class TrieNode { constructor(data){ = data this.children = new Array(26) this.isEndingChar = false this.text = '' } } class TrieTree { constructor(){ this.root = new TrieNode('/') } insert(text){ let currentNode = this.root for(let char of text){ let index = char.charCodeAt() - 'a'.charCodeAt() if(!currentNode.children[index]){ currentNode.children[index] = new TrieNode(char) } currentNode = currentNode.children[index] } currentNode.isEndingChar = true currentNode.text = text } find(text){ let currentNode = this.root for(let char of text){ let index = char.charCodeAt() - 'a'.charCodeAt() if(currentNode.children[index]){ currentNode = currentNode.children[index] } else { return { input:text, result: false } } } return { input:currentNode.text, result:currentNode.isEndingChar } } } let tree = new TrieTree() let strs = ["how", "hi", "her", "hello", "so", "see"]; for(let str of strs) { tree.insert(str); } for(let str of strs) { console.log(tree.find(str)); } console.log(tree.find('world'));