以前分析過,這個newThread就是建立一個FastThreadLocalThread線程對象,所以這裏就是開啓一個線程。在這個線程中,將該線程對象賦值給SingleThreadEventExecutor對象的thread成員變量, thread = Thread.currentThread();至此,inEventLoop()方法將返回true了。。。而後接着執行SingleThreadEventExecutor.this.run();方法。進入該方法:app
protected void run() { for (;;) { try { switch (selectStrategy.calculateStrategy(selectNowSupplier, hasTasks())) { case SelectStrategy.CONTINUE: continue; case SelectStrategy.SELECT: select(wakenUp.getAndSet(false)); // 'wakenUp.compareAndSet(false, true)' is always evaluated // before calling 'selector.wakeup()' to reduce the wake-up // overhead. (Selector.wakeup() is an expensive operation.) // // However, there is a race condition in this approach. // The race condition is triggered when 'wakenUp' is set to // true too early. // // 'wakenUp' is set to true too early if: // 1) Selector is waken up between 'wakenUp.set(false)' and // 'selector.select(...)'. (BAD) // 2) Selector is waken up between 'selector.select(...)' and // 'if (wakenUp.get()) { ... }'. (OK) // // In the first case, 'wakenUp' is set to true and the // following 'selector.select(...)' will wake up immediately. // Until 'wakenUp' is set to false again in the next round, // 'wakenUp.compareAndSet(false, true)' will fail, and therefore // any attempt to wake up the Selector will fail, too, causing // the following 'selector.select(...)' call to block // unnecessarily. // // To fix this problem, we wake up the selector again if wakenUp // is true immediately after selector.select(...). // It is inefficient in that it wakes up the selector for both // the first case (BAD - wake-up required) and the second case // (OK - no wake-up required). if (wakenUp.get()) { selector.wakeup(); } default: // fallthrough } cancelledKeys = 0; needsToSelectAgain = false; final int ioRatio = this.ioRatio; if (ioRatio == 100) { try { processSelectedKeys(); } finally { // Ensure we always run tasks. runAllTasks(); } } else { final long ioStartTime = System.nanoTime(); try { processSelectedKeys(); } finally { // Ensure we always run tasks. final long ioTime = System.nanoTime() - ioStartTime; runAllTasks(ioTime * (100 - ioRatio) / ioRatio); } } } catch (Throwable t) { handleLoopException(t); } // Always handle shutdown even if the loop processing threw an exception. try { if (isShuttingDown()) { closeAll(); if (confirmShutdown()) { return; } } } catch (Throwable t) { handleLoopException(t); } } }
private void select(boolean oldWakenUp) throws IOException { Selector selector = this.selector; try { int selectCnt = 0; long currentTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(); long selectDeadLineNanos = currentTimeNanos + delayNanos(currentTimeNanos); for (;;) { long timeoutMillis = (selectDeadLineNanos - currentTimeNanos + 500000L) / 1000000L; if (timeoutMillis <= 0) { if (selectCnt == 0) { selector.selectNow(); selectCnt = 1; } break; } // If a task was submitted when wakenUp value was true, the task didn't get a chance to call // Selector#wakeup. So we need to check task queue again before executing select operation. // If we don't, the task might be pended until select operation was timed out. // It might be pended until idle timeout if IdleStateHandler existed in pipeline. if (hasTasks() && wakenUp.compareAndSet(false, true)) { selector.selectNow(); selectCnt = 1; break; } int selectedKeys = selector.select(timeoutMillis); selectCnt ++; if (selectedKeys != 0 || oldWakenUp || wakenUp.get() || hasTasks() || hasScheduledTasks()) { // - Selected something, // - waken up by user, or // - the task queue has a pending task. // - a scheduled task is ready for processing break; } if (Thread.interrupted()) { // Thread was interrupted so reset selected keys and break so we not run into a busy loop. // As this is most likely a bug in the handler of the user or it's client library we will // also log it. // // See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2426 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Selector.select() returned