// Wrong int a, b; char *c, *d; // Correct int height; int width; char *nameOfThis; char *nameOfThat;
// Wrong short Cntr; char ITEM_DELIM = ' '; // Correct short counter; char itemDelimiter = ' ';
// Wrong if(foo){ } // Correct if (foo) { }
char *x; const QString &myString; const char * const y = "hello";
QLineF lineF;
QLine lineN;
if (lineF == lineN) // Ok, lineN is implicitly converted to QLineF if (lineN == lineF) // Error: QLineF cannot be converted implicitly to QLine, and the LHS is a member so no conversion applies
#include <QApplication> #include <QMessageBox> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(argc, argv, "4.0.2") QApplication app(argc, argv); ... return app.exec(); }
struct Point2D { int x; int y; };
#include <QtGlobal> #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) #include <QtWidgets> #else #include <QtGui> #endif
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "was called with value1:" << value1 << "value2:" << value2; QT_REQUIRE_VERSION(argc, argv, "4.0.2")
// Wrong char* blockOfMemory = (char* ) malloc(data.size()); // Correct char *blockOfMemory = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(data.size()));
// Wrong if (foo) bar(); // Correct if (foo) bar();
// Wrong if (codec) { } else { } // Correct if (codec) { } else { }
static void foo(int g) { qDebug("foo: %i", g); } class Moo { };
// Wrong if (address.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; +''i) { qDebug("%i", i); } // Correct if (address.isEmpty()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 10;i) qDebug("%i", i);
// Correct if (address.isEmpty() || !isValid() || !codec) { return false; }
// Wrong if (address.isEmpty()) qDebug("empty!"); else { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(address)); it; } // Correct if (address.isEmpty()) { qDebug("empty!"); } else { qDebug("%s", qPrintable(address)); it; } // Wrong if (a) … else if (b) … // Correct if (a) { … } else { if (b) … }
// Wrong while (a); // Correct while (a) {}
// Wrong if (a && b || c) // Correct if ((a && b) || c) // Wrong a + b & c // Correct (a + b) & c
switch (myEnum) { case Value1: doSomething(); break; case Value2: case Value3: doSomethingElse(); // fall through default: defaultHandling(); break; }
// Wrong if (thisOrThat) return; else somethingElse(); // Correct if (thisOrThat) return; somethingElse();
// Wrong if (longExpression + otherLongExpression + otherOtherLongExpression) { } // Correct if (longExpression + otherLongExpression + otherOtherLongExpression) { }
--style=kr --indent=spaces=4 --align-pointer=name --align-reference=name --convert-tabs --attach-namespaces --max-code-length=100 --max-instatement-indent=120 --pad-header --pad-oper
int foo = some_really_long_function_name(and_another_one_to_drive_the_point_home( first_argument, second_argument, third_arugment));
#include <qstring.h> // Qt class #include <new> // STL stuff #include <limits.h> // system stuff
#include <private/whatever_p.h>
QString s;
return condition ? s : "nothing"; // crash at runtime - QString vs. const char *
union AlignHelper { char c; int i; };
// global scope static const QString x; // Wrong - default constructor needs to be run to initialize x static const QString y = "Hello"; // Wrong - constructor that takes a const char * has to be run QString z; // super wrong static const int i = foo(); // wrong - call time of foo() undefined, might not be called at all
// global scope static const char x[] = "someText"; // Works - no constructor must be run, x set at compile time static int y = 7; // Works - y will be set at compile time static MyStruct s = {1, 2, 3}; // Works - will be initialized statically, no code being run static QString *ptr = 0; // Pointers to objects are ok - no code needed to be run to initialize ptr
void foo() { s()->append("moo"); }
char c; // c can't be negative if it is unsigned /********/ /*******/ if (c > 0) { … } // WRONG - condition is always true on platforms where the default is unsigned
// 例如:A庫有如下代碼 class Q_EXPORT X: public QList<QVariant> {};
//B庫有如下代碼 class Q_EXPORT Y: public QList<QVariant> {};
for (Container::const_iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it) // W R O N G for (Container::const_iterator it = c.cbegin(); it != c.cend(); ++it) // Right
