

  public class Repository
        //DbContext db = new DbContext();

        protected DbContext GetDbContext
                object efDbContext = CallContext.GetData("DbContext");
                if (efDbContext == null)
                    efDbContext = new DbContext();
                    CallContext.SetData("DbContext", efDbContext);
                return efDbContext as DbContext;


2. 不要隨便using或Dispose DbContext會致使延遲加載的不可用,還會有一些其餘錯誤 如IQueryable<T> 下面的方法(.First() /.Count())也不能用。



PhoneBookEntities phoneBookEntities = new PhoneBookEntities();
var ci = phoneBookEntities.ContactInfo.FirstOrDefault();//這裏並無拿到ci對象裏面的GroupInfo屬性。
if (ci != null) MessageBox.Show(ci.GroupInfo.GroupName);//是延遲加載,訪問 ci.GroupInfo.GroupName 纔會去數據庫查數據


ContactInfo ci = null;
using (PhoneBookEntities phoneBookEntities = new PhoneBookEntities())
	ci = phoneBookEntities.ContactInfo.FirstOrDefault();

if (ci != null) MessageBox.Show(ci.GroupInfo.GroupName);



IQueryable<ContactInfo> ci = null;
using (PhoneBookEntities phoneBookEntities = new PhoneBookEntities())
	ci = phoneBookEntities.ContactInfo.Where(c => true);

if (ci != null) MessageBox.Show(ci.Count().ToString());//報錯:提示DbContext已經釋放。


IQueryable<ContactInfo> ci = null;
using (PhoneBookEntities phoneBookEntities = new PhoneBookEntities())
	ci = phoneBookEntities.ContactInfo.Where(c => true);
	if (ci != null) MessageBox.Show(ci.Count().ToString());//能夠返回正確結果。


3.爲何你要using 或dispose掉DbContext ?


結論,You can call Dispose, but in most common scenarios you don’t need to.less

更詳細的能夠看這個英文博客的文章,其中有 Diego Vega (the Senior SDE Lead on EF) 的回信ide

Hello Jon,this

The default behavior of DbContext is that the underlying connection is automatically opened any time is needed and closed when it is no longer needed. E.g. when you execute a query and iterate over query results using 「foreach」, the call to IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator() will cause the connection to be opened, and when later there are no more results available, 「foreach」 will take care of calling Dispose on the enumerator, which will close the connection. In a similar way, a call to DbContext.SaveChanges() will open the connection before sending changes to the database and will close it before returning.url

Given this default behavior, in many real-world cases it is harmless to leave the context without disposing it and just rely on garbage collection.

That said, there are two main reason our sample code tends to always use 「using」 or dispose the context in some other way:

1. The default automatic open/close behavior is relatively easy to override: you can assume control of when the connection is opened and closed by manually opening the connection. Once you start doing this in some part of your code, then forgetting to dipose the context becomes harmful, because you might be leaking open connections.

2. DbContext implements IDiposable following the recommended pattern, which includes exposing a virtual protected Dispose method that derived types can override if for example the need to aggregate other unmanaged resources into the lifetime of the context.


By the way, with DbContext the pattern to open the connection manually and override the automatic open/close behavior is a bit awkward:


But we have a bug to make this easier as it used to be with ObjectContext before, e.g.:


Hope this helps,


