本文主要研究一下storm WindowTridentProcessor的FreshCollectorhtml
TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology(); topology.newStream("spout1", spout) .partitionBy(new Fields("user")) .window(windowConfig,windowsStoreFactory,new Fields("user","score"),new UserCountAggregator(),new Fields("aggData")) .parallelismHint(1) .each(new Fields("aggData"), new PrintEachFunc(),new Fields());
public class WindowTridentProcessor implements TridentProcessor { private FreshCollector collector; //...... public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, TridentContext tridentContext) { this.topologyContext = context; List<TridentTuple.Factory> parents = tridentContext.getParentTupleFactories(); if (parents.size() != 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Aggregation related operation can only have one parent"); } Long maxTuplesCacheSize = getWindowTuplesCacheSize(stormConf); this.tridentContext = tridentContext; collector = new FreshCollector(tridentContext); projection = new TridentTupleView.ProjectionFactory(parents.get(0), inputFields); windowStore = windowStoreFactory.create(stormConf); windowTaskId = windowId + WindowsStore.KEY_SEPARATOR + topologyContext.getThisTaskId() + WindowsStore.KEY_SEPARATOR; windowTriggerInprocessId = getWindowTriggerInprocessIdPrefix(windowTaskId); tridentWindowManager = storeTuplesInStore ? new StoreBasedTridentWindowManager(windowConfig, windowTaskId, windowStore, aggregator, tridentContext.getDelegateCollector(), maxTuplesCacheSize, inputFields) : new InMemoryTridentWindowManager(windowConfig, windowTaskId, windowStore, aggregator, tridentContext.getDelegateCollector()); tridentWindowManager.prepare(); } public void finishBatch(ProcessorContext processorContext) { Object batchId = processorContext.batchId; Object batchTxnId = getBatchTxnId(batchId); LOG.debug("Received finishBatch of : [{}] ", batchId); // get all the tuples in a batch and add it to trident-window-manager List<TridentTuple> tuples = (List<TridentTuple>) processorContext.state[tridentContext.getStateIndex()]; tridentWindowManager.addTuplesBatch(batchId, tuples); List<Integer> pendingTriggerIds = null; List<String> triggerKeys = new ArrayList<>(); Iterable<Object> triggerValues = null; if (retriedAttempt(batchId)) { pendingTriggerIds = (List<Integer>) windowStore.get(inprocessTriggerKey(batchTxnId)); if (pendingTriggerIds != null) { for (Integer pendingTriggerId : pendingTriggerIds) { triggerKeys.add(triggerKey(pendingTriggerId)); } triggerValues = windowStore.get(triggerKeys); } } // if there are no trigger values in earlier attempts or this is a new batch, emit pending triggers. if(triggerValues == null) { pendingTriggerIds = new ArrayList<>(); Queue<StoreBasedTridentWindowManager.TriggerResult> pendingTriggers = tridentWindowManager.getPendingTriggers(); LOG.debug("pending triggers at batch: [{}] and triggers.size: [{}] ", batchId, pendingTriggers.size()); try { Iterator<StoreBasedTridentWindowManager.TriggerResult> pendingTriggersIter = pendingTriggers.iterator(); List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); StoreBasedTridentWindowManager.TriggerResult triggerResult = null; while (pendingTriggersIter.hasNext()) { triggerResult = pendingTriggersIter.next(); for (List<Object> aggregatedResult : triggerResult.result) { String triggerKey = triggerKey(triggerResult.id); triggerKeys.add(triggerKey); values.add(aggregatedResult); pendingTriggerIds.add(triggerResult.id); } pendingTriggersIter.remove(); } triggerValues = values; } finally { // store inprocess triggers of a batch in store for batch retries for any failures if (!pendingTriggerIds.isEmpty()) { windowStore.put(inprocessTriggerKey(batchTxnId), pendingTriggerIds); } } } collector.setContext(processorContext); int i = 0; for (Object resultValue : triggerValues) { collector.emit(new ConsList(new TriggerInfo(windowTaskId, pendingTriggerIds.get(i++)), (List<Object>) resultValue)); } collector.setContext(null); } }
public class FreshCollector implements TridentCollector { FreshOutputFactory _factory; TridentContext _triContext; ProcessorContext context; public FreshCollector(TridentContext context) { _triContext = context; _factory = new FreshOutputFactory(context.getSelfOutputFields()); } public void setContext(ProcessorContext pc) { this.context = pc; } @Override public void emit(List<Object> values) { TridentTuple toEmit = _factory.create(values); for(TupleReceiver r: _triContext.getReceivers()) { r.execute(context, _triContext.getOutStreamId(), toEmit); } } @Override public void reportError(Throwable t) { _triContext.getDelegateCollector().reportError(t); } public Factory getOutputFactory() { return _factory; } }
public static class FreshOutputFactory implements Factory { Map<String, ValuePointer> _fieldIndex; ValuePointer[] _index; public FreshOutputFactory(Fields selfFields) { _fieldIndex = new HashMap<>(); for(int i=0; i<selfFields.size(); i++) { String field = selfFields.get(i); _fieldIndex.put(field, new ValuePointer(0, i, field)); } _index = ValuePointer.buildIndex(selfFields, _fieldIndex); } public TridentTuple create(List<Object> selfVals) { return new TridentTupleView(PersistentVector.EMPTY.cons(selfVals), _index, _fieldIndex); } @Override public Map<String, ValuePointer> getFieldIndex() { return _fieldIndex; } @Override public int numDelegates() { return 1; } @Override public List<String> getOutputFields() { return indexToFieldsList(_index); } }
