加 一個 字母,只能是一個字母,不能是多個字母組合

MsgBox的參數若是隻有一個 content, 則能夠不用 逗號, 並且 ahk的字符串是不須要用引號的,若是使用了引號,則會把引號看做是字符串自己的一部份內容

:🔤:abc的縮寫展開字符串,至關於自動展開 可是要在 按鍵 abc後, 用 space/tab/enter 來補全

built-in variables? A number of useful variables are built into the program and can be referenced by any script.
