$ groupadd ftpusers #建立用戶級ftpuserside
第二步:建立用戶目錄\用戶\密碼,輸入命令: $ mkdir /www/ #建立目錄www
$ chmod -R 777 /www/ #設置權限,好像必須777
$ useradd -d /www/ -g ftpusers -s /sbin/nologin ftp1 #增長用戶ftp1
$ passwd ftp1 #修改用戶名ftp1的密碼spa
vi /opt/lampp/etc/proftpd.conf #打開proftpd配置文件proftpd.conform
修改內容:/opt/lampp/lampp reloadftp #重啓proftpdblog
附:若是鏈接FTP時速度慢,請在proftpd配置文件proftpd.conf 中加入如下內容: # Slow logins # This is probably caused by a firewall or DNS timeout. By default ProFTPD will try to do both DNS and ident lookups against the # incoming connection. If these are blocked or excessively delayed a slower than normal login will result. To turn off DNS and ident # use: UseReverseDNS off IdentLookups off