
pip install boto3

pip install boto3

The latest development version can always be found on GitHub.最新的開發版本

Configuration 配置

在開始使用Boto 3以前,應該設置身份驗證憑據。您的AWS賬戶的憑據能夠在IAM控制檯中找到。您能夠建立或使用現有用戶。轉到管理訪問鍵並生成一組新的鍵。html


若是您已經安裝了AWS CLI,那麼您可使用它來配置您的憑據文件:python

aws configure


或者,您能夠本身建立憑據文件。默認狀況下,它的位置在 ~/.aws/credentials:ios

[default] aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY




[default] region=us-east-1

這將爲建立鏈接時使用的默認配置文件和默認區域設置憑據。有關深刻配置源和選項,請參見憑據。See Credentials 

使用Boto 3github

 import boto3api

 s3 = boto3.resource('s3')#使用Amazon S3session



for bucket in s3.buckets.all(): print(

上傳和下載二進制數據也很容易。例如,下面將一個新文件上傳到S3。它假設bucket my-bucket已經存在:

# Upload a new file
data = open('test.jpg', 'rb') s3.Bucket('my-bucket').put_object(Key='test.jpg', Body=data)

Resources and Collections will be covered in more detail in the following sections, so don't worry if you do not completely understand the examples.






A Sample  Tutorial# 一個示例教程
本教程將向您展現如何在AWS服務中使用Boto3。在本示例教程中,您將瞭解如何在Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)中使用Boto3
This tutorial will show you how to use Boto3 with an AWS service. In this sample tutorial, you will learn how to use Boto3 with Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

SQS allows you to queue and then process messages. This tutorial covers how to create a new queue, get and use an
existing queue, push new messages onto the queue, and process messages from the queue by using Resources and

Creating a Queue


# Get the service resource
sqs = boto3.resource('sqs') # Create the queue. This returns an SQS.Queue instance#建立隊列。它返回一個SQS。隊列實例 queue = sqs.create_queue(QueueName='test', Attributes={'DelaySeconds': '5'}) # You can now access identifiers and attributes print(queue.url) print(queue.attributes.get('DelaySeconds')) 

Reference: SQS.ServiceResource.create_queue()app



The code above may throw an exception if you already have a queue named test.




Using  an Existing Queue# 使用現有隊列


# Get the service resource
sqs = boto3.resource('sqs') # Get the queue. This returns an SQS.Queue instance queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName='test') # You can now access identifiers and attributes print(queue.url) print(queue.attributes.get('DelaySeconds')) 

It is also possible to list all of your existing queues:


# Print out each queue name, which is part of its ARN#
打印出每一個隊列名稱,它是其ARN的一部分 for queue in sqs.queues.all(): print(queue.url)


To get the name from a queue, you must use its ARN, which is available in the queue's attributesattribute.


Using queue.attributes['QueueArn'].split(':')[-1] will return its name.

Reference: SQS.ServiceResource.get_queue_by_name()SQS.ServiceResource.queues



Sending Messages


# Get the service resource
sqs = boto3.resource('sqs') # Get the queue queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName='test') # Create a new message response = queue.send_message(MessageBody='world') # The response is NOT a resource, but gives you a message ID and MD5 print(response.get('MessageId')) print(response.get('MD5OfMessageBody'))

You can also create messages with custom attributes:

queue.send_message(MessageBody='boto3', MessageAttributes={ 'Author': { 'StringValue': 'Daniel', 'DataType': 'String' } })
response = queue.send_messages(Entries=[ { 'Id': '1', 'MessageBody': 'world' }, { 'Id': '2', 'MessageBody': 'boto3', 'MessageAttributes': { 'Author': { 'StringValue': 'Daniel', 'DataType': 'String' } } } ]) # Print out any failures print(response.get('Failed'))


In this case, the response contains lists of Successful and Failed messages, so you can retry failures if needed.

Reference: SQS.Queue.send_message()SQS.Queue.send_messages()

Processing Messages 消息處理

Messages are processed in batches: 分批處理消息



# Get the service resource
sqs = boto3.resource('sqs') # Get the queue queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName='test') # Process messages by printing out body and optional author name#經過打印正文和可選做者名來處理消息 for message in queue.receive_messages(MessageAttributeNames=['Author']): # Get the custom author message attribute if it was set#讓隊列知道消息已被處理 author_text = '' if message.message_attributes is not None: author_name = message.message_attributes.get('Author').get('StringValue') if author_name: author_text = ' ({0})'.format(author_name) # Print out the body and author (if set)打印正文和做者(若是設置) print('Hello, {0}!{1}'.format(message.body, author_text)) # Let the queue know that the message is processed 讓隊列知道消息已被處理 message.delete()


Given only the messages that were sent in a batch with SQS.Queue.send_messages() in the previous section, the above code will print out:

Hello, world!
Hello, boto3! (Daniel)

Reference: SQS.Queue.receive_messages()SQS.Message.delete()




Code Examples
This section provides code examples that demonstrate common Amazon Web Services scenarios using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python.
本節提供的代碼示例演示了使用Python的Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK的常見Amazon Web服務場景。





User Guides用戶指南