public class ValuePointer { public static Map<String, ValuePointer> buildFieldIndex(ValuePointer[] pointers) { Map<String, ValuePointer> ret = new HashMap<String, ValuePointer>(); for(ValuePointer ptr: pointers) { ret.put(ptr.field, ptr); } return ret; } public static ValuePointer[] buildIndex(Fields fieldsOrder, Map<String, ValuePointer> pointers) { if(fieldsOrder.size()!=pointers.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fields order must be same length as pointers map"); } ValuePointer[] ret = new ValuePointer[pointers.size()]; for(int i=0; i<fieldsOrder.size(); i++) { ret[i] = pointers.get(fieldsOrder.get(i)); } return ret; } public int delegateIndex; protected int index; protected String field; public ValuePointer(int delegateIndex, int index, String field) { this.delegateIndex = delegateIndex; this.index = index; this.field = field; } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } }
public class ProjectedProcessor implements TridentProcessor { Fields _projectFields; ProjectionFactory _factory; TridentContext _context; public ProjectedProcessor(Fields projectFields) { _projectFields = projectFields; } @Override public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context, TridentContext tridentContext) { if(tridentContext.getParentTupleFactories().size()!=1) { throw new RuntimeException("Projection processor can only have one parent"); } _context = tridentContext; _factory = new ProjectionFactory(tridentContext.getParentTupleFactories().get(0), _projectFields); } @Override public void cleanup() { } @Override public void startBatch(ProcessorContext processorContext) { } @Override public void execute(ProcessorContext processorContext, String streamId, TridentTuple tuple) { TridentTuple toEmit = _factory.create(tuple); for(TupleReceiver r: _context.getReceivers()) { r.execute(processorContext, _context.getOutStreamId(), toEmit); } } @Override public void finishBatch(ProcessorContext processorContext) { } @Override public Factory getOutputFactory() { return _factory; } }
public static class ProjectionFactory implements Factory { Map<String, ValuePointer> _fieldIndex; ValuePointer[] _index; Factory _parent; public ProjectionFactory(Factory parent, Fields projectFields) { _parent = parent; if(projectFields==null) projectFields = new Fields(); Map<String, ValuePointer> parentFieldIndex = parent.getFieldIndex(); _fieldIndex = new HashMap<>(); for(String f: projectFields) { _fieldIndex.put(f, parentFieldIndex.get(f)); } _index = ValuePointer.buildIndex(projectFields, _fieldIndex); } public TridentTuple create(TridentTuple parent) { if(_index.length==0) return EMPTY_TUPLE; else return new TridentTupleView(((TridentTupleView)parent)._delegates, _index, _fieldIndex); } @Override public Map<String, ValuePointer> getFieldIndex() { return _fieldIndex; } @Override public int numDelegates() { return _parent.numDelegates(); } @Override public List<String> getOutputFields() { return indexToFieldsList(_index); } }
public class EachProcessor implements TridentProcessor { Function _function; TridentContext _context; AppendCollector _collector; Fields _inputFields; ProjectionFactory _projection; public EachProcessor(Fields inputFields, Function function) { _function = function; _inputFields = inputFields; } @Override public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context, TridentContext tridentContext) { List<Factory> parents = tridentContext.getParentTupleFactories(); if(parents.size()!=1) { throw new RuntimeException("Each operation can only have one parent"); } _context = tridentContext; _collector = new AppendCollector(tridentContext); _projection = new ProjectionFactory(parents.get(0), _inputFields); _function.prepare(conf, new TridentOperationContext(context, _projection)); } @Override public void cleanup() { _function.cleanup(); } @Override public void execute(ProcessorContext processorContext, String streamId, TridentTuple tuple) { _collector.setContext(processorContext, tuple); _function.execute(_projection.create(tuple), _collector); } @Override public void startBatch(ProcessorContext processorContext) { } @Override public void finishBatch(ProcessorContext processorContext) { } @Override public Factory getOutputFactory() { return _collector.getOutputFactory(); } }
public class AppendCollector implements TridentCollector { OperationOutputFactory _factory; TridentContext _triContext; TridentTuple tuple; ProcessorContext context; public AppendCollector(TridentContext context) { _triContext = context; _factory = new OperationOutputFactory(context.getParentTupleFactories().get(0), context.getSelfOutputFields()); } public void setContext(ProcessorContext pc, TridentTuple t) { this.context = pc; this.tuple = t; } @Override public void emit(List<Object> values) { TridentTuple toEmit = _factory.create((TridentTupleView) tuple, values); for(TupleReceiver r: _triContext.getReceivers()) { r.execute(context, _triContext.getOutStreamId(), toEmit); } } @Override public void reportError(Throwable t) { _triContext.getDelegateCollector().reportError(t); } public Factory getOutputFactory() { return _factory; } }