來自於Intel project:Hyperledger Sawtooth,目前版本 PoET 1.0 html
PoET 實際上是屬於Nakamoto consenus的一種,利用「可信執行環境」來提升當前解決方案(如工做證實)的效率。發佈到Hyperledger的PoET的初始參考實現是爲抽象TEE編寫的,以使其對任何TEE實現都保持靈活性。git
PoET stochastically elects individual peers to execute requests at a given target rate. Individual peers sample an exponentially distributed random variable and wait for an amount of time dictated by the sample. The peer with the smallest sample wins the election.算法
For the purpose of achieving distributed consensus efficiently, a good lottery function has several characteristics:安全
現使用SGX技術構建TEE,using new secure CPU instructions which are becoming widely available in consumer and enterprise processors(如今Intel自家的cpu都支持了SGX)。PoET uses these features to ensure the safety and randomness of the leader election process without requiring the costly investment of power and specialized hardware inherent in most 「proof」 algorithms. (這也是其賣點,具備proof-based算法的高可擴展性,同時也具備低消耗,較高性能)app
The PoET leader election algorithm meets the criteria for a good lottery algorithm. 分佈相似於其餘彩票算法提供的分配。選舉的機率與所貢獻的資源成比例(在這種狀況下,資源是具備可信執行環境的通用處理器)。An attestation of execution provides information for verifying that the certificate was created within the enclave (and that the validator waited the allotted time). Further, the low cost of participation increases the likelihood that the population of validators will be large, increasing the robustness of the consensus algorithm.ide
enclave:實際上是SGX中的術語,A protected area in an application’s address space which provides confidentiality and integrity even in the presence of privileged malware.性能
PPK, PSK:PoET ECC public and private key created by the PoET enclave.ui
WaitTimer activeWT 爲NULL,該變量標識是否有可用的waitTimer對象
階段:Sign-up Phase(包括client side 和 server side):A validator has to wait forblock to be published on the distributed ledger before participating in an election.
階段:Election Phase:
客戶端開啓,從disk中調取密封的數據解密封,而後調用createWaitTimer函數,等待函數產生的duration時間,到了後及時調用creatWaitCertification函數,產生waitCertificate,將(waitCertificate, signature, block, OPK, PPK) 廣播出去。其它的server驗證這些tuples,最後從全部合法的waitcertificate中找最小的duration爲選舉成功者。
關於 Multi-user or Multi-ledger SGX Enclave Service:經過將用戶名和分類賬輸入參數設置爲generateSignUpData()和unsealSignUpData(),能夠爲多個用戶或分類賬使用相同的包圍區。 而後將註冊元組(用戶名,分類賬,PPK,PSK,MCID)密封到磁盤,用戶名和分類賬用於生成文件名。 只要用戶對服務進行身份驗證,後者就能夠將安全區解封,並使用與該用戶(和分類賬)對應的文件中的註冊元組。