ov2640板球跟不上_如何解決板球無線上的Android MMS問題



If you’re on Cricket Wireless and use an Android phone, there’s a reasonably decent chance you could be having issues receiving MMS messages (aka picture and video messages). Fortunately, there’s a quick and easy fix…now that we’ve actually figured out what’s going on here.

如果您使用的是Cricket Wireless並使用Android手機,則在接收MMS消息(即圖片和視頻消息)時可能會遇到相當不錯的機會。 幸運的是,這裏有一個快速簡便的修復程序……現在,我們實際上已經弄清楚了這裏發生的事情。

有什麼問題? (What’s the Problem?)

In short, you can’t receive MMS—the fancy term for picture messages. You’ll get a notification showing that there’s a message to download, but you won’t be able to download it. It’s frustrating.

簡而言之,您無法接收彩信(彩信)。 您會收到一條通知,顯示有一條消息要下載,但您將無法下載。 真令人沮喪

The problem stems from APNs—Access Point Names—that auto-download from your carrier, oftentimes after a reboot. The APN is the identifier that tells the phone where and how to access specific things on the network—in this case, MMS. And in the case of Cricket, it sometimes downloads multiple copies, one of which is missing key information required in order to correctly process MMS. For some reason, this causes issues with MMS even if the correct one is set as the default. The mere presence of the incorrect APN causes problems. It’s really a weird situation.

問題源於APN(接入點名稱),該APN通常是在重啓後從運營商自動下載的。 APN是告訴電話在何處以及如何訪問網絡上特定內容(在本例中爲MMS)的標識符。 對於Cricket,有時會下載多個副本,其中之一缺少正確處理MMS所需的關鍵信息。 由於某些原因, 即使正確的設置爲默認值 ,這也會引起MMS問題。 僅存在不正確的APN會引起問題。 這真是一個奇怪的情況。

如何修復 (How to Fix It)

The good news? It’s a simple fix—you just need to know where to look. To find your phone’s APNs, first pull down the notification shade and tap the gear icon.

好消息? 這是一個簡單的解決方法-您只需要知道在哪裏看即可。 要查找手機的APN,請先下拉通知欄,然後點擊齒輪圖標。

From here, things will be a bit different depending on what version of Android your phone is using. I’ll cover the most common ones.

從這裏開始,情況會有所不同,具體取決於您的手機所使用的Android版本。 我將介紹最常見的那些。

Android Oreo

Android Oreo

In the Settings menu, choose 「Network & Internet,」 then 「Mobile Network.」


Tap the Advanced dropdown button, then select Access Point Names.


From here, skip down to 「Fix Your APN」 below.


Android Nougat or Below


In the Settings menu, select 「More」 under the Wireless & Networks menu, then 「Cellular Networks.」


In this menu, select 「Access Point Names.」


From here, skip down to the 「Fix Your APN」 section below.


Samsung Galaxy S7 / S8 / Note 8

三星Galaxy S7 / S8 / Note 8

The following instructions are for Galaxy devices running Nougat.


In the Settings menu, first tap on 「Connections,」 then 「Mobile Networks.」


From there, tap on 「Access Point Names.」


Now it’s time to fix the problem.


Fix Your APN


Once you make it into the APN menu on your particular device, the steps should be the same for all devices. You’ll see a screen like this:

將其放入特定設備的APN菜單後,所有設備的步驟應相同。 您會看到如下屏幕:

If you have multiple APNs with the same name here—usually 「internet,」 there’s your issue. Tap on each one to see its details. You want to use the one with the following settings:

如果您在此處有多個具有相同名稱的APN(通常是「互聯網」),那就是您的問題了。 點擊每個查看其詳細信息。 您要使用以下設置之一:

  • Name: internet


  • APN: ndo

    APN: ndo

  • Proxy: Not set


  • Port: Not set


  • Username: Not set


  • Password: Not set


  • Server: Not set


  • MMSC: http://mmsc.aiowireless.net

    MMSC: http //mmsc.aiowireless.net

  • MMS Proxy: proxy.aiowireless.net

    MMS代理: proxy.aiowireless.net

  • MMS Port: 80

    彩信端口: 80

  • MCC: 310

    我的客戶中心: 310

  • MNC: 150

    跨國公司: 150

  • Authentication Type: Not set


  • APN Type: default,mms,supl,hipri,fota


  • APN Protocol: IPv4/IPv6

    APN協議: IPv4 / IPv6

  • APN Roaming Protocol: IPv4/IPv6

    APN漫遊協議: IPv4 / IPv6

  • APN Enable/Disable: enabled


  • Bearer: Uspecificed

    承載: Uspecificed

  • MVNO Type: None


  • MNVO Value: Not set


Once you’ve found the correct one, delete the other one. Do this by tapping on it to open its details, then three dots in the upper right corner, and choosing 「Delete APN.」

找到正確的一個後,刪除另一個。   爲此,請點擊它以打開其詳細信息,然後在右上角單擊三個點,然後選擇「刪除APN」。

Again, delete the one that doesn’t match the above details. If you only have one APN, modify its details to match the above list.

同樣,刪除與上述詳細信息匹配的內容。 如果只有一個APN,請修改其詳細信息以匹配上面的列表。

That should do it—once the incorrect APN has been removed, you should be able to send and receive MMS messages without issues. Just keep in mind that you may need to recheck the settings every time you reboot the phone, since APNs will likely be re-downloaded. It’s a stupid issue to have, I know, but at least it’s also an easy fix.

這樣做應該可以—一旦刪除了不正確的APN,您就應該能夠發送和接收MMS消息而不會出現問題。 請記住,由於可能會重新下載APN,因此每次重啓手機時可能需要重新檢查設置。 我知道這是一個愚蠢的問題,但至少這也是一個簡單的解決方法。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/339351/how-to-fix-android-mms-issues-on-cricket-wireless/
