<paper-input floatingLabel label="Suche" value="{{search}}" error-message="Invalid input!"></paper-input>
properties : { search : { type : String, notify : true, observer : 'searchChanged' } }, searchChanged : function() { this.$.searchAjax.url = /search/" + this.search; this.$.searchAjax.generateRequest(); }
So everytime the value changes the server is queried with a new URL. This works good but I want to delay the request to the server for about 500ms to not search after every input the user makes but after he stopped typing for 500ms.ide
You can use debounce
provided by polymer to group multiple event listeners.this
debounce(jobName, callback, [wait]). Call debounce to collapse multiple requests for a named task into one invocation, which is made after the wait time has elapsed with no new request. If no wait time is given, the callback is called at microtask timing (guaranteed to be before paint).url
You can read more about it https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/utility-functions.htmlcode
In your case, below modification should work:server
properties : { search : { type : String, notify : true, observer : 'searchChanged' } }, _getData: function() { this.$.searchAjax.url = '/search/' + this.search; this.$.searchAjax.generateRequest(); }, searchChanged : function() { this.debounce('getDataDebouce', this._getData, 500); }