static QObject *obj = 0; if (!obj) obj = new QObject(QCoreApplication::instance());
[static] bool qFuzzyCompare(double p1, double p2) // Instead of comparing with 0.0 qFuzzyCompare(0.0,1.0e-200); // This will return false // Compare adding 1 to both values will fix the problem qFuzzyCompare(1 + 0.0, 1 + 1.0e-200); // This will return true
class B: public A { using A::val; int val(int x); };
#if Foo == 0 // W R O N G #if defined(Foo) && (Foo == 0) // Right #if Foo - 0 == 0 // Clever, are we? Use the one above instead, for better readability
public: void setColor(const QColor& c); QColor color() const; void setDirty(bool b); bool isDirty() const; private Q_SLOTS: void slotParentChanged();
//.h文件 class KFooPrivate; class KFoo { public: /* public members */ private: const QScopedPointer<KFooPrivate> d; };
class KFooPrivate
int someInteger;
KFoo::KFoo() : d(new KFooPrivate)
/* ... */ } KFoo::~KFoo() { // You must define a non-inline destructor in the .cpp file, even if it is empty // else, a default one will be built in placed where KFooPrivate is only forward // declare, leading to error in the destructor of QScopedPointer }
static QString KApplication::makeStdCaption( const QString &caption, bool withAppName, bool modified);
class KApplication
public: /* [...] */ enum StandardCaptionOption { /** * Indicates to include the application name */ WithApplicationName = 0x01, /** * Note in the caption that there is unsaved data */ Modified = 0x02 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(StandardCaptionOptions, StandardCaptionOption) /** * Builds a caption using a standard layout. * * @param userCaption The caption string you want to display * @param options a set of flags from MakeStandartCaptionOption */ static QString makeStandardCaption(const QString& userCaption, const StandardCaptionOptions& options = WithApplicationName); /* [...] */ }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KApplication::StandardCaptionOptions)
QString myMethod( const QString& foo, const QPixmap& bar, int number );
const QList<int> &someProperty() const;
QList<int> someProperty() const;
#include <kfoobase.h> class KBar; class KFoo : public KFooBase { public: /* [...] */ void myMethod(const KBar &bar); };
#include <iostream> #include <QDate> #include <zlib.h>
#include "myclass.h"
//正確示例 #include <QDate> //correct
//錯誤示例 #include <QtCore/QDate> //incorrect, no need to specify the module QtCore #include <QtCore> //incorrect, do not include the top-level Qt module
//.h文件 class Foo { public: Bar getBar(); };
#include "bar.h" #include "foo.h"
#ifndef MYFOO_H #define MYFOO_H ... <stuff>... #endif /* MYFOO_H */
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL( newValue(const QString&, const MyNamespace::Type&) ), other, SLOT( value(const QString &) ));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(newValue(QString,MyNamespace::Type)), other, SLOT(value(QString)));
void setAge(int age); void setCategory(QChar cat); void setName(QLatin1String name); void setAlarm(const QSharedPointer<Alarm> &alarm); // const-ref is much faster than running copy-constructor and destructor // QDate, QTime, QPoint, QPointF, QSize, QSizeF, QRect are good examples of other classes you should pass by value.
namespace Qt
enum Corner { TopLeft, BottomRight, … }; enum CaseSensitivity { Insensitive, Sensitive }; … };
tabWidget->setCornerWidget(widget, Qt::TopLeft); str.indexOf("$(QTDIR)", Qt::Insensitive);
namespace Qt
enum Corner { TopLeftCorner, BottomRightCorner, … }; enum CaseSensitivity { CaseInsensitive, CaseSensitive }; … };
tabWidget->setCornerWidget(widget, Qt::TopLeftCorner); str.indexOf("$(QTDIR)", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
QSlider *slider = new QSlider(12, 18, 3, 13, Qt::Vertical, 0, "volume");
QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Vertical); slider->setRange(12, 18); slider->setPageStep(3); slider->setValue(13); slider->setObjectName("volume");
widget->repaint(); widget->repaint(true); widget->repaint(false);
widget->repaint(); widget->repaintWithoutErasing();
str.replace("USER", user, false); // Qt 3 str.replace("USER", user, Qt::CaseInsensitive); // Qt 4