prematurely because " + "Thread.currentThread().interrupt() was called. Use " + "NioEventLoop.shutdownGracefully() to shutdown the NioEventLoop."); } selectCnt = 1; break; } long time = System.nanoTime(); if (time - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis) >= currentTimeNanos) { // timeoutMillis elapsed without anything selected. selectCnt = 1; } else if (SELECTOR_AUTO_REBUILD_THRESHOLD > 0 && selectCnt >= SELECTOR_AUTO_REBUILD_THRESHOLD) { // The selector returned prematurely many times in a row. // Rebuild the selector to work around the problem. logger.warn( "Selector.select() returned prematurely {} times in a row; rebuilding Selector {}.", selectCnt, selector); rebuildSelector(); selector = this.selector; // Select again to populate selectedKeys. selector.selectNow(); selectCnt = 1; break; } currentTimeNanos = time; } if (selectCnt > MIN_PREMATURE_SELECTOR_RETURNS) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Selector.select() returned prematurely {} times in a row for Selector {}.", selectCnt - 1, selector); } } } catch (CancelledKeyException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(CancelledKeyException.class.getSimpleName() + " raised by a Selector {} - JDK bug?", selector, e); } // Harmless exception - log anyway } }
首先,看下long selectDeadLineNanos = currentTimeNanos + delayNanos(currentTimeNanos);這一行代碼:嗯?delayNanos是什麼鬼?跟進去看一下:
下面在select方法中又是一個循環,在循環中第一句:long timeoutMillis = (selectDeadLineNanos - currentTimeNanos + 500000L) / 1000000L;這句話表示是否當前的定時任務隊列中有任務的截止事件快到了(<=0.5ms):
netty會在每次進行阻塞select以前記錄一下開始時時間currentTimeNanos,在select以後記錄一下結束時間,判斷select操做是否至少持續了timeoutMillis秒(這裏將time - TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis) >= currentTimeNanos改爲time - currentTimeNanos >= TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeoutMillis)或許更好理解一些),
這裏有一個NIO的空輪詢bug,該bug會致使Selector一直空輪詢,最終致使CPU飆升100%,nio Server不可用,那麼這個else部分的邏輯就是netty規避空輪詢的bug。若是阻塞select返回了,並非超時返回的,那麼就說明已經出現了空輪詢現象,那麼就進入了該else邏輯。該邏輯會判斷空輪詢的次數是否大於SELECTOR_AUTO_REBUILD_THRESHOLD這個數,這個數是多少呢?
public void rebuildSelector() { if (!inEventLoop()) { execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { rebuildSelector(); } }); return; } final Selector oldSelector = selector; //定義一個新的Selector對象 final Selector newSelector; if (oldSelector == null) { return; } try { //從新實例化該Selector對象 newSelector = openSelector(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to create a new Selector.", e); return; } // Register all channels to the new Selector. int nChannels = 0; for (;;) { try { //遍歷原有的selector上的key for (SelectionKey key: oldSelector.keys()) { //獲取註冊到selector上的NioServerSocketChannel Object a = key.attachment(); try { if (!key.isValid() || key.channel().keyFor(newSelector) != null) { continue; } int interestOps = key.interestOps(); //取消該key在舊的selector上的事件註冊 key.cancel(); //將該key對應的channel註冊到新的selector上 SelectionKey newKey = key.channel().register(newSelector, interestOps, a); if (a instanceof AbstractNioChannel) { // Update SelectionKey //從新綁定新key和channel的關係 ((AbstractNioChannel) a).selectionKey = newKey; } nChannels ++; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to re-register a Channel to the new Selector.", e); if (a instanceof AbstractNioChannel) { AbstractNioChannel ch = (AbstractNioChannel) a; ch.unsafe().close(ch.unsafe().voidPromise()); } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NioTask<SelectableChannel> task = (NioTask<SelectableChannel>) a; invokeChannelUnregistered(task, key, e); } } } } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { // Probably due to concurrent modification of the key set. continue; } break; } selector = newSelector; try { // time to close the old selector as everything else is registered to the new one oldSelector.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn("Failed to close the old Selector.", t); } } logger.info("Migrated " + nChannels + " channel(s) to the new Selector."); }